III. Villains

Evil Space Aliens

Lord Zedd
Voiced By: Robert Axelrod
Lord Zedd is the self-entitled Emperor Of Evil that continued to attack the Earth with his wife, Rita Repulsa. He eventually get an antidote for the love potion given to him by Rita Repulsa, but it is revealed that Lord Zedd developed real feelings for Rita Repulsa. He is moved to the sidelines when his father-in-law, Master Vile attempts to defeat the Power Rangers and take over the Earth. When Master Vile returns to his home galaxy, he returns to leading the attack on Earth, successfully obtaining the Ninja Coins and destroying them. He then orders Rito & Goldar to plant bombs inside the Command Center after finding a secret entrance and successfully blows it up after obtaining the Zeo Crystal.

Rita Repulsa
Played By: Carla Perez
Voiced By: Barbara Goodson
Rita Repulsa is an intergalactic space witch that continues to attack the Earth with her husband, Lord Zedd. After her brother, Rito Revolto  arrives to the Moon Palace to give Tenga Warrior Eggs to them as a wedding present, she gives him the task of leading an army of giant monsters to destroy the Thunderzord and Power Coins. She eventually brainwashes the Australian Foreign Exchange Student, Katherine Hillard and uses her as a spy, which comes in handy as she is able to steal the Crane Ninja Coin, the Falconzord & Ninjor for a short time. Her father, Master Vile later comes to the Moon Palace and attempts to take over the Earth and defeat the Power Rangers for a short time and takes the sidelines for a while. When Master Vile returns to his home planet, she returns to leading the attack on Earth, successfully obtaining the Ninja Coins and destroying them. She then orders Rito & Goldar to plant bombs inside the Command Center after finding a secret entrance and successfully blows it up after obtaining the Zeo Crystal.

Master Vile
Voiced By: Simon Prescott
Master Vile is a powerful dark sorcerer and the father of Rita Repulsa & Rito Revolto. He comes to the Moon Palace to obtain the Zeo Crystal, hidden under the Moon Palace and uses his Blue Globbor to fight the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers. He eventually obtains the Zeo Crystal and hides it inside the captured Shogun Megazord on a planet in the M-51 Galaxy. He then throws an End Of The World Party at the Angel Grove Youth Center before blowing the Earth up with the Zeo Crystal, but fails after the Power Rangers are able to re-obtain it and break his connection to the Zeo Crystal. After attempting to destroy the Power Rangers with another monster, Dischordia, Master Vile uses the Orb Of Doom to turn back time and turns the Power Rangers into children. He then attempts a full on invasion of Earth led by his general, Professor Longnose but is thwarted when the Aquitian Rangers destroys his army. Master Vile is then fed up with destroying the Earth, returning to the M-51 Galaxy.

Rito Revolto
Voiced By: Bob Papenbrook
Rito Revolto is a skeleton-like alien and the bumbling brother of Rita Repulsa that comes to the Moon Palace to give her a wedding present, consisting of Tenga Warriors Eggs and a Vampirus Egg. He is then drafted to lead an army of monsters to destroy the Thunderzord & Power Coins. He then attempts to fight the Power Rangers again after they obtain new powers but is defeated by the Ninja Megazord. From then on, Rito stays at the Moon Palace to the chagrin of Lord Zedd and often leads an army of Tenga Warriors to fight the Power Rangers or accompanies Goldar in fights. After his father, Master Vile returns to the M-51 Galaxy, Rito successfully obtain the Ninja Coins for Rita & Zedd to destroy for good. He is then tasked with planting bombs in the Command Center with Goldar after finding a secret entrance and succeeds after obtaining the Zeo Crystal.

Voiced By: Kerrigan Mahan
Goldar is a winged golden monkey-like alien that continues to be Lord Zedd’s second-in-command and continued to attempt to get Rita Repulsa banished from the Moon Palace. He eventually learns from Rito Revolto that Rita Repulsa gave Lord Zedd a love potion and orders Finster to give him an antidote, which ends up backfiring due to Lord Zedd developing feeling for Rita Repulsa. From then on, Goldar becomes more loyal to Rita Repulsa and often accompanied Rito Revolto on mission or fights against the Power Rangers. After the Power Rangers are turned into children by the Orb Of Doom, Goldar steals the Ninja Coins from them after they attempted to use them to return to their true ages and held them as Rita Repulsa & Lord Zedd uses their powers to destroy them. He is then given the task of planting bombs in the Command Center with Rito Revolto after they find a secret entrance and successfully blows it up after obtaining the Zeo Crystal.

Voiced By: Robert Axelrod
Finster is a russell terrier-like alien and a skilled monster maker that resume his role as primary monster maker for Rita & Zedd. He is also be able to create devices for Rita & Zedd, like a device to pull a monster from Kimberly Hart’s dreams or a device that transforms a Taxi Cab into Crabby Cabbie. Finster is also in the possession of the Scrolls Of Zordina, using them to find the Shogunzord.

Squatt & Baboo
Voiced By: Michael Sorich & Dave Mallow
Squatt & Baboo are the bumbling henchmen of Rita Repulsa & Lord Zedd. Squatt & Baboo that continue to perform minor tasks for Rita & Zedd, like finding a lantern for Rita Repulsa to turn into a monster or obtaining the urn that contains Face Stealer. They also accompany Finster to Zordina, where they unintentionally find the Shogunzords.

Katherine Hillard (Evil)
Played By: Catherine Sutherland
Katherine Hillard is a foreign exchange student from Australia that is brainwashed by Rita Repulsa into becoming her spy, befriending the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers as a new student and also becomes the pet cat of Kimberly Hart & Aisha Campbell named PC. She also fights the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers as a cat-like monster named Katastrophe. During her tenure as an agent of evil, Katherine successfully captures Crane Ninja Coin and the Falconzord for Rita & Zedd. She is eventually able to free herself from Rita’s evil influence, aiding the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers by getting back the Crane Ninja Coin, becoming the new Pink Ranger after Kimberly Hart moves to Florida to train for the Pan Global Games.

Hydro Hog
Voiced By: Brad Orchard
Hydro Hog is a sea monk-like monster living on Aquitar as the Emperor Of The Dark Waters. He is also the sworn enemies of the Aquitian Rangers that is summoned to Earth by Lord Zedd to use his water draining abilities to weaken the Aquitian Rangers and successfully drains all the water from Angel Grove. After Billy Cranston is able to rehydrate the Aquitian Rangers, they resume their fight with the Hydro Hog, where he is grown giant by Rita & Zedd. They attempt to destroy him with the Shogun Megazord, but due to that not being enough power, Billy Cranston summons the Falconzord with a remote, with Hydro Hog being destroyed by the Shogun MegaFalconzord.

Serpentera is a giant chinese dragon-themed zord piloted by Rita Repulsa & Lord Zedd to use as their personal vehicle to go on their second honeymoon. They are forced to return to the Moon Palace early when it is revealed that wasn’t charged up enough by Rito Revolto.

Tenga Warriors
The Tenga Warriors are bird-like creatures given to Rita & Zedd as a Wedding Present by Rito Revolto. They become foot soldiers to Rita & Zedd after hatching and become more powerful after they are given food by Master Vile.


The Repulsascope is a telescope given to Rita Repulsa by Lord Zedd as an anniversary gift. She uses this telescope to look in on events taking place on Earth.


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