Count Dregon’s Monsters
Count Dregon’s Crew
(Count Dregon, Nefaria, Cyclopter, Double Face, Gork & Fact)
Voiced By: Ken Merckx, Jennifer Tung, Steve Kramer, Michael Sorich, Michael McConnohie & Julie Maddalena
“A Friend In Need: Part 1, 2 & 3”
Count Dregon is the disowned son of King Lexian of Edenoi that attempted to take over the planet in order to obtain the powers of the Masked Rider. After the Masked Rider teams up with the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers to fight his Plague Patrol, he sets his sights on Earth.
Plague Sentry
Voiced By: Tom Wyner
“A Friend In Need: Part 1, 2 & 3”
The Plague Sentry is the leader of the Plague Patrol and overseer of the enslaved people of Edenoi for Count Dregon.
Plague Patrol
(Plague Patrol #1, Plague Patrol #2 & Plague Patrol #3)
Voiced By: Scott Page-Pagter, Stephen Apostolina & Oliver Page
“A Friend In Need: Part 1, 2 & 3”
The Plague Patrol are a triad of warrior monsters that are sent to destroy the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers after they arrived on Edenoi. They fight the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers when they team up with the Masked Rider and his friends, eventually retreating from battle.
“A Friend In Need: Part 2 & 3”
The Cogwarts toad-like creatures that are sent down by Count Dregon to aid the Plague Patrol in fighting the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Rangers & Masked Rider. They are all destroyed by the Masked Rider’s Electro Saber.
Rita & Zedd’s Monsters
Voiced By: Michael McConnohie
“A Friend In Need: Part 2 & 3”
Repellator is a green tick-like monster created by Finster that is sent down to Earth to attack Angel Grove while the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers were on Edenoi. He is thwarted however by the Pink Ranger, who stayed on Earth due to her being sick and catches her cold after she sneezes on him in battle. After being given one of Finster’s Tummy Tubs, he is sent back to Earth and is grown giant by Lord Zedd but is destroyed by the combined efforts of the Thunder Megazord & White Tigerzord Warrior Mode.
Rito Revolto’s Ambush Army
(Lizzinator, Fighting Flea, Octophantom & Stag Beetle)
Voiced By: Dave Mallow, Barbara Goodson, Eddie Frierson & Wendee Lee
“Ninja Quest: Part 1”
Rito Revolto is given a small monster army created by Finster, consisting of Lizzinator, Fighting Flea, Octophantom & Stag Beetle that aid in the destruction of the Thunderzords.
Voiced By: Michael Sorich & Wendee Lee
“Ninja Quest Part: 4” “A Different Shade Of Pink: Part 1” “Master Vile And The Metallic Armor: Part 3” “King For A Day: Part 1 & 2” & “Countdown To Destruction: Part 1 & 2”
Vampirus is a vampire-like creature that is given to Rita & Zedd in egg form by Rito Revolto as a Wedding Present. His egg is left at the entrance of the Temple Of Power by the Tenga Warriors and attempts to break into it shortly after hatching. He is thwarted however by Ninjor and is grown giant by Rita & Zedd, giving Ninjor a decent battle until the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers show up and destroy him by the combined efforts of Ninjor and the Ninja MegaFalconzord. Vampirus is later recreated as extra muscle in a plan of attack to prevent Kimberly Hart from practicing for the Pan Global Games. He is later seen as a guest at Master Vile’s End Of The World Party, as an audience member in Prince Gasket’s Machine Arena and as a member of Rita & Zedd’s Army during their conquest of the Vica Galaxy.
Voiced By: Eddie Frierson
“A Brush With Destiny” “A Different Shade Of Pink: Part 1” “Master Vile And The Metallic Armor: Part 3” & “King For A Day: Part 1 & 2”
Artistmole is an artistic mole-like monster that manifested in Kimberly Hart’s nightmare of possibly leaving Angel Grove to move to France. He is brought into the real world by one of Finster’s devices and uses his magic paintbrush to drain the color and life force from living things, including the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers & Ninjor. After it is revealed that Kimberly Hart is the only one that could defeat him, he is destroyed by a blast from the Pink Ranger’s Blade Blaster. He is revived and grown giant by Rita & Zedd but is destroyed by the combined efforts of the Ninja MegaFalconzord & Ninjor. Artistmole is later recreated as extra muscle in a plan of attack to prevent Kimberly Hart from practicing for the Pan Global Games. He is later seen as a guest at Master Vile’s End Of The World Party and as an audience member in Prince Gasket’s Machine Arena.
Voiced By: Mike Reynolds & Brian Tahash
“Passing The Lantern” “Alien Rangers Of Aquitar: Part 1 & 2” & “King For A Day: Part 1 & 2”
Lanterra is a lantern-themed monster created by Rita Repulsa from one of the stolen paper lanterns previously owned by Ko. He is sent to Earth to fight the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers, with Adam Park being hesitant at first when he is under the assumption that it was made from his families lantern. The Black Ranger later fights Lanterra after having an epiphany and beats him into submission with a powerful punching attack. He is then grown giant by Rita & Zedd but is destroyed by the Ninja MegaFalconzord & Ninjor. Lanterra is later seen attending Master Vile’s Monster Conference and as an audience member in Prince Gasket’s Machine Arena.
Marvo The Meanie
Played By: Robert Zachar
“Wizard For A Day” King For A Day: Part 1 & 2″ “Flashes Of Darkonda” “Countdown To Destruction: Part 1 & 2” & “Protect The Quasar Saber”
Marvo The Meanie is an elf-like monster created by Rito Revolto after he accidentally blasts Mister Wilton with the Z Staff. He uses his power to turn all of the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers besides Rocky DeSantos into containers of liquid. After Rocky DeSantos is able to turn his teammates back to normal, he is grown giant by Rito Revolto but is destroyed by the Ape Ninjazord, turning Mister Wilton back to normal. Marvo is later seen as an audience member in Prince Gasket’s Machine Arena, as a patron at the Onyx Tavern, as a member of the Machine Empire’s Army during their conquest of the Phantom Ranger’s Home Planet and at the auction for the Pink Quasar Saber held at the Onyx Tavern.
Voiced By: Brad Orchard
“Fourth Down And Long” “Master Vile And The Metallic Armor: Part 3” & “King For A Day: Part 1 & 2”
Centiback is a centipede/football player-themed monster created after Finster’s magical centipede is exposed to a football. He has the ability to transform anyone that is hit with his magic football into a football and successfully turns all of the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers except the Red Ranger into footballs. After the Red Ranger & Ninjor are able to turn their teammates back to normal, he is grown giant by Rita & Zedd but is destroyed by the combined efforts of the Ninja Megazord & Ninjor. Centiback is later seen as a guest at Master Vile’s End Of The World Party and as an audience member in Prince Gasket’s Machine Arena.
Hate Master
Voiced By: Michael Sorich
“Stop The Hate Master: Part 1 & 2” “Master Vile And The Metallic Armor: Part 3” & “King For A Day: Part 1 & 2”
Hate Master is a rapping chimera-like monster created by Rita & Zedd from magical seeds of hate. He then spreads his hate dust around the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers, causing all of them besides Aisha Campbell to be filled with hatred. He is then grown giant by Rita & Zedd to attack Angel Grove and fights the Ninjazords until they retreat after being struck by Hate Master’s spell. After failing to put Aisha Campbell under his spell and Alpha 5 successfully breaking the spell on the other Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers, he is grown giant by Rita & Zedd and is destroyed by the combined efforts of the Ninjazord & Titanus. Hate Master is later seen as a guest at Master Vile’s End Of The World Party and as an audience member in Prince Gasket’s Machine Arena.
Face Stealer
Voiced By: Scott Page-Pagter
“Final Face-Off” & “Countdown To Destruction: Part 1 & 2”
Face Stealer is a face stealing monster that terrorized the Nation Of Kahmala until it was trapped into a magic urn by four Kahmalan Warriors five millennia ago. His magic urn is put on exhibit at the Angel Grove Museum and is stolen by Rito Revolto, so that Rita Repulsa could release him and unleashes him on Angel Grove. He successfully steals the faces of many Angel Grove civilians, including Aisha Campbell & Adam Park until the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers use the four masks used by the Kahmalan Warriors to negate his powers and release the faces he’d stolen. He is then grown giant by Rita & Zedd and is thrown back into the magic urn he was originally captured in after being blasted by the Ninja Ultrazord. Face Stealer is later seen as a member of the Machine Empire’s Army during their conquest of the Phantom Ranger’s Home Planet.
Miss Chief
Voiced By: Rebecca Forstadt
“The Potion Notion” “Master Vile And The Metallic Armor: Part 3” “Alien Rangers Of Aquitar: Part 1 & 2” “King For A Day: Part 1 & 2” & “Countdown To Destruction: Part 1 & 2”
Miss Chief is a firefighter-themed monster created by Finster that is brought to life by Rito Revolto after being exposed to Finster’s Love Potion. She is sent to Earth equipped with the Love Potion to make various people around Angel Grove fall in love with each other, including having Kimberly Hart fall in love with Skull. Her pairings are cured by Finster under the orders of Goldar to test an antidote and is sent back to Earth to continue her wicked pairings when Rita & Zedd returned to the Moon Palace from their botched honeymoon. After a small fight with the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers, she is grown giant by Rita & Zedd but is destroyed by the Ninja MegaFalconzord. Miss Chief is later seen as a guest at Master Vile’s End Of The World Party, Master Vile’s Monster Conference, as an audience member in Prince Gasket’s Machine Arena and as a member of Rita & Zedd’s Army during their conquest of the Vica Galaxy.
Voiced By: Catherine Sutherland
“A Ranger Katastrophe: Part 2” & “Countdown To Destruction: Part 1 & 2”
Katastrophe is a cat-like monster Katherine Hillard is transformed into by Rita Repulsa to prevent the Billy Cranston & Adam Park from reaching Billy Cranston’s Lab and retreats after the rest of the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers join the fight. She is later sent back to attack Earth after Tommy Oliver is freed from a wormhole and grown giant by Rita & Zedd but is defeated by the combined efforts of the Ninja MegaFalconzord & Ninjor. Katastrophe is later seen as a member of Divatox’s Army during her conquest of Gratha.
Falconzord (Bird)
“Changing Of The Zords: Part 1”
The Falconzord is transformed into a bird after it is captured by Katherine Hillard, with the intent of using it to mix its technology with that of the Shogunzords. It is stowed away in a cage in the Moon Palace’s Throne Room until it is rescued by Tommy Oliver & Katherine Hillard after they obtain the Zeo Crystal.
Voiced By: Oliver Page & Richard Epcar
“Changing Of The Zords: Part 2” & “Master Vile And The Metallic Armor: Part 3”
Inciserator is a fanged monster created by Lord Zedd to distract and fight the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers so that Katherine Hillard could lure Kimberly Hart into a trap. After Goldar successfully captures Kimberly Hart, Inciserator retreats from battle. Inciserator is later seen as a guest at Master Vile’s End Of The World Party.
“Changing Of The Zords: Part 3”
The Shogunzords are ancient zords that were lost to time until Finster deciphers the Scrolls Of Zordina, finding them with Squatt & Baboo. They are then powered by a captured Ninjor and armed with battle technology from a stolen Falconzord. The Shogunzord were to be used by Rita Repulsa & Lord Zedd to destroy Angel Grove, with the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers piloting them in exchange for the safe return of a captured Kimberly Hart. They are reprogrammed however and are used by the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers as their primary zords while their Ninjazord are inaccessible.
See Monster
Voiced By: Brian Tahash
“Changing Of The Zords: Part 3” “Master Vile And The Metallic Armor: Part 3” “Alien Rangers Of Aquitar: Part 1 & 2” & “King For A Day: Part 1 & 2”
See Monster is a multi-eyed, trench coat-wearing monster created by Finster to fight the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers while Lord Zedd is busy fighting the White Ranger. He uses his powers to blind the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers until he retreats after the Shogunzords are summoned by Rita Repulsa. After the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers gain control of the Shogunzords, he is grown giant by Lord Zedd but is destroyed by the Shogun Megazord. See Monster is later seen as a guest at Master Vile’s End Of The World Party, is chosen to be apart of an invasion force led by Professor Longnose and is seen as an audience member in Prince Gasket’s Machine Arena.
Crabby Cabbie
Voiced By: Michael Sorich
“Follow That Cab” & “Alien Rangers Of Aquitar: Part 1 & 2”
Crabby Cabbie is a taxi cab-themed monster created from a taxi cab that Bulk, Skull & Kimberly Hart were inside after being blasted by Finster’s Vehicular Transformer Apparatus. After having a chase with the Shark Cycles, he is grown giant by Rita & Zedd and after Bulk, Skull & Kimberly Hart are freed from inside of him is destroyed the Shogunzords. Crabby Cabbie is later chosen to be apart of an invasion force led by Professor Longnose.
Vampirus & Artistmole
Voiced By: Wendee Lee & Eddie Frierson
“A Different Shade Of Pink: Part 1”
Vampirus & Artistmole are recreated to be apart of a divide & conquer attack strategy by Rita Repulsa in order to tire out Kimberly Hart while she’s training for the Pan Global Games. They are last seen teleporting away after fighting the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers on their Shark Cycles.
Teenage Boy
Played By: N/A
“A Different Shade Of Pink: Part 1”
A Tenga Warrior is disguised as a teenage boy by Rita Repulsa in order to lure Katherine Hillard into a trap so that she could hypnotize her and make her a spy.
Garbage Mouth
Voiced By: Matt K. Miller
“A Different Shade Of Pink: Part 2” “Master Vile And The Metallic Armor: Part 3” & “Alien Rangers Of Aquitar: Part 1 & 2”
Garbage Mouth is a garbage can-themed monster created by Finster that is ordered to capture Katherine Hillard. After he fails to accomplish this, he is grown giant by Rita & Zedd but is destroyed by the Shogun Megazord. Garbage Mouth is later seen as a guest at Master Vile’s End Of The World Party and is chosen to be apart of an invasion force led by Professor Longnose.
Voiced By: Brad Orchard
“Rita’s Pita” & “Countdown To Destruction: Part 1 & 2”
Ravenator is a big mouth monster created by Finster that has the ability to eat anything. He is shrunken down by Rita Repulsa and sneaks into Tommy Oliver’s veggie pita so that he could enter his stomach to influence his body, making him eat uncontrollably. After Tommy Oliver is able to tame his food urges, he jumps out of his body to fight the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers. He is then grown giant by Rita & Zedd but is destroyed by the Shogun Megazord. Ravenator is later seen as a member of Rita & Zedd’s Army during their conquest of the Vica Galaxy.
Brick Bully
Voiced By: Richard Epcar & Brian Tahash
“Another Brick Wall” “Master Vile And The Metallic Armor: Part 3” “Alien Rangers Of Aquitar: Part 1 & 2” “King For Day: Part 1 & 2” & “Countdown To Destruction: Part 2”
Brick Bully is a brick-themed monster created by Rita Repulsa after she accidentally blasts a brick wall while she attempted to turn Katherine Hillard evil. He uses his power to turn all of the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers except the Blue Ranger & Pink Ranger into brick and transforms into a more powerful form after eating building supplies. After fighting the Blue Ranger and becoming weak due to not eating in a while, he is grown giant by Rita Repulsa but is destroyed by the Blue Shogunzord. Brick Bully is later seen as a guest at Master Vile’s End Of The World Party, is chosen to be apart of an invasion force led by Professor Longnose, seen as an audience member in Prince Gasket’s Machine Arena and as is a member of Rita & Zedd’s Army during their conquest of the Vica Galaxy.
Sinister Simian
Voiced By: Brianne Siddall
“A Chimp In Charge” “King For A Day: Part 1 & 2” “Flashes Of Darkonda” & “Protect The Quasar Saber”
Sinister Simian is a chimp-like monster created by Lord Zedd after transforming a chimp named Kelly with his Z Staff. She is sent to cause mischief in Angel Grove and fights the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers while Billy Cranston attempted to get a sample of her fur in order to develop an antidote. She is then grown giant by Rita & Zedd after the two are fed up with the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers trying to break through to Kelly and fight the Shogunzords. She is turned back into her original form after being blasted with an antidote missile from the Blue Shogunzord. Sinister Simian is later seen as an audience member in Prince Gasket’s Machine Arena and on Onyx, playing piano at the Onyx Tavern and being present at the auction for the Pink Quasar Saber held at the Onyx Tavern.
Blue Globbor/Ninja Globbor/Ranger Globbor
Voiced By: Eddie Frierson
“Master Vile & The Metallic Armor: Part 1, 2 & 3” “King For A Day: Part 1 & 2” “From Out Of Nowhere: Part 1” & “Countdown To Destruction: Part 1 & 2”
Blue Globbor is an energy draining monster made of slime created by Master Vile to capture Ninjor and drain him of his power. He is then sent to attack Angel Grove and fights the Shogun Megazord & Ninja Megazord, draining them of their power until he is taken down by the Ninja MegaFalconzord. He upgrade himself shortly after, obtaining features and powers similar to Ninjor and being connected to his life force. After Master Vile teleports their zords to the M-51 Galaxy, Ninja Globbor drains a significant amount of power from the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers but fails to destroy them due to them retreating from battle. Ninja Globbor would then be ordered to attack Angel Grove after the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers are able to re-obtain their zords and disconnects Master Vile from the Zeo Crystal and uses the powers he stole from the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers to transform into Ranger Globbor. That is until Alpha 5 is able to weaken him by reversing Master Vile’s Spell Of Darkness. He is then destroyed by the combined efforts of the Ninja Megazord, Shogun Megazord & Ninjor. Ranger Globbor is later seen as an audience member in Prince Gasket’s Machine Area, was among the many villains across the universe invited to the United Alliance Of Evil’s Conference on the Cimmerian Planet and was a member of Rita & Zedd’s Army during their conquest of the Vica Galaxy.
Master Vile’s End Of The World Party
(Fighting Flea, Slippery Shark, Oysterizer, Robogoat, Invenusable Flytrap, Vampirus, Artistmole, Centiback, Hate Master, Miss Chief, Inciserator, See Monster, Garbage Mouth, Brick Bully & Dischordia)
Voiced By: Richard Epcar & Diane H. Gillespie
“Master Vile And The Metallic Armor: Part 3”
This group of monsters are guest at Master Vile’s End Of The World Party held at the Angel Grove Youth Center.
Voiced By: Diane H. Gillespie
“Master Vile And The Metallic Armor: Part 3” “The Sound Of Dischordia” “King For A Day: Part 1 & 2” & “Flashes Of Darkonda”
Dischordia is a hypnotic singing monster that is first seen as a guest at Master Vile’s End Of The World Party. She is later powered up by Master Vile to destroy the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers with her hypnotic singing abilities. She makes the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers dance uncontrollably and nearly succeeds in obtaining the White Ninja Coin from the White Ranger until the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers activate their Metallic Armor and give her good thrashing. She is then grown giant by Lord Zedd and gives the Ninja Megazord, Shogun Megazord & Ninjor a good thrashing due to her being powered up with red thunder until the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers destroy her with the Shogun Ultrazord. Dischordia is later seen as an audience member in Prince Gasket’s Machine Arena and as a patron at the Onyx Tavern.
Orb Of Doom
“Rangers In Reverse”
The Orb Of Doom is a powerful artifact used by Master Vile to reverse the flow of time on Earth, which turns the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers into children.
Master Vile’s Monster Army
(“Yetiki” “Piecemeal” “Barkzo” & “Smudgey Swirl”)
“Alien Rangers Of Aquitar: Part 1 & 2″
These monsters are among the many monsters that attended Master Vile’s Monster Conference.
Professor Longnose
Voiced By: Kirk Thornton
“Alien Rangers Of Aquitar: Part 2”
Professor Longnose is long-nosed monster and one of Master Vile’s Generals that travels to Earth after conquering the Dark Galaxy Star to lead a troop of monsters to invade the Earth after Master Vile reverts time with Orb Of Doom. This invasion is stopped however when the Aquitian Rangers arrive to fight this monster army. He then grows himself and his monster army giant but is destroyed by the combined efforts of the Battle Borgs & Shogun Megazord.
Professor Longnose’s Monster Army
(See Monster, Crabby Cabbie, Garbage Mouth, Brick Bully & Parrot Top)
Voiced By: Brian Tahash, Michael Sorich & Matt K. Miller
“Alien Rangers Of Aquitar: Part 2
This group of monsters are chosen to be apart of Professor Longnose’s army to fight the Aquitian Rangers. After they all have one on one fight with an Aquitan Ranger, they are grown giant by Profesor Longnose. After fighting the Battle Borgs, they are destroyed by the Shogun Megazord.
Parrot Top
Voiced By: Matt K. Miller
“Alien Rangers Of Aquitar: Part 2”
Parrot Top is a kappa-like monster that is chosen by Master Vile to be apart of the monster army led by Professor Longnose to attack Earth after Master Vile reverts time with the Orb Of Doom. He fights the Aquitian Ranger after they attempt to stop this invasion and is grown giant by Professor Longnose but is destroyed by the combined efforts of the Battle Borgs & Shogun Megazord.
Voiced By: Jimmy Theodore
“Climb Every Fountain”
Slotsky is a slot machine-themed robotic monster created by Lord Zedd from a device created by Billy Cranston to revert the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers to their regular ages. He is ordered to attack Angel Grove but is thwarted by the Aquitian Rangers. After being punched in the face by the Red Aquitian Ranger, he is grown giant by Rita & Zedd but is destroyed by the combined efforts of the Battle Borgs.
Merrick The Barbaric
Voiced By: Michael Sorich
“The Alien Trap”
Merrick The Barbaric is a brutish warrior monster summoned to Earth by Lord Zedd alongside his brother, Erik The Barbaric to pollute Angel Grove Lake while the Aquitian Rangers were rehydrating and traps them in the polluted lake. After the Aquitian Rangers are able to escape, he is grown giant by Rita & Zedd and given powerful armor to fight the Battle Borgs but is destroyed by the Shogun Megazord.
Erik The Barbaric
Voiced By: Michael Sorich
“The Alien Trap”
Erik The Barbaric is a brutish warrior monster summoned to Earth by Lord Zedd alongside his brother, Merrick The Barbaric to pollute Angel Grove Lake while the Aquitian Rangers were rehydrating and traps them in the polluted lake. After the Aquitian Rangers are able to escape, he is grown giant by Rita & Zedd and given powerful armor to fight the Battle Borgs but is destroyed by the Shogun Megazord.
Voiced By: Paul Schrier
“Attack Of The 60′ Bulk” & “King For A Day: Part 1 & 2”
Bratboy is a child-like monster created by Rita & Zedd after transforming Young Bulk into a monster. He would be used to fight the young Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers & Billy Cranston while they were at a Water Park and while the Aquitian Ranger were rehydrating on Aquitar. After the Aquitian Rangers arrive on the scene and they fight him in a unique way, he is grown giant by Rita & Zedd to attack Angel Grove. He fights the Battle Borgs until the young Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers are able to remind him of his real identity, turning him back to normal. However, Rita & Zedd turn him back into Bratboy but turn him back into Young Bulk after he blasts the Moon Palace. Bratboy is later seen as an audience member in Prince Gasket’s Machine Arena.
Voiced By: Wendee Lee
“Water You Thinking?”
Witchblade is a witch-like monster and an old friend of Lord Zedd’s that is tasked with preventing Cestro, the Blue Aquitian Ranger from rehydrating in a body of water. After the rest of the Aquitian Rangers arrive on the scene, she is grown giant by Rita & Zedd but is destroyed by the Shogun Megazord.
Voiced By: Julie Maddalena
“Along Came A Spider”
Arachnofiend is spider-like monster created by Lord Zedd from a spider in Billy Cranston’s Lab that is used to ambush Billy Cranston and traps him in her spider webs to prevent him from building a device to fuse the Zeo Crystal into one piece. She later fights the Aquitian Rangers in her underground lair and is grown giant by Rita & Zedd after enduring an attack from the Yellow Aquitian Ranger’s Aquitian Saber. She fights and defeats the Battle Borgs but is destroyed by the Shogun Megazord.