Zeo Rangers
Tommy Oliver, Red Zeo Ranger
Played By: Jason David Frank
Tommy Oliver goes on a quest to a Native American Tribe to retrieve the Red Zeo Subcrystal after his Falcon Ninja Coin is destroyed by Rita & Zedd and becomes the Red Zeo Ranger. He also obtains half on an arrowhead, which leads him to learn he has a half brother, David Trueheart. After Kimberly Hart breaks up with him through a letter, he starts a relationship with Katherine Hillard, the Pink Zeo Ranger.
Adam Park, Green Zeo Ranger
Played By: Johnny Yong Bosch
Adam Park goes on a quest to Korea to retrieve the Green Zeo Subcrystal after his Frog Ninja Coin is destroyed by Rita & Zedd and becomes the Green Zeo Ranger. Adam teaches martial arts class at the local Youth Center and takes up boxing for a short time.
Rocky DeSantos, Blue Zeo Ranger
Played By: Steve Cardenas
Rocky DeSantos goes on a quest to Mexico to retrieve the Blue Zeo Subcrystal after his Ape Ninja Coin is destroyed by Rita & Zedd and becomes the Blue Zeo Ranger. Rocky teaches martial arts class at the local Youth Center and competes in local martial arts tournaments. Rocky gets a little jealous after Jason Lee Scott comes back to Angel Grove, thinking he’s being overshadowed.
Tanya Sloan, Yellow Zeo Ranger
Played By: Nakia Burrise
Tanya Sloan is a girl Aisha Campbell befriends in Africa when she goes on her quest to retrieve the Yellow Zeo Subcrystal after her Bear Ninja Coin is destroyed by Rita & Zedd. When Aisha decides to stay in Africa to help the wildlife there, Tanya takes her place as the Yellow Zeo Ranger. Not soon after enrolling at Angel Grove High School, Tanya begins a relationship with a boy named Shawn, which shortly dissolves after Shawn shows his true colors. Tanya is a skilled singer and is shown performing at the Youth Center.
Katherine Hillard, Pink Zeo Ranger
Played By: Catherine Sutherland
Katherine Hillard goes on a quest to Australia to retrieve the Pink Zeo Subcrystal after her Crane Ninja Coin is destroyed by Rita & Zedd and becomes the Pink Zeo Ranger. Kat is a talented dancer and performs in many dance productions at the Youth Center. After Kimberly Hart breaks up with Tommy Oliver, the two eventually begin their own relationship.
Trey Of Triforia, Gold Ranger I
Played By: Tom, Tim & Ted DiFillippo
Voiced By: Brad Hawkins
Trey Of Triforia is the Gold Ranger from the planet, Triforia that travels to Earth to assist the Zeo Rangers in battle against the Zeo Rangers. After an altercation with the Varox Bounty Hunter, Trey is split into three beings, therefore being unable to use his powers. He passes on his powers to Jason Lee Scott temporarily until he is able reunite his three forms.
Jason Lee Scott, Gold Ranger II
Played By: Austin St. John
Jason Lee Scott returns to Angel Grove after attending a Peace Conference in Switzerland to become the Gold Ranger after the original Gold Ranger, Trey Of Triforia is unable to utilize the powers. Shortly after returning to Angel Grove, Jason develops a relationship with a girl named Emily. After his Gold Ranger powers begin to weaken, due to the powers not being able to handle his physiology, he decides to return the Gold Ranger powers to Trey Of Triforia.