Ancient Relics

Corona Aurora

Corona Aurora
Episode Introduced
: “Kick Into Overdrive: Part 1”
The Corona Aurora is a powerful crown that gives its user god-like powers when it is combined with the five jewels of the Corona Aurora. It is sought after by brothers, Moltor & Flurious, which turns them into monstrous forms and traps them on deserted planets for millions of years. The Sentinel Knight then scatters its jewels around the Earth and hides the Corona Aurora until it is found by Andrew Hartford, who creates a teams of Power Rangers to find its jewels. It is stolen by Moltor and is in his possession until he gives it to his brother, Flurious, who uses its power to power himself up and freeze the Earth until he is destroyed by the Red Overdrive Ranger. The Corona Aurora is later used to turn the Red Overdrive Ranger into a human.

Corona Aurora Jewels

Brownbeard’s Lucky Pearl/Black Jewel
Episode Introduced: “Pirate In Pink”
Brownbeard’s Lucky Pearl is a pearl given to the Overdrive Rangers by Brownbeard The Pirate in exchange for the Eye Of The Sea.
Brownbeard’s Pearl is later revealed to be the Black Jewel of the Corona Aurora.

Toru Diamond/Yellow Jewel
Episode Introduced:
“Face To Face: Part 2”
The Toru Diamond is a diamond found by the Overdrive Rangers in a lava pit in Indonesia.
The Toru Diamond is later revealed to be the Yellow Jewel of the Corona Aurora.

Blue Sapphire/Blue Jewel
Episode Introduced:
“One Gets Away”
The Blue Sapphire is a sapphire found by the Overdrive Rangers in the Ocean thanks to the Phaedra Aztec Del Compass. It is later stolen by Kamdor & Miratrix and later ends up in the possession of Flurious after it is stolen by Norg.
The Blue Sapphire is later revealed to be the Blue Jewel of the Corona Aurora.

Star Of Isis/Red Jewel
Episode Introduced:
“Things Not Said”
The Star Of Isis is a red gem found by the Overdrive Rangers in the Florida Everglades after they decipher its location on an Egyptian Tablet.
The Star Of Isis is later revealed to be the Red Jewel of the Corona Aurora.

Pink Emerald/Pink Jewel
Episode Introduced:
“Crown And Punishment”
The Pink Emerald is an emerald given to the Overdrive Rangers by a mummy in Hartford Mansion.
The Pink Emerald is later revealed to be the Pink Jewel of the Corona Aurora.

Ancient Relics

Neptune’s Cocoon
Episode Introduced:
“The Underwater World”
This cocoon holds one of the three scrolls for the Sword Of Neptune.

Scrolls Of Neptune
Episode Introduced:
“The Underwater World”
The Scrolls Of Neptune are three scrolls that combine to form the Sword Of Neptune.


Sword Of Neptune
Episode Introduced:
“Heart Of Blue”
The Sword Of Neptune is a mystical sword that aids the Overdrive Rangers in finding the first jewel of the Corona Aurora. Ultrog uses two of Neptune’s Scrolls to create a similar sword-like weapon to fight the Overdrive Rangers.

Weather Machine
Episode Introduced: “Weather Or Not”
The Weather Machine is a device of alien origin that is used my Moltor in conjunction with a Subatomic Energy Generator to control the weather. However, due to the two devices being incompatible, the Weather Machine malfunctions, causing the Weather Machine to create a snowstorm before turning into a monster-like being that is destroyed by the DriveMax Megazord Drill Formation.

Eye Of The Sea
Episode Introduced:
“Pirate In Pink”
The Eye Of The Sea is a jewel coveted by Brownbeard and was thought to be the first jewel of the Corona Aurora. It is used by the monster, Bombardo to turn into a giant saw-like machine and is later traded to Brownbeard for his Lucky Pearl, which is revealed to the first jewel of the Corona Aurora.

Fire Heart’s Scale
Episode Introduced:
“At All Cost”
The Dragon Scale is one of Fire Heart’s scales Andrew Hartford buys from Toby Slambrook to power the Defender Vest.

Hou-Ou Bird
Episode Introduced:
“Both Sides Now”
The Hou-Bird is a bird statue from Istanbul that is used by Kamdor & Miratrix to obtain the Parchment for the Toru Diamond.

Toru Diamond Parchment
Episode Introduced:
“Both Sides Now”
The Toru Diamond Parchment is a map to the Toru Diamond.

Episode Introduced:
“Man Of Mercury: Part 1”
The Gyros is an ancient engine-like device that can increase a warrior’s powers immensely, two of which are used to revive and power-up Mig & Benglo. The Gyros are also used to revived and power-up Vulturus and Cybernetic Rex.

Fearcat Mirror
Episode Introduced:
“Man Of Mercury: Part 1”
This mirror is used by Mig & Cheetar to free their Fearcat brethren and succeed in freeing Benglo.
However, the mirror is shattered before the other Fearcats can be released.

Yanamamae Statue
Episode Introduced:
“Man Of Mercury: Part 1”
The Yanamamae Statue is a statue found by the Overdrive Rangers in Brazil that aids them in finding the Blue Sapphire.

Ki-Amuk Cannon
Episode Introduced:
“Behind The Scenes”
The Ki-Amuk Cannon is a powerful cannon found by The Fearcats in Indonesia.
The Ki-Amuk Cannon is later used alongside Thor’s Hammer to open a rock containing the Pheadra Aztec Del Compass.

Mjolnir/Thor’s Hammer
Episode Introduced:
“Just Like Me”
Thor’s Hammer is found by the Overdrive Rangers in the Rain Forest and is used by Moltor to grow three Lava Lizards to a gigantic size. After the Overdrive Rangers use Thor’s Hammer to break open a rock containing the Phaedra Aztec Del Compass, Thor is given back Mjolnir.

Phaedra Aztec Del Compass
Episode Introduced:
“Out Of Luck”
The Phaedra Aztec Del Compass is a magic compass that is used by the Overdrive Ranger to find the Blue Sapphire. The Phaedra Aztec Del Compass also has the ability to affect a person’s luck, with the monster Blothgarr giving the Red Overdrive Ranger bad luck.


Super Ankh
Episode Introduced:
“One Gets Away”
The Super Ankh is a powerful piece of armor used by The Fearcats to power-up one of their giant robots.

Episode Introduced:
“Once A Ranger: Part 2”
Excelsior is a powerful sword coveted by Thrax to destroy the Sentinel Knight.
After the Overdrive Rangers obtain Excelsior, Sentinel Knight fuses with the sword himself to regain a corporeal form.

Centurion Torch
Episode Introduced:
“One Fine Day”
The Centurion Torch is found by The Fearcats and had immense firepower.
The Centurion Torch also contains a Golden Scarab Beetle that aids the Overdrive Rangers in finding the location of the Star Of Isis.

Golden Scarab Beetle
Episode Introduced:
“One Fine Day”
The Golden Scarab Beetle assists the Overdrive Rangers in finding the location of the Star Of Isis.

Energy Egg
Episode Introduced:
Ronny On Empty: Part 1″
The Energy Egg is used by The Fearcats to drain the Yellow Overdrive Ranger of her life force to power up Cybernetic Rex.

Egyptian Tablet
Episode Introduced:
“Ronny On Empty: Part 2”
The Egyptian Tablet is a tablet that assists the Overdrive Rangers in finding the location of the Star Of Isis.

Octavian Chalice
Episode Introduced:
“Red Ranger Unplugged”
The Octavian Chalice is a powerful chalice that is used by The Fearcats to create Agrios.
The Octavian Chalice also grants wishes during Solar Eclipses at Stonehenge, including turning Miratrix into a monstrous owl form.

Minerva’s Staff
Episode Introduced:
“Home And Away: Part 1”
Minerva’s Staff is a powerful staff found by Flurious in a forest that is stolen by The Fearcats and is used as a component for Agrios.

Root Of Hesper
Episode Introduced:
“Home And Away: Part 1”
The Root Of Hesper is a root found by Moltor in a volcano that is stolen by The Fearcats and is used as a component for Agrios.

Sands Of Silla
Episode Introduced:
“Home And Away: Part 1”
The Sands Of Silla is a vial of sand found by Kamdor & Miratrix in the desert that is stolen by The Fearcats and is used as a component for Agrios.

Golden Egyptian Plate
Episode Introduced:
Two Fallen Foes”
The Octavian Chalice is transformed into the Golden Egyptian Plate after the Solar Eclipse and assists the Overdrive Rangers in finding the final jewel of the Corona Aurora.

Tri-Dragon Key
Episode Introduced:
“Nothing To Lose”
The Tri-Dragon Key is a key found in Japan that assists the Overdrive Rangers in finding the final jewel of the Corona Aurora. It is used to open up a tomb in Egypt that contains the Egyptian Medallion.

Egyptian Medallion
Episode Introduced:
“Nothing To Lose”
The Egyptian Medallion is used to awaken the Mummy at Hartford Mansion to obtain the Pink Emerald.

Episode Introduced: “Nothing To Lose”
The Mummy is a being that was housed in Hartford’s Mansion that is revealed to be the guardian of the final Corona Aurora Jewel, the Pink Emerald. It comes to life after inserting an Egyptian Medallion into its sarcophagus, giving the Overdrive Rangers the Pink Emerald before being destroyed by Flurious.