Power Morpher
Morph Call: “It’s Morphin’ Time!”
The Dino Power Coins are six golden coins given to the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers by Zordon.
When the Dino Power Coins are used in conjunction with a Power Morpher, it gives its user the ability to morph into a Mighty Morphin’ Power Ranger.
Wrist Communicator
The Wrist Communicator is a watch-like device created by Billy Cranston that is worn by the Power Rangers as a communication device and as a method for teleportation.
Power Crystals
The Power Crystals are multi-colored crystals used by the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers to form the Dino Megazord.
Power Sword
The Power Sword is the personal sword-like weapon of the Red Ranger.
Power Axe
The Power Axe is the personal axe-like weapon of the Black Ranger.
The Power Axe has the ability to turn into a cannon-like weapon.
Power Lance
The Power Lance is the personal lance-like weapon of the Blue Ranger.
Power Daggers
The Power Daggers are the personal dagger-like weapons of the Yellow Ranger.
Power Bow
The Power Bow is the personal bow-like weapon of the Pink Ranger.
Power Blaster
The Power Blaster is a blaster-like weapon formed when the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers combine their Power Weapons.
Dragon Dagger
The Dragon Dagger is the personal dagger-like weapon of the Green Ranger and later used by the Red Ranger. The Dragon Dagger has the ability to summon the Dragonzord from its hiding place.
Blade Blaster
The Blade Blaster is a sword/blaster-like weapon used by the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers.
Thunder Slinger
The Thunder Slinger is a slingshot/blaster-like weapon used by the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers to destroy the Super Putties.
Miscellaneous Weapons/Artifacts
Power Eggs
The Power Eggs are two powerful mystical eggs created by the Morphin’ Masters millions of years ago that contained a universe of power. They are locked within a barrier that only an innocent child could break, which Rita Repulsa is able to break after capturing a girl named Maria. However, the Power Eggs are lost forever after the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers cast them to the sea.
Sword Of Darkness
The Sword Of Darkness is an evil sword-like weapon given to the Green Ranger by Rita Repulsa to use as his primary weapon when he was under her control. It is destroyed by the Red Ranger to free Tommy Oliver from the evil influence of Rita Repulsa.
Anti-Sonic Foam Gun
The Anti-Sonic Foam Gun is a foam blaster-like weapon used by the Blue Ranger to block Grumble Bee’s sonic attacks.
Dragon Shield
The Dragon Shield is a shield that is usually worn by the Green Ranger. However, the Green Ranger has the ability to transfer its power to another Power Ranger. The Dragon Shield is given to the Red Ranger for a short time when Tommy Oliver is unable to use his powers for a short time. After obtaining his powers back, Tommy gives the Dragon Shield to the Black Ranger temporarily in order to fight off Oysterizer’s poisonous gel.
The RADBUG is a flying beetle used by the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers to travel to the Command Center whenever the teleportation system is down.