Name: Xander Bly
Ranger: Green Mystic Ranger
Actor: Richard Brancatisano
Episodes: 34
First Appearance: “Broken Spell: Part 1”
Last Appearance: “Once A Ranger: Part 2”
Sentai: Mahou Sentai Magiranger
Producer: Disney
Character Bio
Xander Bly is a native of Australia and employee of the Rock Porium in Briarwood that is chosen by the sorceress, Udonna to become the Green Mystic Ranger. Xander has a huge ego, thinking he could talk his way out of any situation and is extremely vain, attempting to use a potion to cure a pimple. After Xander and the rest of the Mystic Rangers defeat Octomus, Xander becomes a manager of Rock Porium.
Mystic Morpher
The Mystic Morpher is the tool necessary for Xander Bly to perform magic and to morph into the Green Mystic Ranger.
Mystic Minotaur
The Mystic Minotaur is a minotaur-like humanoid zord that the Green Mystic Ranger transforms into during giant battles.
Green Magi Staff
The Green Magi Staff is a magical staff-like weapon used by the Green Mystic Ranger and to perform magic spells to fight The Morlocks.
Magi Staff Axe Mode
The Green Magic Staff can transform into an axe-like weapon called the Magi Staff Axe Mode.
Mystic Force Fighters
The Mystic Force Fighters are boxing glove-like weapons used by the Green Mystic Ranger.
Mystic Lion Staff
The Mystic Lion Staff is a magical rotary lion staff-like weapon used by the Green Mystic Ranger while in Legend Warrior Mode.
Green Legend Warrior
Legend Warrior Mode is a powered-up mode given to the Green Mystic Ranger by the Tribunal Of Magic that heightens his magic to its limits.
Mystic Muscles
The Mystic Muscles is a muscular power-up that boosts the strength of the Green Mystic Ranger.
Other Forms
Tree Man
Episode: “Petrified Xander”
Xander Bly is temporarily turned into a tree-like creature after using Clare’s perfection potion to get rid of a zit.
Feather Pile
Episode: “Ranger Down”
Xander Bly is transformed into a pile of feathers by the monster, Screamer.
Green Mystic Racer
The Green Mystic Racer is a flying broom racer-like vehicle driven by the Green Mystic Ranger.
Later Appearances
Operation Overdrive
Episodes: “Once A Ranger: Part 1 & 2”
Xander Bly is the Green Mystic Ranger that is recruited by Sentinel Knight to join the team of Veteran Rangers formed to fight Thrax’s Evil Alliance. He later teams up with Dex Lo, the Blue Overdrive Ranger & Will Aston, the Black Overdrive Ranger to fight the Fearcats.