Name: Gemma
Ranger: Ranger Operator Series Silver
Actor: Li Ming Hu
Episodes: 24
First Appearance: “Doctor K”
Last Appearance: “Dimensions In Danger”
Sentai: Engine Sentai Go-onger
Producer: Disney
Character Bio
Gemma was raised in the Alphabet Soup think tank to be a test subject for Doctor K’s Ranger Operator Series Silver technology. After Doctor K releases the Venjix Virus so that they could escape Alphabet Soup, she and her brother Gem are presumed dead after they attempted to obtain the Series Gold & Silver Morphers. However, it is revealed that they are alive and have been fighting in The Wasteland since Doctor K escaped Alphabet Soup and eventually join the other Ranger Series Operators in fighting Venjix. Due to her being raised in a think tank for all of her life, Gemma is very childlike but also develops weapons for the other Ranger Series Operator to use in battle. Gemma also has a very close relationship with her brother Gem due to them being able to finish each other’s sentences. After defeating Venjix, Gemma joins Scott Truman & Gem in the new Eagle Squadron.
Sky Morpher
The Sky Morpher is the tool necessary for Gemma to morph into Ranger Operator Series Silver.
Red Morph Cell
The Red Morph Cell is an Engine Cell used by Gemma to morph into Ranger Operator Series Silver.
Engine Cell #8
Engine Cell #8 is the power source of the Tiger Jet and the weapons used by Ranger Operator Series Silver.
Tiger Jet
The Tiger Jet is a tiger/jet-like zord that is piloted by Ranger Operator Series Silver.
Whale Zord
The Whale Zord is a whale/airplane-like zord that was originally a Venjix Doomsday Weapon that Doctor K converted to good.
The Whale Zord is used by Ranger Series Operator Gold & Ranger Operator Series Silver to form the Mach Megazord.
Cloud Hatchet/SkyShift Blazer
The Cloud Hatchet is the personal sword-like weapon used by Ranger Series Operator Silver.
The Cloud Hatchet can be combined to form a blaster-like weapon called the SkyShift Blazer.
Later Appearances
Super Megaforce
Episode: “Power Of Six”
Ranger Operation Series Silver appears to Orion in a daydream to give him the ability to fuse Ranger Keys.
Super Ninja Steel
Episodes: “Outfoxed” & “Dimensions In Danger”
Gemma, also known as Ranger Operator Series Silver, travels to the Main Dimension and appears to the Ninja Steel Rangers in a hooded robe, alongside Wes Collins, the Ranger Time Force Ranger and Koda, the Blue Dino Charge Ranger in order to assist them in unlocking the Ninja Blaze Zord Stars. She later appears to the Ninja Steel Rangers again to ask for their assistance in rescuing the Legendary Rangers captured by Lord Draven. She then teams up with the Ninja Steel Rangers & Legendary Rangers to fight Lord Draven and his Ranger Clone Army.
Power Rangers Legacy Wars: Street Fighter Showdown
Short Film
Ranger Operator Series Silver is brainwashed by M-Bison and joins his Evil Ranger Army.