Name: Blake Bradley
Ranger: Navy Thunder Ranger
Actor: Jorgito Vargas Jr.
Episodes: 36
First Appearance: “There’s No “I” In Team”
Last Appearance: “Thunder Storm: Part 2”
Sentai: Ninpu Sentai Hurricanger
Producer: Disney
Character Bio
Blake Bradley is adopted by Thunder Ninjas who were killed by the Ninja Warlord, Lothor. After their deaths, he is raised at the Thunder Ninja Academy alongside his brother, Hunter Bradley until the Evil Space Ninjas attack the Thunder Ninja Academy and is captured. He is manipulated by Lothor and told his parents were killed by Sensei Watanabe, the sensei of the Wind Ninja Academy. He uses the Thunder Morpher given to him by Sensei Omino to become the Navy Thunder Ranger to avenge his parents by defeating the Wind Rangers and capturing Sensei Watanabe. He eventually learns the truth about the manipulation and after being brainwashed a few times, joins forces with the Wind Rangers to fight the Evil Space Ninjas. Like Dustin Brooks, he enjoys entering motocross races in his downtime and has a budding romance with the Blue Wind Ranger, Tori Hanson. After Lothor is sealed in the Abyss Of Evil, he graduates from the Wind Ninja Academy and becomes a professional motocross racer.
Thunder Morpher
The Thunder Morpher is the tool necessary for Blake Bradley to morph into the Navy Thunder Ranger.
Navy Beetlezord
The Navy Beetlezord is stag beetle-like zord that is piloted by the Navy Thunder Ranger. The Navy Beetlezord is destroyed in the battle against a giant Vexacus.
Navy Antler
The Navy Antler is the personal grappler-like weapon of the Navy Thunder Ranger.
Thunder Staff
The Thunder Staff is a staff-like weapon used by the Thunder Rangers.
The Thunder Staff can combine with the Navy Antler to form the Thunder Staff w/Navy Antler.
Thunder Blade
The Thunder Blade is a blade-like weapon given to the Navy Thunder Ranger by Sensei Omino that he used against Inflatron.
Navy Tsunami Cycle
The Navy Tsunami Cycles is a motorcycle-like vehicle driven by the Navy Thunder Ranger.
Later Appearances
Dino Thunder
Episodes: “Thunder Storm: Part 1 & 2”
Blake Bradley is the former Navy Thunder Ranger and a famous motocross racer that befriends the Dino Rangers after coming to Reefside to compete in race. After being contacted by Cam about Lothor’s return, he travels to the depths of the Abyss Of Evil to obtain the Samurai Amulet containing his powers. After succeeding in purifying the Wind Rangers, he teams up with Tommy Oliver, the Black Dino Ranger to fight and destroy a revived Zurgane.