Name: Tommy Oliver
Ranger: Black Dino Ranger
Actor: Jason David Frank
Episodes: 237
First Appearance: “Green With Evil: Part 1″
Last Appearance: “Once And Always”
Sentai:Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger
Producer: Disney
Character Bio
Tommy Oliver attends college after retiring as a Power Rangers, where he gains a degree in Paleontology. After graduating college, he worked with Anton Mercer to create the Tyrannodrones, Invisiportal, Bio Zords, and Raptor Riders. He also finds the Dino Gems, which he kept in a secret lab under his house. Some years later, Tommy gets a job at Reefside High School as a science teacher and eventually becomes a mentor to the current Power Ranger team, the Dino Rangers. Not too long after that, he is kidnapped by Mesogog’s force to release the Black Dino Gem and succeeds but uses it for his own uses to transform into the Black Dino Ranger. When harnessing the powers of the Black Dino Gem, Tommy is able to turn invisible. After an altercation with the evil White Dino Ranger, Tommy is frozen in amber until he is freed from it by a personality altering meteor. However, he is stuck in his suit until Hayley finds a way to de-morph him, which she is able to by using the Black Dino Gem. After defeating Mesogog with the rest of the Dino Rangers, Tommy continues to teach at Reefside High School.
Black Dino Gem
The Black Dino Gem is a black space gem created by the Red Morphin’ Master and put into a meteor that causes the extinction of the dinosaurs. Mesogog finds the Black Dino Gem and kidnaps Tommy Oliver to get him to release the Black Dino Gem that is encased in amber so that he could use it to help progress his evil intentions. Tommy eventually release the Black Dino Gem, using its in conjunction with the Brachio Morpher to morph into the Black Dino Ranger. The Black Dino Gem also gives Tommy Oliver the power of invisibility.
Brachio Morpher
The Brachio Morpher is the tool necessary for Tommy Oliver to morph into the Black Dino Ranger.
Master Morpher
The Master Morpher gives Tommy Oliver the ability to morph into the Black Dino Ranger.
The Brachiozord is a brachiosaurus-like zord that is commanded by the Black Dino Ranger. The Brachiozord also houses all the other Dinozords. The Brachiozord is destroyed in the battle against the Zelzord.
Brachio Staff
The Brachio Staff is the personal staff-like weapon of the Black Dino Ranger.
The Brachio Staff has the ability to summon the elements at the turn of a knob.
Genetic Power
Tommy Oliver has the ability to become invisible when harnessing the power of the Black Dino Gem.
Super Dino Mode
Super Dino Mode is a powered-up mode used by the Black Dino Ranger when he channels his Black Dino Gem power to its limit.
Other Forms
Former Ranger Powers
(MMPR Green Ranger, MMPR White Ranger & Red Zeo Ranger)
Voiced By: Jason David Frank
Tommy Oliver fights embodiment’s of his former Power Rangers roles while he was in a comatose state.
Black Jeep
Doctor’s Olivers Black Jeep is the personal vehicle of Tommy Oliver after he moves to Reefside.
Black Raptor Rider
The Black Raptor Rider is a black velociraptor ridden by the Black Dino Ranger.
Black Dino ATV
The Black Dino ATV is an ATV-like vehicle created by Mesogog and driven by the Black Dino Ranger.
Later Appearances
Voiced By: Jeffrey Parazzo
Episode: “Wormhole”
Tommy Oliver is the Black Dino Ranger that assists SPD in fighting the combined forces of the Troobian Empire & Zeltrax. He teams up with Commander Cruger, the Shadow Ranger to fight Zeltrax.
Super Ninja Steel
Episode: “Dimension In Danger”
Tommy Oliver is captured by Lord Draven at his house in Reefside and is used as one of the components in creating Ranger Clone Soldiers based on his Black Dino Ranger powers. He escapes and assists in rescuing the rest of the captured Power Rangers. He is then challenged to a one-on-one battle by one of his robotic clones and used the Master Morpher to change from his various powers, successfully destroying his robotic clone. He later teams up with the Ninja Steel Rangers & Legendary Rangers to fight Lord Draven and his Ranger Clone Army and later uses the Falconzord in order to direct one of Lord Draven’s Arrows to destroy him for good.
Power Rangers Legacy Wars: Street Fighter Showdown
Short Film
The Black Dino Ranger is brainwashed by M-Bison and joins his Evil Ranger Army.