Name: Scott Truman
Ranger: Ranger Operator Series Red
Actor: Eka Darville
Episodes: 33
First Appearance: “Road To Corinth”
Last Appearance: “Clash Of The Red Rangers”
Sentai: Engine Sentai Go-onger
Producer: Disney
Character Bio
Scott Truman is the son of Colonel Truman and was a member of the Eagle Squadron. After proving himself during The Battle Of Corinth, he is chosen by Doctor K to become Ranger Operator Series Red. As the leader of the Ranger Series Operators, Scott is serious when it comes to his role on the team and is constantly shown to be at odds with Dillon. After defeating Venjix, Scott becomes the leader of the New Eagle Squadron.
Cell Shift Morpher
The Cell Shift Morpher is the tool necessary for Scott Truman to morph into Ranger Operator Series Red.
Blue Morph Cell
The Blue Morph Cell is an Engine Cell used by Scott Truman to morph into Ranger Operator Series Red.
Engine Cell #1
Engine Cell #1 is the power source of the Eagle Racer and the weapons used by Ranger Operator Series Red.
Eagle Racer
The Eagle Racer is an eagle/race car-like zord that is piloted by Ranger Operator Series Red.
Paleozord 1
Paleozord 1 is a mammoth/train-like zord that was designed by Doctor K during her tenure in Alphabet Soup and is found by the Ranger Series Operators in a mountain range in Corinth. After being tamed, Paleozord 1 is piloted by Ranger Operator Series Red
Paleozord 2
Paleozord 2 is a t-rex/train car-like zord that was designed by Doctor K during her tenure in Alphabet Soup and is found by the Ranger Series Operators in a mountain range in Corinth. After being tamed, Paleozord 2 is piloted by Ranger Operator Series Red
Paleozord 3
Paleozord 3 is a triceratops/train car-like zord that was designed by Doctor K during her tenure in Alphabet Soup and is found by the Ranger Series Operators in a mountain range in Corinth. After being tamed, Paleozord 3 is piloted by Ranger Operator Series Red
Street Saber
The Street Saber is the personal street-themed sword-like weapon of Ranger Operator Series Red.
Nitro Blaster/Nitro Sword
The Nitro Blaster is a blaster-like weapon used by Ranger Operators Series Red. The Nitro Blaster can also turn into a sword-like weapon called the Nitro Sword.
Bio-Field Ability
Burst Attack
Ranger Operator Series Red can fire a burst attack when harnessing the powers of the Bio-Field.
Scott Truman’s 94 Nissan Sylvia
Scott Truman’s personal vehicle is used by him to travel around Corinth & The Wasteland.
Mentor Ji’s Motorcycle
Scott Truman borrows this motorcycle from Mentor Ji to race Jayden Shiba to a fight against Professor Cog.
Red Ford Mustang
The Red Ford Mustang is a car created by the Red Samurai Ranger through Symbol Power for Ranger Operator Series Red to drive around in battle against Professor Cog & General Gut.
Later Appearances
Episode: “Clash Of The Red Rangers”
Scott Truman is Ranger Operator of the Series Red powers that follows Professor Cog to the Main Dimension after he travels there to team up with Master Xandred, staying morphed the entire time he’s there due to not knowing if he could breathe this version of Earth’s oxygen. He comes in contact with the Samurai Rangers after saving them from a Grinder attack and pretends to have animosity with Jayden Shiba, the Red Samurai Ranger in order to trick Professor Cog into a sneak attack. He later teams up with Jayden to fight and destroy Professor Cog and uses Shark Attack Mode. He later teams up with Antonio Garcia, the Gold Samurai Ranger to fight Moogers and stays on the sidelines in fighting General Gut when his red sports car created from Symbol Power breaks down. After Professor Cog & General Gut are both defeated, Scott Truman returns to his dimension on a train.