Billy Cranston, Mighty Morphin’ Blue Ranger


Name: Billy Cranston
Ranger: Mighty Morphin’ Blue
Actor: David Yost
Episodes: 207
First Appearance:Day Of The Dumpster”
Last Appearance: “The End”
Sentai: Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger, Gosei Sentai Dairanger
Producer: Saban

Character Bio

Billy Cranston continues his role as the Blue Ranger after Lord Zedd arrives to take over Earth and is given the Unicorn Thunderzord to fight Lord Zedd’s more powerful monsters. As the brains of the team, Billy creates weapons and gadgets to aid in the fight against Lord Zedd.


Power Morpher (Triceratops Power Coin)
The Power Morpher is used by Billy Cranston, in conjunction with the Triceratops Power Coin, a gold coin created by Ninjor to morph into the Blue Ranger.


Unicorn Thunderzord
The Unicorn Thunderzord is a unicorn-like zord that is created from the Triceratops Dinozord after it is infused with the power of thunder and is piloted by the Blue Ranger. The Unicorn Thunderzord is destroyed in a battle against Rito Revolto and an army of monsters.


Power Lance
The Power Lance is the personal lance-like weapon of the Blue Ranger.

Blade Blaster
The Blade Blaster is a sword/blaster-like weapon used by the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers.

Younger Form

Young Billy Cranston
Played By: Justin Timsit
Episodes: “Rangers Back In Time: Part 1 & 2”
Billy Cranston is temporarily regressed to this age after Lord Zedd reverses time with the Rock Of Time.

Halloween Costume

Mad Scientist
“Zedd’s Monster Mash”
Billy Cranston dresses up as a mad scientist to chaperone some trick-or-treaters on Halloween.

Other Form

Pachinko Ball
Episode: “Rocky Just Wants To Have Fun”
Billy Cranston is temporarily transformed into a pachinko ball by the monster, Pachinko Head.

Later Appearances

Power Rangers Legacy Wars: Street Fighter Showdown
Short Film
The Blue Ranger is brainwashed by M-Bison and joins his Evil Ranger Army.


30th Anniversary Special
Episode: “
Once & Always”
Billy Cranston is one of the original Angel Grove five teens chosen by Zordon to become the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers, becoming the Blue Ranger. After retiring as a Power Rangers, it is revealed that he returned to Earth after spending time on Aquitar, founding a technology company known as Cranston Tech. He also built a secret Command Center underneath his company, experimenting on Z Wave energy in order to possibly bring back Zordon. This experiment backfires however, bring back Rita Repulsa in a robotic form known as Robo Rita. This mishap also causes the death of Trini Kwan when she blocks an attack meant for him and the capture of three of his teammates. He then orders a Bandora Protocol, recruiting Rocky DeSantos & Katherine Hillard back to form a mixed team of Power Rangers to prevent Robo Rita from using her time machine to destroy them in the past. After successfully destroying Robo Rita, Billy reveals he’ll be going back to Aquitar to spend time with Cestria.


Cosmic Fury
: “Lightning Strikes” to “The End”
Billy Cranston, the Mighty Morphin’ Blue Ranger meets the Dino Fury Rangers while he’s on a research trip with Mick Kanic on Zordnia and teams up with them to fight Bajillia Naire’s Army. After the Dino Fury Rangers lose their powers, he creates the Cosmic Morphers for them to morph into the Cosmic Fury Rangers. Billy stays with the Cosmic Fury Rangers while they’re stuck on Erridus up until they liberate Pine Ridge, where he returns to Angel Grove to liberate other cities on Earth. He also stays on Earth to assist in the fight again Lord Zedd’s force while the Cosmic Fury Rangers raid Eltar to save Ollie but returns with help in the Dino Megazord to destroy a fleet of Squid Drills orbiting Eltar. He is later seen at the Victory Concert in Pine Ridge where Aiyon informs him on a possible interaction with Zordon, with the possible hope that he might be able to bring him back to our dimension.


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