Name: Tommy Oliver
Ranger: Mighty Morphin’ Green
Actor: Jason David Frank
Episodes: 237
First Appearance: “Green With Evil: Part 1”
Last Appearance: “Once And Always”
Sentai: Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger
Producer: Saban
Character Bio
Tommy Oliver is a new kid in Angel Grove that competed in a martial arts tournament against Jason, giving him a run for his money. Rita Repulsa, seeing this decides to give him the Green Power Coin and brainwash him into becoming her Evil Green Ranger. He eventually breaks this spell however and joins the side of good, but not for long after Rita Repulsa uses the Green Candle to drain his powers. He then gives his Power Coin to Jason Lee Scott for a short time until Zordon is able to recharge it for short periods of time, making him able to rejoin the team on a reduced basis.
Power Morpher (Dragon Power Coin)
The Power Morpher is used by Tommy Oliver, in conjunction with the Dragon Power Coin, a gold coin created by Ninjor to morph into the Green Ranger. The Dragon Power Coin is given to Tommy Oliver by Rita Repulsa to become her Evil Green Ranger.
Master Morpher
The Master Morpher gives Tommy Oliver the ability to morph into the Green Ranger.
The Dragonzord is a dragon-like zord that the Green Ranger controls with the Dragon Dagger.
Dragon Dagger
The Dragon Dagger is the personal dagger-like weapon of the Green Ranger.
The Dragon Dagger has the ability to summon the Dragonzord from its hiding place.
Sword Of Darkness
The Sword Of Darkness is an evil sword-like weapon given to the Green Ranger by Rita Repulsa to use as his primary weapon when he was under her control. It is destroyed by the Red Ranger to free Tommy Oliver from the evil influence of Rita Repulsa.
Other Forms
Shieldless Green Ranger
Episode: “Gung-Ho!”
Tommy Oliver assumes this shieldless mode when transferring his Dragon Shield to another Power Ranger.
Frankenstein’s Monster
Episode: “Life’s A Masquerade”
Tommy Oliver dresses up as Frankenstein’s Monster for the Masquerade Party held at the Angel Grove Youth Center.
Later Appearances
Dino Thunder
Episode: “Fighting Spirit”
Tommy Oliver fights a version of himself as the Green Ranger when he is in a coma after he uses the Black Dino Gem to become visible.
Super Megaforce
Episode: “Legendary Battle”
Tommy Oliver travels to Harwood County during Emperor Mavro’s Invasion and rescues a kid from a car with his trusty friend, Saba. He then uses his Green Ranger powers to assist the Super Megaforce Rangers in fighting the remaining X-Borgs & Bruisers with the Legendary Rangers. After accomplishing this, he teleports away in golden energy with the rest of the Legendary Rangers.
Super Ninja Steel
Episode: “Dimensions In Danger”
Tommy Oliver is captured by Lord Draven at his house in Reefside and is used as one of the components in creating Ranger Clone Soldiers based on his Black Dino Ranger powers. He escapes and assists in rescuing the rest of the captured Power Rangers. He is then challenged to a one-on-one battle by one of his robotic clones and used the Master Morpher to change from his various powers, successfully destroying his robotic clone. He later teams up with the Ninja Steel Rangers & Legendary Rangers to fight Lord Draven and his Ranger Clone Army and later uses the Falconzord in order to direct one of Lord Draven’s Arrows to destroy him for good.
Power Rangers Legacy Wars: Street Fighter Showdown
Short Film
Tommy Oliver and his fellow Power Ranger, Gia Moran teams up with Ryu & Chun-Li to fight M-Bison and his army of brainwashed Power Rangers. He also fights with a powered-up version of his original suit after he is given a new Dragon Coin by Ninjor.
30th Anniversary Special
Episode: “Once And Always”
Tommy Oliver is the original Green Ranger that reunites with his team to fight Robo Rita, but is captured and shrunken down by Robo Snizzard. His power is used by Robo Rita to power her time machine and is saved by his fellow Power Rangers after they successfully destroy Robo Rita. After being saved, he is brought to Aquitar so he can recover from the effects of Robo Snizzard.