Name: Aisha Campbell
Ranger: Mighty Morphin’ Yellow
Actor: Karan Ashley
Episodes: 73
First Appearance: “The Ninja Encounter: Part 1″
Last Appearance: “Once And Always”
Sentai: Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger, Ninja Sentai Kakuranger
Producer: Saban
Character Bio
Aisha Campbell, the Yellow Ranger travels to the Desert Of Despair with her teammates after her Yellow Power Coin is destroyed by Rito Revolto and is given the Bear Ninja Coin & Bear Ninjazord by Ninjor. Aisha has a deep love for animals and is regularly seen volunteering at the local animal shelter. Aisha is turned into a child after Master Vile uses the Orb Of Doom to turn back time and goes on a quest to Africa to retrieve the Yellow Zeo Subcrystal after her Bear Ninja Coin is destroyed by Rita & Zedd. During this quest however, Aisha decides to stay in Africa after learning the wildlife there are sick and would give her Yellow Zeo Subcrystal to Tanya Sloan.
Power Morpher (Bear Ninja Coin)
The Power Morpher is used by Aisha Campbell, in conjunction with the Bear Power Coin, a gold coin created by Ninjor to replace her Sabertooth Tiger Power Coin to morph into the Yellow Ranger. The Bear Ninja Coin is destroyed by Rita & Zedd shortly after Aisha Campbell is turned into a child by the Orb Of Doom.
Yellow Zeo Subcrystal
The Yellow Zeo Subcrystal is one of five pieces of the Zeo Crystal, a powerful crystal that becomes more powerful as time progresses.
Aisha Campbell travels to Africa to obtain it, being given the Yellow Zeo Subcrystal by her Great Aunt, Ashalla in exchange for her staying in Africa to aid in curing the sick wildlife.
She gives the Yellow Zeo Subcrystal to Tanya Sloan, who uses its power to morph into the Yellow Zeo Ranger.
Yellow Bear Ninjazord
The Yellow Bear Ninjazord is a bear-like zord that is given to the Yellow Ranger by Ninjor to use in battle after receiving the Bear Ninja Coin. After the Falconzord is captured by Rita & Zedd, the Yellow Bear Ninjazord becomes inoperable until Billy Cranston develops a remote that mimics a frequency similar to the Falconzord.
Yellow Shogunzord
The Yellow Shogunzord is a yellow humanoid-like zord that Finster found on Zordnia. Rita & Zedd then planned to use the Yellow Shogunzord to destroy Angel Grove. However, the Yellow Shogunzord is able to break free of its evil control and is later piloted by the Yellow Ranger in place of her Yellow Bear Ninjazord.
Blade Blaster
The Blade Blaster is a blaster-like weapon used by the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers.
Yellow Ninja Ranger
The Yellow Ninja Ranger is an alternate mode used by Aisha Campbell to fight lower level foes with basic ninja powers.
Metallic Armor
The Metallic Armor is a glittery powered-up form given to the Yellow Ranger to enhance her strength in order to fight strong monsters and powered up Tenga Warriors.
Other Forms
Noxious Liquid
Episode: “Wizard For A Day”
Aisha Campbell is transformed into a noxious liquid by the monster, Marvo The Meanie.
Episode: “Fourth Down And Long”
Aisha Campbell is transformed into a football by the monster, Centiback.
Episode: “Another Brick In The Wall”
Aisha Campbell is transformed into a brick by the monster, Brick Bully.
Yellow Shark Cycle
The Yellow Shark Cycle is a yellow saw shark-like motorcycle driven by the Yellow Ranger.
Younger Form
Young Aisha Campbell
Played By: Sicily
Aisha Campbell is temporarily reverted to this age after Master Vile uses the Orb Of Doom on the Earth.
Later Appearances
Power Rangers Legacy Wars: Street Fighter Showdown
Short Film
The Yellow Ranger is brainwashed by M-Bison and joins his Evil Ranger Army.
30th Anniversary Special
Episode: “Once & Always”
Aisha Campbell is the former second Yellow Ranger that is revealed to have gotten a job with Adam Park at Space Patrol Alpha in the Sirius System. She returns to Earth after the other Power Rangers succeed in defeating Robo Rita, leaving shortly after to bring the captured Power Rangers to Aquitar to cure their shrinking caused by Robo Snizzard. She also gives Minh Kwan her blessing in continuing the Sabertooth Tiger Legacy.