Voiced By: Barry Duffield
“Evox’s Revenge” & “Evox Unleashed”
Cycletron is a cycle-themed Robotron created by Scrozzle after he infects some tires with the Evox Virus to distract the Beast Morphers Rangers while Blaze & Scrozzle retreated with some Morph-X, but is destroyed by a blast from the Red Beast Morphers Ranger’s Beast X Blaster. Cycletron is later revived by Evox to fight the Beast Morphers Rangers while he attempts to fuse with a Morph-X Tower but is destroyed by a slash from the Silver Beast Morphers Ranger’s Striker Saber.
Voiced By: Rowan Bettjeman
“End Of The Road”
Needletron is a needle-themed Robotron created by Blaze after he infects a bicycle pump with the Evox Virus to drain Morph-X from some X-Bikes. He succeeds in obtaining some Morph-X for Blaze but is destroyed by a blast from the Yellow Beast Morphers Ranger’s Beast-X Cannon.
Voiced By: Andre King
“Digital Deception”
Shoveltron is an excavator-themed Robotron created by Roxy after she infects an excavator with the Evox Virus to assist her in tricking Ravi Shaw into thinking Roxy is still good in order to obtain a Neural Aligner so that she could turn the Blue Beast Morphers Ranger into a Dark Avatar. After failing in doing this, Shoveltron is ordered to destroy the Beast Morphers Rangers but is destroyed by a combined Beast-X Blast from the Blue Beast Morphers Ranger & Yellow Beast Morphers Ranger.
Voiced By: David Van Horn
“Taking Care Of Business” & “Source Code”
Slicertron is a saw blade-themed Robotron created by Blaze after he infects a saw with the Evox Virus to use his blades to cut into Morph-X Towers in order to steal Morph-X. After succeeding in stealing 300 tons of Morph-X, Slicertron is destroyed by a combined Beast-X Blast from the Blue Beast Morphers Ranger & Yellow Beast Morphers Ranger. Slicertron is later revived by Evox to fight off the Beast Morphers Rangers while he is attempting to leave Grid Battleforce Headquarter but is destroyed by a wave of energy from Evox.
Voiced By: Ashton Brown
“Hangar Heist”
Meltatron is an acid-themed Robotron created by Scrozzle after he infects a tank of acid with the Evox Virus to assist Roxy by using his acid to break into the Special-Ops Hangar holding Slicerdrone. He is later tasked with destroying the Beast Morphers Rangers while they’re trapped in the hangar but is destroyed by a double blast from the Beast-X Cannons.
Voiced By: Jeremy Birchall
“A Friend Indeed”
Railtron is a train-themed Robotron created by Roxy after she infects a train with the Evox Virus to steal the Beast Bots memory data so that Scrozzle could control the Beast X Megazord to use it against the Beast Morphers Rangers. He succeeds in capturing Cruse & Smash’s memory data and later attempts to steal Jax’s memory data, but is lured into a trap by the Beast Morphers Rangers and is destroyed by a combined Beast-X Slash.
Voiced By: Cosme Flores
“The Cybergate Opens”
Vacuutron is a vacuum cleaner-themed Robotron created to steal Morph-X from Coral Harbor in order to get enough to power the Cybergate to free Evox from the Cyber Dimension. He succeeds at this task and later takes on the Beast Morphers Rangers in battle, succeeding in defeating them in battle until he is thwarted by the new Gold Beast Morphers Ranger & Silver Beast Morphers Ranger and is destroyed by a double blast from the Striker Morphers.
Voiced By: Julian Wilson
“Silver Sacrifice” & “Source Code”
Antennatron is an antenna-themed Robotron created by Roxy after she infects an antenna with the Evox Virus to eavesdrops on Grid Battleforce in order to assist them in capturing Steel to use as Evox’s Body. After this plan fails, Antennatron is tasked with destroying the Beast Morphers Rangers but is destroyed by a double blast from the Beast-X Cannons. Antennatron is later revived by Evox to fight off the Beast Morphers Rangers while he is attempting to leave Grid Battleforce Headquarters but is destroyed by a wave of energy from Evox.
Voiced By: Daniel Watterson
“Thrills And Drills”
Drilltron is a drill-themed Robotron created by Roxy after she infects a drill with the Evox Virus and is equipped with a Data Chip to steal the Blue Beast Morphers Rangers Gorilla Strength. He also assists Roxy in drilling underground to obtain Morph-X from a Morph-X without being spotted by the Beast Morphers Rangers. After being found out, he is lured above ground, successfully obtaining the Gorilla Strength Data from the Blue Beast Morphers Ranger. He is then ordered to destroy the Blue Beast Morphers Ranger but is destroyed himself by a blast from his Beast-X Blaster.
Voiced By: Darren Young
“Tools Of The Betrayed”
Tooltron is a tool-themed Robotron created by Roxy after she infects a wrench with the Evox Virus and uses his abilities to destroy the Beast Morphers Rangers weapons, transporters and the Yellow Beast Morphers Rangers Beast-X Morpher. Tooltron also succeeds in obtaining the Jackrabbit Jumping Data from the Yellow Beast Morphers Ranger. After the Beast Morphers Rangers obtain new transporters, he Is destroyed by a double blast attack from the Red Beast Morphers Ranger & Gold Beast Morphers Ranger.
Voiced By: Hamish McGregor
Played By: Daniel Watterson & Abraham Rodriguez
“Real Steel”
Clonetron is a copy-themed Robotron created by Blaze after he infects a copy machine with the Evox Virus and has the ability to scan anyone and transform into a clone of that person. Clonetron uses his ability to disguise himself as Nate Silva in order to infiltrate Grid Battleforce Headquarters to destroy the computer that controls the zords. His is found out by Steel however and attempts to escape but is found by the Beast Morphers Rangers, being destroyed by a combined Beast-X Blast from the Blue Beast Morphers Ranger & Yellow Beast Morphers Ranger.
Voiced By: Joseph Wycoff
“Tuba Triumph”
Tubatron is a tuba-themed Robotron created by Roxy after she infects a tuba with the Evox Virus to collect Cheetah Speed from the Red Beast Morphers Ranger. Tubatron is shown to have slow supersonic abilities at first until Scrozzle gives him an upgrade, making his supersonic abilities stronger. In his rematch with the Beast Morphers Rangers, he succeeds in obtaining Cheetah Speed from the Red Beast Morphers Ranger and nearly destroys the Beast Morphers Rangers with his supersonic blasts. However, a kid named Joey fights off his supersonics blasts with a blast from his own tuba. After succeeding in destroying his supersonic amplifier, the Beast Morphers Rangers destroy the Data Chip containing Cheetah Speed and destroys Tubatron with a three way blast from the Beast-X Cannons.
Voiced By: Felix Becroft
“Hypnotic Halloween” & “Source Code”
Spiketron is a fork-themed Robotron sent alongside Scrozzle to steal a truck of Morph-X on Halloween while the Beast Morphers Rangers were hypnotized into thinking they were their Halloween Costumes. After breaking free from this spell, the Beast Morphers Rangers attempts to stop them, with Spiketron being ordered to destroy them personally. He fails at this however and is destroyed by a Striker Beast Slash Attack. Spiketron is later revived by Evox to fight off the Beast Morphers Rangers while he is attempting to leave Grid Battleforce Headquarter but is destroyed by a wave of energy from Evox.
Tubatron 2.0
Voiced By: Joseph Wycoff
“Sound And Fury”
Tubatron is a tuba-themed Robotron recreated by Blaze and given a Fury Cell to power-up enough to destroy the Beast Morphers Rangers. Tubatron 2.0 ends up being too powerful for the Beast Morphers Rangers in their first fight but after the Red Beast Morphers Ranger uses a Fury Cell to power-up himself, he is destroyed by a slash from the Cheetah Claws in Red Fury Mode.
Voiced By: Cameron Rhodes
“Seeing Red”
Burnertron is a candle-themed Robotron created by Roxy after she infect a candle with the Evox Virus and attempted to power him up with a Fury Cell, but is thwarted when the Red Beast Morphers Ranger steals the Fury Cell. Burnertron is later used to lure in the Red Beast Morphers Ranger into a fight to turn him evil with the last Fury Cell. However, this plan fails and Burnertron is tasked to destroy the Beast Morphers Rangers alone but is destroyed by a combined blast from the Yellow Beast Morphers Ranger, Gold Beast Morphers Ranger & Silver Beast Morphers Ranger.
Voiced By: Mark Mitchinson
“Gorilla Art”
Turbotron is a turbine-themed Robotron created to assist Blaze & Roxy attack Coral Harbor and is ordered to capture Smash, using his giant turbine to assist him in this task. Thankfully, Smash is able to block his attack and his turbine is destroyed by a blast from the Blue Beast Morphers Ranger’s Beast X Blaster. After his turbine is taken care of, Turbotron is destroyed by a blast from the Blue Beast Morphers Ranger’s Beast-X Cannon.
Voiced By: Paul Harrop
“Ranger Reveal”
Shockatron is an electric generator-themed Robotron created by Vargoyle to distract the Beast Morphers Rangers while Vargoyle sets his Memory Pulsator at the Channel 10 News Station. He succeeds at this task by using his ability to fire blasts of electrical energy from his sticks but is destroyed by a slash from the Blue Beast Morphers Ranger’s Beast-X Saber.
Voiced By: Paul Harrop
“Scrozzle’s Revenge” & “Evox Unleashed”
Infernotron is a blowtorch-themed Robotron created by Scrozzle to assist him in ruining the Beast Morphers Rangers Christmas as revenge for destroying the Cyber Dimension. He fails at however and is destroyed by a blast from the Red Beast Morphers Ranger’s Beast-X Cannon. Infernotron is revived by Evox to fight the Beast Morphers Rangers while he attempts to fuse with a Morph-X Tower but is destroyed the Red Beast Morphers Ranger’s Cheetah Claws.
“Evox’s Revenge”
Cycledrone is a cycle-themed Alpha Model Gigadrone sent to Earth to steal Morph-X from a Morph-X Tower but is destroyed by the Beast Racer Zord Battle Mode.
“End Of The Road”
Needledrone is a needle-themed Beta Model Gigadrone sent to Earth to steal Morph-X from a Morph-X Tower in Tango 6 but is destroyed by the combined efforts of the Beast Wheeler Zord Gorilla Mode & Beast Racer Zord Battle Mode.
“Digital Deception”
Shoveldrone is an excavator-themed Beta Model Gigadrone that is sent to Earth to steal Morph-X from a Morph-X Tower but is destroyed by the Beast Racer Zord Battle Mode.
“Taking Care Of Business” & “Hangar Heist”
Slicerdrone is a saw blade-themed Gamma Model Gigadrone that is sent to Earth to steal Morph-X from a Morph-X Tower but is shut down by the Beast Racer Zord Battle Mode and commandeered by Grid Battleforce. Slicerdrone is later rebooted by Roxy to destroy the Beast Morphers Rangers but is destroyed by the Beast X Megazord.
“Hangar Heist”
Meltadrone is an acid-themed Beta Model Gigadrone that is sent to Earth to destroy the Red Beast Morphers Ranger and prevent him from saving his friends but is destroyed by the Beast-X Megazord.
“A Friend Indeed”
Raildrone is a train-themed Alpha Model Gigadrone that attempted to destroy the Beast Morphers Rangers with the aid of the Gigatronics but is destroyed by the Beast X Megazord.
“The Cybergate Opens”
Vacuudrone is a vacuum cleaner-themed Gamma Model Gigadrone that is sent to Earth to steal Morph-X from a Morph-X Tower but is destroyed by the Beast X Megazord.
“Silver Sacrifice”
Antennadrone is an antenna-themed Alpha Model Gigadrone that is sent to Earth to destroy the Beast Morphers Rangers but is destroyed by the Beast Racer Zord Battle Mode.
“Thrills And Drills”
Drilldrone is a drill-themed Alpha Model Gigadrone that manifests underground to steal Morph-X from a Morph-X Tower underground but is lured out by the Beast Race Zord Battle Mode and is destroyed by the Beast-X Megazord.
“Tools Of The Betrayed”
Tooldrone is a tool-themed Gamma Model Gigadrone that is sent with a Delta Model Gigadrone to destroy the Beast Morphers Rangers after Tooltron is destroyed but is destroyed itself by the Striker Megazord.
Delta Model Gigadrone #1
“Tools Of The Betrayed”
The first Delta Model Gigadrone is sent along with Tooldrone after Tooltron is destroyed to destroy the Beast Morphers Rangers but is destroyed itself by the Beast X Megazord.
“Real Steel”
Clonedrone is a copy-themed Alpha Model Gigadrone that is sent to Earth to take advantage of the Beast Morphers Ranger’s Zord System being inoperable until Nate Silva is able to get the Beast Racer Zord’s systems online. It uses its cloning abilities to copy the Beast Race Zord Battle Mode to confuse the Beast Morphers Rangers and after exposing its real identity is destroyed by the Beast-X Megazord.
“Tuba Triumph”
Tubadrone is a tuba-themed Beta Model Gigadrone that is sent to Earth while the Beast Morphers Rangers are fighting Tubatron and attempts to steal Morph-X from a Morph-X Tower with its supersonic blasts, but is thwarted by the Beast Wheeler Zord, cancelling out its supersonic blasts. After getting severely damaged by the Beast Wheeler Zord, Tubadrone is destroyed by the Beast X Megazord.
“Hypnotic Halloween”
Spikedrone is a fork-themed Beta Model Gigadrone that is sent alongside a Delta Model Gigadrone to fight the Beast Morphers Rangers on Halloween. After putting up a good fight, Spikedrone is destroyed by the combined efforts of the Beast Wheeler Zord & Beast Wrecker Zord.
Delta Model Gigadrone #2
“Hypnotic Halloween”
The second Delta Model Gigadrone is sent alongside Spikedrone to fight the Beast Morphers Rangers on Halloween but is destroyed by the combined efforts of the Beast Wrecker Zord Battle Mode & Beast Jet Zord.
Tubadrone 2.0
“Sound And Fury”
Tubadrone 2.0 is a tuba-themed Alpha Model Gigadrone that is sent to Earth after Tubatron 2.0 is destroyed but is destroyed itself by the Beast Racer Zord Battle Mode.
“Seeing Red”
Burnerdrone is a candle-themed Alpha Model Gigadrone that is sent to Earth to use its fire power to break into a Morph-X Tower but is destroyed by the combined efforts of the Beast Racer Zord Battle Mode & Striker Megazord.
“Gorilla Art”
Turbodrone is a turbine-themed Beta Model Gigadrone that is sent Earth to use its powerful turbine to steal Morph-X from a Morph-X Tower but is destroyed by the Beast Racer Zord Battle Mode.
“Ranger Reveal”
Shockadrone is an electric generator-themed Beta Model Gigadrone that is sent to Earth the same time Shockatron is to distract the Beast Morphers Rangers while Vargoyle sets his Memory Pulsator at the Channel 10 News Station. He succeeds at this task but is destroyed by the combined efforts of the Beast Racer Zord Battle Mode, Beast Wrecker Zord Battle Mode & Beast Jet Zord.
Gamma Model Gigadrone #1
“Rewriting History”
A sniper-themed Gamma Model Gigadrone is sent to Earth after Vargoyle is destroyed but is quickly destroyed by the Beast-X Megazord.
Beta Model Gigadrone #1
“Target: Tower”
A cyclops-like Beta Model Gigadrone is sent to Earth to distract the Beast Morphers Rangers while Blaze & Roxy are prepping transporters to teleport a Morph-X Tower to the Cyber Dimension. He succeeds at this task but is destroyed by the combined efforts of the Beast Racer Zord, Beast Chopper Zord & Striker Megazord.
Gigadrone Army
“Evox: Upgraded”
Scrozzle summons an army of Gigadrones to prevent the Beast Morphers Rangers from interrupting the creation of Evox’s Body but are all quickly destroyed by the Beast-X Ultrazord.
Blaze’s Megazord
“Evox: Upgraded”
Blaze’s Megazord is a red-colored evil zord created by Scrozzle and piloted by Blaze to prevent the Beast Racer Zord from destroying the stolen Morph-X Tower. It fails at this task however and is destroyed, along with Blaze, by an explosion from the Morph-X Tower.
“Scrozzle’s Revenge”
Infernodrone is a blowtorch-themed Alpha Model Gigadrone that is personally piloted by Scrozzle to attack Coral Harbor on Christmas while the Beast Morphers Rangers were trapped in Christmas Ornaments. He is stopped however by the Beast Bots piloting their zords themselves and is destroyed by the Beast Racer Zord Battle Mode.