Sporix Beasts
Voiced By: Jamie Linehan
“Destination Dinohenge” “Sporix Unleashed” & “The Truth”
Shockhorn is a lightning based unicorn-themed Sporix Beast and the first to hatch after all of the Sporix are released from their containment in Dinohenge. He is immediately recruited by Void Knight to aid him in finding Sporix but is unable to due to Void Knight leaving his scanner in Dinohenge. He is later sent to the Water Dam to recruit Mucus after she hatches to assist Void Knight in getting back his energy scanner from Doctor Akana and fights the Dino Fury Rangers during this altercation with an army of Hengemen, retreating with Mucus to get back to Void Knight. After Doctor Akana’s drone blows up on him, he is hurled into the city, growing giant shortly after and is destroyed by the T-Rex Champion Zord Battle Mode. His Sporix is then taken by Void Knight and put into his Sporix Machine. Shockhorn later reforms to be apart of Void Queen’s Sporix Army that invades Pine Ridge, teaming up with Junkalo & Quickspine but is destroyed again by the Dino Fury Rangers. His Sporix then fuses with the others to becomes the Nemesis Beast.
Voiced By: Rachelle Duncan
“Lost Signal”
Vypeera is a gorgon-themed Sporix Beast that hatches at a construction site near J-Borg. After getting a call from the Ranger Hotline, the Dino Fury Rangers fight her, with Zayto being frozen by her Eye Beams and the Blue Dino Fury Ranger & Pink Dino Fury Ranger attempting to fight her without looking at her before she retreats with Mucus. She later returns to Pine Ridge with Mucus to broadcast her Eye Beams all around Pine Ridge in order to keep the Dino Fury Rangers frozen in place. However, Zayto is able to fight her blindfolded with the help of the Sonic Dino Key, destroying her computer and successfully freeing everyone from her spell. She grows giant after this, fighting the T-Rex Champion Zord, Tricera Blade Zord & Ankylo Hammer Zord before being destroyed by the Dino Fury Megazord. Her Sporix is then taken by the Dino Fury Rangers and put back into containment in Dinohenge.
Voiced By: Richard Simpson
“Destination Dinohenge” & “New Recruits”
Draknarok is a dragon-themed Sporix Beast that is seen in a flashback attacking Rafkon during The Great Sporix War. He is later found by Mucus after he hatches and used to assist Boomtower in obtaining the Nephrite Orb from the Pine Ridge Museum. After Boomtower retreats from battle after being beaten by the Green Dino Fury Ranger, he fights the Dino Fury Rangers, growing giant shortly after but is destroyed by the Dino Fury Megazord. His Sporix is then taken by the Dino Fury Rangers and put back into containment in Dinohenge.
Voiced By: Jason Smith
“Destination Dinohenge” “Winning Attitude” & “Old Foes”
Brineblast is a kraken-themed Sporix Beast that is in a flashback, attacking Earth during The Great Sporix War .He later hatches in a park where Jane & J-Borg were performing for some children. The Dino Fury Rangers arrive to the scene to fight him after a little girl calls the Ranger Hotline, being assisted by Mucus & Boomtower before retreating with Boomtower after fighting the Red Dino Fury Ranger & Green Dino Fury Ranger. He later returns to Pine Ridge and grows giant to distract the Dino Fury Rangers while Boomtower planted a bomb to destroy the Tiger Claw Zord. He successfully outmaneuvers the Dino Fury Megazord until the Green Dino Fury Ranger is able free the Tiger Claw Zord, destroying him with the Dino Fury Megazord Claw Formation. His Sporix is then taken by Boomtower and put into Void Knight’s Sporix Machine. Brineblast is later revived by Reaghoul alongside Wolfgang to capture the Dino Fury Rangers for Void Knight in exchange for one of his Sporix. He first fights the Blue Dino Fury Ranger after Reaghoul is successful in capturing four of the Dino Fury Rangers, being destroyed twice by a slash from his Chromafury Saber and an attack from the Elasto Dino Key. He is revived a third time and fights Lord Zedd after he is released from his Compliance Collar before he grows giant but is destroyed by the Dino Fury Megazord Blade Formation.
Voiced By: Barry Duffield
“Destination Dinohenge” & “Superstition Strikes”
Smashstone is a rock troll-themed Sporix Beast that is seen in a flashback attacking Rafkon during The Great Sporix War. He later hatches in Pine Ridge Park while Amelia Jones was walking through it when she thinks she has bad luck. He fights her solo, defeating her in battle and fights the rest of the Dino Fury Rangers when they arrive to the fight, taking a T-Rex Strike Attack before retreating with Mucus after she steals the Pink Dino Fury Ranger’s Dino Fury Morpher. Smashstone is later sent to Pine Ridge to lure the Dino Fury Rangers out of Dinohenge so that Boomtower can teleport in and steal their Sporix. He grows giant after Boomtower and the Pink Dino Fury Ranger arrive to the fight, fighting the T-Rex Champion Zord Battle Mode before being destroyed by the Dino Fury Megazord Hammer Formation. His Sporix is then taken by the Dino Fury Rangers and put back into containment in Dinohenge.
Voiced By: Steven Lyons
“Destination Dinohenge” “Unexpected Guest” & “Jam Session”
Doomsnake is a basilisk-themed Sporix Beastthat is seen in a flashback attacking Rafkon & Earth during The Great Sporix War. He later hatches and is first seen fighting and being destroyed by the Dino Fury Megazord Blade Formation. His Sporix is then taken by Mucus and put into Void Knight’s Sporix Machine. He later hatches after being out of the Sporix Machine too long after Santaura take it out to examine it closely. Void Knight use him as extra muscle to prevent the Dino Fury Rangers from destroying the Zord Jammer, fighting the Blue Dino Fury Ranger & Pink Dino Fury Ranger before the Blue Dino Fury Ranger put him to sleep with the Snooze Dino Key to prevent him from growing giant. He eventually wakes up and travels to Blackwood Valley to prevent the Dino Fury Rangers from releasing the Ptera Freeze Zord, fighting the Black Dino Fury Ranger before being destroyed by a punch from him in the Smash Battle Armor. His Sporix is then taken by the Dino Fury Rangers and put back into containment in Dinohenge.
Voiced By: Guy Langford
“Unexpected Guest” & “Old Foes”
Wolfgang is a cerberus-themed Sporix Beast that uses his sonic howl to incapacitate the Dino Fury Megazord for a short time. He is later sent to capture Mick Kanic after Void Knight learns that the Nexus Prism was on Earth. He fails at this and fights the Dino Fury Rangers, using his sonic howl to rips off their Dino Key Sleeves before they retreat with Mick Kanic. He is then sent with Boomtower to obtain the Nexus Prism, continuing to fight them with his sonic howl until Mick Kanic feeds him a No Howl Drop, making him lose his voice. He grows giant shortly after but is destroyed by the Dino Fury Megazord Warrior Formation. His Sporix is then taken by Mucus and put into Void Knight’s Sporix Machine. Wolfgang is later revived by Reaghoul alongside Brineblast to capture the Dino Fury Rangers for Void Knight in exchange for one of his Sporix. He first fights the Blue Dino Fury Ranger after Reaghoul is successful in capturing four of the Dino Fury Rangers, being destroyed twice by a slash from his Chromafury Saber and an attack from the Elasto Dino Key. He is revived a third time and fights Lord Zedd after he is released from his Compliance Collar before he grows giant but is destroyed by the Dino Fury Megazord Blade Formation.
Voiced By: Tom Kane
“Cut Off” “Phoning Home” & “The Invasion”
Roostafa is a cockatrice-themed Sporix Beast that accompanies Void Knight when he releases a balloon with a disruptor in it to prevent the Dino Fury Rangers from receiving messages or teleport while they’re out camping. After this succeeds, he also accompanies Void Knight in collecting Sporix around Pine Ridge until the Dino Fury Rangers are able to destroy the disruptor, fighting the Black Dino Fury Ranger for a short time before growing giant. He fights the Dino Fury Megazord & Dino Fury Megazord Fortress Formation before being destroyed by the Dino Fury Megazord Warrior Formation. His Sporix is then taken by the Dino Fury Rangers and put back into containment in Dinohenge. Slyther later takes the form of Roostafa, growing giant but is taken down by the Dino Fury Megazord Warrior Formation. Roostafa later reforms to be apart of Void Queen’s Sporix Army that invades Pine Ridge, teaming up with Wreckmate, Stone Rad & Crashflood but is destroyed by Orria. His Sporix then fuses with the others to becomes the Nemesis Beast.
Voiced By: Kira Josephson
“Destination Dinohenge” “McScary Manor” & “The Truth”
Tombtress is a pyramid-themed Sporix Beast that is seen in a flashback attacking Rafkon during The Great Sporix War. She later hatches and is sent to McCleary Manor to locate a valuable object hidden there. She is found out by the Pink Dino Fury Ranger, wrapping her in her bandages before fighting the rest of the Dino Fury Rangers when they arrive at McCleary Manor. She uses her mood blast on the Black Dino Fury Ranger & Pink Dino Fury Ranger, enhancing their emotions before retreating back to Area 62 with Mucus. She is later sent back Pine Ridge, using her mood blast to enhance the emotions of the Red Dino Fury Ranger, Blue Dino Fury Ranger & Green Dino Fury Ranger before the Pink Dino Fury Ranger arrives to the fight after finding the Blazing Dino Key in McCleary Manor and using it to fight her with the Blazing Battle Armor. After being whipped by it, she grows giant but is destroyed by the T-Rex Blazing Megazord. Her Sporix is then taken by the Dino Fury Rangers and put back into containment in Dinohenge. Tombtress later reforms to be apart of Void Queen’s Sporix Army that invades Pine Ridge, teaming up with Sugarhit & Bitscreem but is destroyed by the Rafkonian Warriors. Her Sporix then fuses with the others to becomes the Nemesis Beast.
Voiced By: Steven Lyons
“Super Hotshot” “The Matchmaker” & “The Invasion”
Fogshell is a clam-themed Sporix Beast that hatches in Evergreen Park and is recruited by Slyther & Mucus while they hack the Ranger Hotline in order to obtain Sporix that were being called in by civilians. He later fights the Red Dino Fury Ranger, Blue Dino Fury Ranger & Pink Dino Fury Ranger after they trick him with a phone call from the Ranger Hotline, using his fog to retreat from the battle. He is later used to summon his fog so that Slyther could capture Adrian for his plans. After Slyther plan fails, he is used as extra muscle when they plan on trading Adrian for their Sporix, fighting the Black Dino Fury Ranger before growing giant. He fights the T-Rex Champion Zord, Tricera Blade Zord, Ankylo Hammer Zord and the Dimetro Blazing Zord before being destroyed by the T-Rex Blazing Zord. His Sporix is then taken by the Dino Fury Rangers and put back into containment in Dinohenge. Fogshell later reforms to be apart of Void Queen’s Sporix Army that invades Pine Ridge, guarding Void Queen with Tidemare and nearly defeats Orria until Pop-Pop saves her, severely injuring himself but is destroyed by the combined efforts of the Dino Fury Rangers & Rafkonian Warriors. His Sporix then fuses with the others to becomes the Nemesis Beast.
Brineblast & Wolfgang
Voiced By: Jason Smith & Guy Langford
“Old Foes”
Brineblast & Wolfgang are revived by the necromancer, to assist Lord Zedd in capturing the Dino Fury Rangers for Void Knight. After being destroyed and revived multiple time, they grow giant and are destroyed for good by the Dino Fury Megazord Blade Formation.
Voiced By: Richard Simpson
“Destination Dinohenge” “Storm Surge” & “The Invasion”
Tidemare is a kelpie-themed Sporix Beast that is seen in a flashback attacking Rafkon during The Great Sporix War. He later hatches near the Marina, fighting the Blue Dino Fury Ranger with his water elemental powers before the rest of the Dino Fury Rangers arrive to the fight, retreating after being attacked by the Red Dino Fury Ranger using the Blazing Battle Armor. He is later recruited by Slyther & Mucus and is used to fight the Dino Fury Rangers while Slyther used Doctor Akana’s sub drone to bring an unknown object to shore. He is able to gain the upper hand on the Dino Fury Rangers thanks to his powerful water abilities until the recently awakened Gold Dino Fury Ranger arrives to the fight, destroying Tidemare with his Electro Fury Blade Blast. His Sporix is then taken by the Dino Fury Rangers and put back into containment in Dinohenge. Tidemare later reforms to be apart of Void Queen’s Sporix Army that invades Pine Ridge, guarding Void Queen with Tidemare but is destroyed by the combined efforts of the Dino Fury Rangers & Rafkonian Warriors. His Sporix then fuses with the others to becomes the Nemesis Beast.
Voiced By: Mark Wright
“Our Hero” & “The Nemesis”
Trawler is a ghost ship-themed Sporix Beast that hatches on the beach and immediately fights the Dino Fury Rangers, successfully trapping them in his nets until the Gold Dino Fury Ranger frees them with the Blazing Battle Armor. He is then recruited by Mucus to join Void Knight’s Crew and is used to capture Mosa Razor Zord in his net so that Slyther could hypnotize it to their side. He then fights four of the Dino Fury Rangers on the beach while Slyther hypnotizes the Mosa Razor Zord, eventually growing giant after fighting long enough. He fights the Dino Fury Megazord Claw Formation before he is destroyed by the combined efforts of the Electro Zord and the Dino Fury Megazord Claw Formation. His Sporix is then taken by the Dino Fury Rangers and put back into containment in Dinohenge. Trawler later reforms to be apart of Void Queen’s Sporix Army that invades Pine Ridge but is destroyed by the Rafkonian Warriors. His Sporix then fuses with the others to becomes the Nemesis Beast.
Stone Rad
Voiced By: Steve McCleary
“Crossed Wires” & “The Invasion”
Stone Rad is golem-themed Sporix Beast and one of the three Stone Triplets. He is sent to Pine Ridge by Void Knight to guard one of Void Knight’s Sleep Bomb with an army of Hengemen, fighting the Red Dino Fury Ranger, Blue Dino Fury Ranger & Pink Dino Fury Ranger before being destroyed by a combined Dino Fury Strike. His Sporix is then taken by the Dino Fury Rangers and put back into containment in Dinohenge. Stone Rad later reforms to be apart of Void Queen’s Sporix Army that invades Pine Ridge, teaming up with Wreckmate, Roostafa & Crashflood but is destroyed by the combined efforts of the Red Dino Fury Ranger in his Blazing Battle Armor and the Gold Dino Fury Ranger in his Electro Battle Armor. His Sporix then fuses with the others to becomes the Nemesis Beast.
Stone Sad
Voiced By: Steve McCleary
“Crossed Wires”
Stone Sad is golem-themed Sporix Beast and one of the three Stone Triplets. He is first seen mourning his brother, Stone Rad after he is destroyed by the Dino Fury Rangers and is sent with his brother, Stone Mad to activate and prevent the Dino Fury Rangers from deactivating Void Knight’s Mega Sleep Bomb. He then grows giant alongside Stone Mad, fighting the T-Rex Blazing Zord before fusing with Stone Mad to become a bigger and more powerful monster. He is destroyed however by a new formation, the Fusion Ultrazord. His Sporix is then taken by Mucus and put into Void Knight’s Sporix Machine.
Stone Mad
Voiced By: Steve McCleary
“Crossed Wires”
Stone Mad is golem-themed Sporix Beast and one of the three Stone Triplets. He is first seen wanting to avenge his brother, Stone Rad after he is destroyed by the Dino Fury Rangers and is sent with his brother, Stone Sad to activate and prevent the Dino Fury Rangers from deactivating Void Knight’s Mega Sleep Bomb. He then grows giant alongside Stone Sad, fighting the Mosa Razor Zord Battle Mode before fusing with Stone Sad to become a bigger and more powerful monster. He is destroyed however by a new formation, the Fusion Ultrazord. His Sporix is then taken by Mucus and put into Void Knight’s Sporix Machine.
Voiced By: Julian Wilson
“The Makeover” & “The Invasion”
Boneswitch is a satyr-themed Sporix Beast that has the ability to switch the bodies of any two individuals. He is sent to Pine Ridge Museum to steal Purplebeard’s Talismans, switching the bodies of four Dino Fury Rangers to prevent them from stopping his mission. He is not able to get them all however and retreats empty handed after escaping an Electro Fury Blade Blast. He later returns to attack Palm Plaza, fighting the Dino Fury Rangers after they’ve learned how to morph in their switched states. He does switch the bodies of the Gold Dino Fury Ranger with a pigeon before fighting the rest, getting hit with a Dino Fury Boost Blast before growing giant. He fights the Dino Fury Megazord Warrior Formation before being destroyed by the Mosa Razor Zord. His Sporix is then taken by Void Knight and put into his Sporix Machine. Boneswitch later reforms to be apart of Void Queen’s Sporix Army that invades Pine Ridge, teaming up with Clawfare but is destroyed by the combined efforts of the Dino Fury Rangers & Rafkonian Warriors. His Sporix then fuses with the others to becomes the Nemesis Beast.
Sketch Monsters
Spider Sketch Monster
Voiced By: N/A
“Secret Santa”
The Spider Sketch Monster is a giant spider-themed monster created by Slyther using Santa’s Magic Sketchbook to fight the Dino Fury Rangers but is destroyed by the Fusion Ultrazord.
Giant Sketch Slyther
Voiced By: Campbell Cooley
“Secret Santa”
The Giant Sketch Slyther is a giant sketch of the real Slyther created by Slyther from Santa’s Magic Sketchbook but is destroyed by the combined efforts of the Dino Fury Megazord Warrior Formation and the Mosa Razor Zord Battle Mode.