Rocky DeSantos, Mighty Morphin’ Red Ranger II


Name: Rocky DeSantos
Ranger: Mighty Morphin’ Red
Actor: Steve Cardenas
Episodes: 128
First Appearance: “The Ninja Encounter: Part 1″
Last Appearance: “Once And Always”
Sentai: Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger, Ninja Sentai Kakuranger
Producer: Saban

Character Bio

Rocky DeSantos, the Red Ranger travels to the Desert Of Despair with his teammates after his Red Power Coin is destroyed by Rito Revolto and is given the Ape Ninja Coin & Ape Ninjazord by Ninjor. Rocky teaches martial arts class at the local Youth Center and competes in local martial arts tournaments. Rocky is turned into a child after Master Vile uses the Orb Of Doom to turn back time and goes on a quest to Mexico to retrieve the Blue Zeo Subcrystal after his Ape Ninja Coin is destroyed by Rita & Zedd.


Power Morpher (Ape Ninja Coin)
The Power Morpher is used by Rocky DeSantos, in conjunction with the Ape Power Coin, a gold coin created by Ninjor to replace his Tyrannosaurus Rex Power Coin to morph into the Red Ranger. The Ape Ninja Coin is destroyed by Rita & Zedd shortly after Rocky DeSantos is turned into a child by the Orb Of Doom.

Blue Zeo Subcrystal
The Blue Zeo Subcrystal is one of five pieces of the Zeo Crystal, a powerful crystal that becomes more powerful as time progresses.
Rocky DeSantos travels to Mexico to obtain it, finding the Blue Zeo Subcrystal inside a volcano.


Red Ape Ninjazord
The Red Ape Ninjazord is an ape-like zord that is given to the Red Ranger by Ninjor to use in battle after receiving the Ape Ninja Coin. After the Falconzord is captured by Rita & Zedd, the Red Ape Ninjazord becomes inoperable until Billy Cranston develops a remote that mimics a frequency similar to the Falconzord.


Red Shogunzord
The Red Shogunzord is a red humanoid-like zord that Finster found on Zordnia. Rita & Zedd then planned to use the Red Shogunzord to destroy Angel Grove. However, the Red Shogunzord is able to break free of its evil control and is later piloted by the Red Ranger in place of his Red Ape Ninjazord.


Blade Blaster
The Blade Blaster is a blaster-like weapon used by the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers.


Red Ninja Ranger
The Red Ninja Ranger is an alternate mode used by Rocky DeSantos to fight lower level foes with basic ninja powers.

Metallic Armor
The Metallic Armor is a glittery powered-up form given to the Red Ranger to enhance his strength in order to fight strong monsters and powered up Tenga Warriors.

Other Form

Episode“Another Brick In The Wall”
Rocky DeSantos is transformed into a brick by the monster, Brick Bully.


Red Shark Cycle
The Red Shark Cycle is a red shark-like motorcycle driven by the Red Ranger.

Younger Form

Young Rocky DeSantos
Played By: Michael J O’Laskey II
Rocky DeSantos is temporarily reverted to this age after Master Vile uses the Orb Of Doom on the Earth.

Later Appearances

Power Rangers Legacy Wars: Street Fighter Showdown
Short Film
The Red Ranger is brainwashed by M-Bison and joins his Evil Ranger Army.

Super Ninja Steel
: “Dimensions In Danger”
Rocky DeSantos is the Red Ranger that is captured by Lord Draven and is used as one of the components for his Ranger Clone Army. He is later rescued and teams up with the Ninja Steel Rangers & Legendary Rangers in fighting Lord Draven and his Ranger Clone Army.

30th Anniversary Special
Episode: “
Once & Always”
Rocky DeSantos is the second Red Ranger chosen by Jason Lee Scott to take his place after he leaves for a Peace Conference in Switzerland. After retiring as a Power Ranger, it is revealed that Rocky became a firefighter until the Bandora Protocol is activated, becoming the Red Ranger once again after being given a Proxy Power Coin by Billy Cranston. He then uses this power to fight Robo Rita and her army to prevent Robo Rita from using a time machine to destroy their younger selves in the past. He returns to his normal life as a firefighter after defeating Robo Rita.

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