Name: Kevin
Ranger: Blue Samurai Ranger
Actor: Najee De-Tiege
Episodes: 43
First Appearance: “Origins: Part 1″
Last Appearance: “Stuck On Christmas”
Sentai: Samurai Sentai Shinkenger
Producer: Saban & Nickelodeon
Character Bio
Kevin is a descendant of the original Blue Samurai Ranger, a member of the Shiba Clan that defeated the Nighlok in Japan centuries ago. Prior to joining the Samurai Ranger, Kevin was training for the Olympics as a swimmer but put his aspirations on hold to train as a samurai full time. Kevin has a no nonsense personality and often clashes with Mike, the Green Samurai Ranger due to his lax demeanor. When Master Xandred is defeated, Kevin goes back to training as a swimmer for the 2016 Olympics.
The Samuraizer is the tool necessary for Kevin to perform Symbol Power and to morph into the Blue Samurai Ranger.
Water Folding Zord
The Water Folding Zord is an origami-like device that is passed down from parent to child through the descendants of the original Blue Samurai Ranger. The Water Folding Zord has the ability to transform into the Dragon Folding Zord.
Dragon Disc
The Dragon Disc is used by the Blue Samurai Ranger to perform water elemental attacks and summon the Hydro Bow.
Dragon Folding Zord
The Dragon Folding Zord is a blue dragon origami-like zord that is piloted by the Blue Samurai Ranger.
Swordfish Zord
The Swordfish Zord is a blue swordfish-like zord that the Blue Samurai Ranger fishes out a body of water.
Hydro Bow
Attack: Dragon Splash
The Hydro Bow is the personal water elemental bow-like weapon of the Blue Samurai Ranger.
Spin Sword
The Spin Sword is a sword-like weapon used by the Samurai Rangers as a melee weapon.
Mega Blade
The Mega Blade is a sword-like weapon used by the Blue Samurai Ranger while piloting the Samurai Megazord.
Mega Mode Blue
Mega Mode is a powerful piece of armor worn by the Blue Samurai Ranger while piloting his Dragon Folding Zord.
Super Samurai Blue Ranger
Super Samurai Mode is a powered-up mode used by the Blue Samurai Ranger that gives him a heightened boost in power.
Super Samurai Mega Mode Blue
Super Samurai Mega Mode is a heightened piece of armor used by the Blue Samurai Ranger in his zord while using Super Samurai Mode.
Blue Shogun Ranger
Shogun Mode is an ancient piece of armor that once belonged to a Red Samurai Ranger called the Grand Shogun that was given to the Blue Samurai Ranger after the Red Samurai Ranger unlocked the Bull Zord.
Alternate Clothing
Samurai Training Uniform
Kevin dons this clothing while honing and improving his skills at the Shiba House.
Other Forms
Ballerina Music Box
Episode: “Trading Places”
The Blue Samurai Ranger’s spirit is temporarily put inside a Ballerina Music Box by the Nighlok, Switchbeast.
Dragon Costume
Episode: “Trickster Treat”
Kevin, as the Blue Samurai Ranger, dresses up in a Dragon Costume while in Trickster’s Movie Dimension on Halloween.