IV. Villains

Machine Empire

King Mondo
Voiced By: David Stenstrom
King Mondo is the leader of the Machine Empire that desires strip the Earth of its natural resources to use for his robotic army. King Mondo spends most of his time on the sidelines, sending his robotic monsters and Cogs to do his dirty work until the introduction of the Super Zeozords, where he decides to take on the Zeo Rangers on his own by using the Sword Of Damocles to power up and grow giant. However, the sword wasn’t strong enough to take on the Super Zeo Megazord and King Mondo is destroyed for a short time. However, he is soon rebuilt and destroyed again by Rita & Zedd by a bomb disguised as a peace offering.

Queen Machina
Voiced By: Alex Borstein
Queen Machina is the wife of King Mondo and the mother of Prince Sprocket & Prince Gasket. Queen Machina is supportive of her husband and sons in whatever crazy schemes they have for universal conquest. When King Mondo is in the process of being rebuilt after being destroyed by the Zeo Rangers, Queen Machina takes charge of the Machine Empire up until Louie Kaboom and later her eldest son, Prince Gasket take charge for a short time. Queen Machina is destroyed by a bomb given to her by Rita & Zedd disguised as a peace offering.

Prince Sprocket
Voiced By: Barbara Goodson
Prince Sprocket is the youngest son of King Mondo & Queen Machina that desires to please his father by coming up with plans to defeat the Zeo Rangers. Prince Sprocket is spoiled by his parents, getting monsters from them to fight the Zeo Rangers like Googleheimer Toy Robot & Wrecking Ball. When King Mondo is in the process of being rebuilt after being destroyed by the Zeo Rangers, Prince Sprocket is constantly at odds with his older brother, Prince Gasket for control of the Machine Empire. Prince Sprocket is destroyed by a bomb given to him by Rita & Zedd disguised as a peace offering.

Klank & Orbus
Voiced By: Oliver Page & Barbara Goodson
Klank & Orbus are loyal footmen that serve the royal family that rules the Machine Empire. After they begin their invasion of Earth, Klank & Orbus are given upgrades that give them the ability to grow monsters. When King Mondo is in the process of being rebuilt after being destroyed by the Zeo Rangers, Klank & Orbus swear their loyalty to Louie Kaboom and later Prince Gasket. Both Klank & Orbus are destroyed by a bomb given to them by Rita & Zedd disguised as a peace offering.

Louie Kaboom
Voiced By: Lex Lang
Louie Kaboom is a rocket-shaped robotic monster created by Rita & Zedd to take over the Machine Empire while King Mondo is being rebuilt and goes rogue after Rito & Goldar loses his remote controller. Louie continues to rule the Machine Empire until Prince Gasket & Princess Archerina arrive to reclaim it for themselves. He is transformed into a mindless slave by Princess Archerina and sent down to Earth to destroy the Zeo Rangers but is destroyed himself by the Super Zeo Megazord.

Prince Gasket
Voiced By: Douglas Sloan
Prince Gasket is the eldest son of King Mondo & Queen Machina that left the Machine Empire due to his marriage to Princess Archerina, who is the daughter of King Mondo’s arch nemesis, King Aradon. He returns to reclaim the Machine Empire from Louie Kaboom and attempts to rule it himself by coming up with plans to defeat the Zeo Rangers, with his first plan having him brainwash Tommy Oliver into thinking he’s the ruler of the Machine Empire and his teammates are evil. He also attempts invade the Earth multiple times, including a sneak invasion using the Chronosapios and using the giant monster, Mechaterpillar. After King Mondo is rebuilt and returns to ruling the Machine Empire, Prince Gasket goes into hiding for a short time but returns to fight the Zeo Rangers with his wife, growing giant to destroy the Zeo Rangers themselves. However, he is shrunken down after an attack from the Zeo Ultrazord and teleports away forever in order to evade explaining himself to his father.

Princess Archerina
Voiced By: Melora Harte
Princess Archerina is the wife of Prince Gasket and the daughter of King Mondo’s arch nemesis, King Aradon. She returns to the Machine Empire to assist her husband in reclaiming the Machine Empire from Louie Kaboom by using her love arrows to reprogram him and use him to destroy the Zeo Rangers. After this, Princess Archerina assists her husband in any way she can so that Prince Gasket can take over the Machine Empire. She also develops a fierce rivalry with Katherine, the Pink Zeo Ranger and challenges her to a one-on-one battle, which she ultimately loses. After King Mondo is rebuilt and returns to ruling the Machine Empire, Princess Archerina goes into hiding with her husband for a short time but returns to fight the Zeo Rangers with her husband by growing giant and fighting the Zeo Rangers themselves. However, she is shrunken down after an attack from the Zeo Ultrazord and teleports away forever.

The Cogs are robotic warriors that are used as foot soldiers by the Machine Empire.

The Quadrafighters are land and sky assault vehicles used by the Machine Empire.

Sky Fortresses
The Sky Fortresses are aerial ships used by the Machine Empire.

Rita & Zedd

Rita Repulsa
Played By: Carla Perez
Voiced By: Barbara Goodson
Rita Repulsa is an intergalactic space witch that is thrown out of the Moon Palace by the Machine Empire after celebrating the destruction of the Command Center, moving in with Master Vile for a short time. Rita Repulsa eventually returns to the Moon, where she plotted to overthrow the Machine Empire in her Mobile Base. Her first attempt was to send Louie Kaboom to take over the Machine Empire after King Mondo is destroyed by the Zeo Rangers, which backfired after he decides to go rogue. She is given a brand new Magic Wand from Finster, which she uses to create the Impursonator, the most powerful monster she ever created but is still destroyed when the Zeo Rangers team up with the Aquitian Rangers. She finally succeeded in destroying the Machine Empire by giving them a bomb disguised as a peace offering.

Lord Zedd
Voiced By: Robert Axelrod
Lord Zedd is the self-entitled Emperor Of Evil that is thrown out of the Moon Palace by the Machine Empire after celebrating the destruction of the Command Center, moving in with Master Vile for a short time. Lord Zedd eventually returns to the Moon, where he plotted to overthrow the Machine Empire in his Mobile Base. His first attempt was to send Louie Kaboom to take over the Machine Empire after King Mondo is destroyed by the Zeo Rangers, which backfired after he goes rogue. He finally succeeded in destroying the Machine Empire by giving them a bomb disguised as a peace offering.

Voiced By: Robert Axelrod
Finster is a russell terrier-like alien and a skilled monster maker that continues to serve Rita & Zedd when they return to the Moon after being thrown out of their Moon Palace by the Machine Empire. Finster concocts ideas and items for Rita & Zedd to use to regain their evil empire, like teleporting the Zeo Rangers into the Machine Area to thwarts one of Prince Gasket’s plans or creating a new Magic Wand for Rita Repulsa, which she uses to create the Impursonator.

Voiced By: Kerrigan Mahan
Goldar is a winged golden monkey-like alien and  the once fierce warrior loyal to Rita & Zedd that loses his memory and wings after getting caught in the backfire after the destruction the Command Center. He is found by Bulk & Skull and become their servant for a short time. He eventually gets his memories and wings restored to him by Rita & Zedd and return to their services to aid them in regaining their once powerful empire. Goldar then gains a role similar to Squatt & Baboo, performing minor tasks for Rita & Zedd like blasting off Louie Kaboom to the Machine Empire’s Castle and finding out about Prince Gasket’s arrival on the Moon.

Rito Revolto
Voiced By: Bob Papenbrook
Rito Revolto is a skeleton-like alien and the bumbling brother of Rita Repulsa that loses his memory after getting caught in the backfire after the destruction of the Command Center. He is found by Bulk & Skull and become their servants for a short time. He eventually gets his memories restored to him by Rita & Zedd and return to their services to aid them in regaining their once powerful empire. Rito then gains a role similar to Squatt & Baboo, performing minor tasks for Rita & Zedd like blasting off Louie Kaboom to the Machine Empire’s Castle and finding out about Prince Gasket’s arrival on the Moon.

Serpentera is a giant chinese dragon-themed zord that is used by Rita & Zedd when they are forced to retreat from the Moon after it is taken over by The Machine Empire. It is assumed that Rita & Zedd return to the Moon in Serpentera, leaving it buried in the Sea Of Tranquility.

Tenga Warriors
The Tenga Warriors are bird-like creatures that are used by Rita & Zedd as foot soldiers.

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