Voiced By: Josephine Davidson
Solon is a Solonasaurus that is given Rafkonian cybernetic implants after being injured in the Great Sporix War. After the Great Sporix War ends, Solon guards the stasis pod containing Zayto, the Red Dino Fury Ranger and the captured Sporix in the lair underneath Dinohenge for millions of years. Solon is technically skilled, being able to develop and fix weapons for the Dino Fury Rangers. She is also wise and compassionate, giving the Dino Fury Rangers advice relating to problems in their personal life.
Morphin’ Masters
Master Red
Voiced By: Daryl Habraken
Master Red is the leader of the Morphin’ Masters, ageless beings with untold power that were responsible for turning the Knights Of Rafkon into the Dino Fury Rangers. He is also responsible for creating the Dino Gems, the power sources of the Dino Rangers and co-created the Ninja Nexus Prism, the power source of the Ninja Steel Rangers with Master Green. After learning that Master Green has broken the oath they all took to never interfere in the lives of mortals, he sends Master Blue to punish her until the Dino Fury Rangers are able to convince him to free Master Green from her crystal prison. After the Red Dino Fury Ranger successfully destroys the Nemesis Beast at the cost of his own life, he travels to Earth once again with Master Green & Master Blue to contain the weakened Sporix and informing the Dino Fury Rangers they cannot revive Zayto until they do months later when it is revealed that Lord Zedd has escaped his crystal imprisonment.
Master Blue
Voiced By: Kevin Keys
Master Blue is a member of the Morphin’ Masters, ageless beings with untold power that were responsible for turning the Knights Of Rafkon into the Dino Fury Rangers. He is later tasked by Master Red to punish Master Green after learning she broke an oath they all took to not interfere in the lives of humans but is told to stand down after Master Red is convinced to free Master Green from her crystal prison by the Dino Fury Rangers. After the Red Dino Fury Ranger successfully destroys the Nemesis Beast at the cost of his own life, he travels to Earth once again with Master Green & Master Blue to contain the weakened Sporix and informing the Dino Fury Rangers they cannot revive Zayto until they do months later when it is revealed that Lord Zedd has escaped his crystal imprisonment.
Master Green
Voiced By: Beth Allen
Master Green is a member of the Morphin’ Masters, ageless beings with untold power that were responsible for turning the Knights Of Rafkon into the Dino Fury Rangers. She is also responsible for creating the Energems, the power sources of the Dino Charge Rangers and co-created the Ninja Nexus Prism, the power source of the Ninja Steel Rangers with Master Red. Despite taking an oath to never interfere in the lives of mortal after various villains destroyed other Morphin’ Masters, Master Green secretly intervening in the fight against evil by aiding various teams of Power Rangers in their darkest moments, which included teleporting the Legendary Rangers to assist the Super Megaforce Rangers in the Legendary Battle and turning Steel human after he is destroyed by Evox. She also assists the Dino Fury Rangers a few times, waking up Aiyon, the Gold Dino Fury Ranger from his stasis pod and informing him that Lord Zedd has returned and restoring Dinohenge and the Dino Fury Rangers powers after they are destroyed in a fight against Void Knight. Master Green returns once again to teleports the Dino Fury Rangers off of Rafkon when they are nearly destroyed by Lord Zedd and heals an injured Zayto. She is followed however by Master Blue, who is sent to imprison her but is able to escape this, later trapping herself and Lord Zedd inside a crystal until the Dino Fury Rangers are able to convince Master Red to free her from the crystal. After the Red Dino Fury Ranger successfully destroys the Nemesis Beast at the cost of his own life, she travels to Earth once again with Master Red & Master Blue to contain the weakened Sporix and informing the Dino Fury Rangers they cannot revive Zayto until they do months later when it is revealed that Lord Zedd has escaped his crystal imprisonment.
Jane Fairview
Played By: Kira Josephson
Jane Fairview is the publisher of the internet media agency, BuzzBlast. Jane often creates original content for BuzzBlast and giving her employees specific assignment for BuzzBlast. and clashes with Amelia Jones, the Pink Dino Fury Ranger and a member of BuzzBlast when she wants to post supernatural content. Jane also cares deeply for her employees, defending Javi Garcia, the Black Dino Fury Ranger by showing his dad, Warden Garcia a video of his live performance after he grills him for his music aspiration. After the Dino Fury Rangers defeat Void Queen and contain all of the Sporix, Jane reveals that she is opening a BuzzBlast subsidiary in Angel Grove.
Played By: Victoria Abbott
J-Borg is an android developed by Hartford Robotics that is used by Jane as her assistant at BuzzBlast.
Played By: Noah Paul
Stan is an employee at BuzzBlast that is usually seen reporting on news around Pine Ridge or working the computers at BuzzBlast.
Played By: Benny Joy Smith
Annie is an employee at BuzzBlast that is usually seen directing videos for Jane or filming her own video, including slime tutorials.
Pine Ridge Residents
Doctor Lani Akana
Played By: Shavaughn Ruakere
Doctor Lani Akana is a world traveling archaeologist from the Global Association of Archaeology that recently moved to Pine Ridge to study Dinohenge with her son, Ollie Akana, the Blue Dino Fury Ranger. Doctor Akana is a great help to the Dino Fury Rangers, finding the stasis pod containing Aiyon, the Gold Dino Fury Ranger and finding Purple Beard’s talisman, which leads to two new Dino Fury Keys. She eventually finds out that Ollie is the Blue Dino Fury Ranger after assisting the Dino Fury Rangers in stopping Void Knight from using her equipment for his own nefarious purposes. After assisting the Dino Fury Rangers in stopping Void Knight from destroying them, she is assigned a job at the Ishinomori Institute in Japan.
Warden Carlos Garcia
Played By: Blair Strang
Warden Carlos Garcia is a park ranger that oversees the forest that houses Dinohenge. He is also the father of Javi Garcia, the Black Dino Fury Ranger and stepfather to Izzy Garcia, the Green Dino Fury Ranger. Warden Garcia is supportive in Izzy’s track career but thinks Javi’s interest in music is a waste of time due to how much he changes instrument. That is until Javi’s calls him out for this and he sees that Javi has a real interest in having a career in music and he becomes Javi’s biggest fan and supporter.
Rina Garcia
Played By: Saraid De Silva
Rina Garcia is the mother of Izzy Garcia, the Green Dino Fury Ranger and stepmother to Javi Garcia, the Black Dino Fury Ranger. Rina is also a fashion designer, designing Fern’s Dress and Izzy’s Tuxedo for Senior Prom.
Played By: Sarah Dalton
Lily is a Special Olympic Athlete and the cousin of Izzy Garcia, the Green Dino Fury Ranger & Javi Garcia, the Black Dino Fury Ranger. She also helps Izzy train for a race and also teaches her that winning isn’t everything.
Ed “Pop-Pop” Jones
Played By: Greg Johnson & Scott Wills
Ed Jones is a superstitious handyman that works as a handyman in Pine Ridge. He worked as a janitor at the military base, Area 62 in his younger days and is given a young baby by two Rafkonians prior a nuclear explosion. After assuming the two did not survive, he raises the young baby as her grandfather, naming her Amelia Jones and coming up with a fake story that they perished in a house fire. He keeps this fact from Amelia until her mind reading powers are unlocked during Void Queen’s Sporix Invasion, where it is revealed that the two Rafkonians were Tarrick & Santaura.
Played By: Jacqueline Joe
Fern is an athlete that Izzy Garcia, the Green Dino Fury Ranger meets during the Junior State Championship. She helps her after she fall down a hill and the two would reconnect after they both join the Super Hotshot Gym. After Fern joins Izzy in training former members of the Super Hotshot Gym for free, the two are revealed to have feeling for each other and are currently dating each other. Fern goes on to attend Oakdale College after graduating from Pine Ridge High School.
Played By: Max Crean
Adrian is an athlete that Izzy Garcia, the Green Dino Fury Ranger befriends after they both join the Super Hotshot Gym. After being swindled by Coach Bella, he quits the gym and joins Izzy in training the former members of Super Hotshot Gym for free. Javi tries to pair him up with Izzy after he thinks she likes him but stops after its revealed that Izzy likes Fern.
Beatrice Cotton
Played By: Margaret-Mary Hollins
Beatrice is the curator of Pine Ridge Museum that assist the Dino Fury Rangers in finding two lost Dino Fury Keys. She also starts dating Ed Jones, the grandfather of Amelia Jones, the Pink Dino Fury Ranger.
Blair Bartlett
Played By: Robbie Evison
Blair Bartlett is the narcissistic lead singer of the band, Screaming Zombies and pancake fan that came into possession of the Ptera Freeze Key after visiting Blackwood Valley and wears it as a necklace. He gives it to the Dino Fury Rangers in exchange for Javi Garcia, playing lead guitar after his original lead guitarist resigned. He shows up again, revealing to have gone solo and sings a song he stole form Javi Garcia that he created for a BuzzBlast Singing Competition.
Rafkon Inhabitants
Ancient Dino Fury Rangers
Voiced By: N/A
The Ancient Dino Fury Rangers were originally the Knights Of Rafkon, alongside Zayto & Aiyon that became Power Rangers after getting bestowed powers by the Morphin’ Masters. The Ancient Dino Fury Rangers, with the exception of Aiyon & Zayto are killed during the Great Sporix War.
Played By: Brooke Peterson
Orria is a Rafkonian Warrior that travels to Earth after Rafkon is destroyed by Lord Zedd and discovering the intergalactic message sent by Zayto. She originally intends on colonizing Earth by force for the surviving Rafkonians, subjugating the entire population due to humanities neglect for the environment and their constant wars. These plans are put on hold after Void Queen unleashes all of the Sporix onto Pine Ridge, swearing a truce with the Dino Fury Rangers and teaming up with them to contain all of the Sporix. She then has a change of heart after Pop-Pop saves her from a Sporix Attack, deciding that humanity is not so bad after all. After the Dino Fury Rangers defeat Void Queen and contain all of the Sporix, it is revealed that Orria has decided to stay on Earth with her fellow Rafkonian Warriors, taking up residence in Area 62.
Zayto’s Mother
Played By: Jen Van Epps
Zayto’s Mother is Rafkonian that gave him a pendant after becoming a Knight Of Rafkon.
It is unknown if she survived The Great Sporix Battle.
Lion Galaxy Inhabitants
Mick Kanic
Played By: Kelson Henderson
Mick Kanic is a shape-shifting alien from the Lion Galaxy and former mentor to the Ninja Steel Rangers that comes to Earth in search of the Nexus Prism. Mick leaves Earth in a Space Taxi after the Nexus Prism leave Earth to follow it and later reveals to have opened a steakhouse in the Lion Galaxy.
Nibyro Inhabitants
Nibyro Guardian
Voiced By: Michael Hurst
The Nibyro Guardian uses his powers of illusion to protect Nibyro from marauders. The Nibyro Guardian leads Aiyon to the Light Raptor Zord & Shadow Raptor Zord after he proves himself to be pure of heart.
Grid Battleforce
General Shaw
Played By: Teuila Blakely
General Shaw is a Grid Battleforce General that informs the Dino Fury Rangers that Lothorn has escaped one of their facilities and is headed towards Pine Ridge. She also informs them that Lord Zedd has returned to Earth and has broken out Scrozzle.
Beast Morphers Rangers
(Red Beast Morphers Ranger, Blue Beast Morphers Ranger, Yellow Beast Morphers Ranger, Gold Beast Morphers Ranger & Silver Beast Morphers Ranger)
The Beast Morphers Rangers are seen fighting a monster that escaped one of their facilities.
Santa Claus
Santa Claus
Played By: John Sumner
Santa Claus travels to Pine Ridge to give Javi Garcia, the Black Dino Fury Ranger some advice about the perfect Christmas Present. He also has his Magic Sketchbook stolen by Mucus & Slyther.