Voiced By: Wesley Dowdell
“Origins: Part 1” & “Party Monsters”
Tooya is a face-themed Nighlok and the first Nighlok sent to the Human World to raise the waters of the Sanzu River by collecting misery from the citizens of Panorama City. He is stopped however by the newly formed Samurai Rangers and is destroyed by a slash from the Red Samurai Ranger’s Fire Smasher. He then grows giant after assuming his Mega Monster form, fighting the Folding Zords before being destroyed by the Lion Folding Zord. He is later seen as a guest at the Halloween Party in Nighlok Heaven.
Voiced By: Phil Brown
“Origins: Part 2” & “Party Monsters”
Scorpionic is a scorpion-themed Nighlok summoned by Master Xandred from the Sanzu River to raise to the waters of the Sanzu River by collecting misery from the citizens of Panorama City. He is stopped however by the Samurai Ranger, fighting them and is able to de-morph four of the them with his Whirlwind Scythe. The Samurai Rangers are able to destroy him however by a combined Spin Sword Quintuple Slash. He then grows giant after assuming his Mega Monster form, fighting the Folding Zords before he is destroyed by the newly formed Samurai Megazord. He is later seen as a guest at the Halloween Party in Nighlok Heaven.
Voiced By: Mark Wright
“The Team Unites” & “Party Monsters”
Rofer is a stretchy arm-themed Nighlok that offers his service to Master Xandred by using his stretchy arms to to collect fear from the citizens of Panorama City. He later fights the Green Samurai Ranger solo, being able to defeat him in battle with his stretchy arms until he’s forced to retreats to the Netherworld when he starts to dry out. He later returns to the Human World after hydrating in the Sanzu River, collecting more fear from civilians until he is stopped by the Samurai Rangers. He then fights the Green Samurai Ranger again, being outmatched by him after he tricks him into wrapping his arms around a bunch of pillars before before destroyed by the Green Samurai Ranger’s Spin Sword’s Forest Vortex. He then grows giant after assuming his Mega Monster form, fighting the Bear Folding Zord before being destroyed by the Samurai Megazord. He is later seen as a guest at the Halloween Party in Nighlok Heaven.
Voiced By: Gerald Urquhart
“Deal With A Nighlok” & “Party Monsters”
Doubletone is a tiger/seaweed-like Nighlok who attempts to raise the waters of the Sanzu River by crushing the dreams of a child named Ryan by promising to bring his dad back from overseas in exchange for him giving up baseball. His first attempt is stopped by the Samurai Rangers, fighting them for a short time before he retreats to the Netherworld. He later returns after Ryan throws his baseball equipment in the trash, revealing his lie before fighting the Blue Samurai Ranger & Pink Samurai Ranger, with him being destroyed by a combined attack from the Blue Samurai Ranger’s Hydro Bow & Pink Samurai Ranger’s Sky Fan. He then grows giant after assuming his Mega Monster form, fighting the Dragon Folding Zord & Turtle Folding Zord before being destroyed by the Samurai Megazord. He is later seen as a guest at the Halloween Party in Nighlok Heaven.
Voiced By: Ross Girven
“Day Off” & “Party Monsters”
Dreadhead is a sniper/dreadlock-themed Nighlok who attempts to blast civilians in Panorama City with his laser gun. He is stopped however by the Samurai Rangers, being able to block their attacks with his durable skin. He is nearly able to defeat the Samurai Rangers until he is forced to retreat to the Netherworld when he starts to dry out. He later returns to the Human World after rehydrating, fighting and defeating four of the Samurai Rangers until the Red Samurai Ranger arrives to the fight, destroying him with a blast from the Five Disc Beetle Cannon. He then grows giant after assuming his Mega Monster form, being able to keep up with the Samurai Megazord until the Red Samurai Ranger summons the Beetlezord and destroys him with the Beetle Blaster Megazord. He is later seen as a guest at the Halloween Party in Nighlok Heaven.
Voiced By: David Van Horn
“Sticks And Stones” & “Party Monsters”
Negatron is an insult-themed Nighlok with the power to injure people with his insults. He is sent to use his power on the Samurai Rangers, who is able to inflict his powers on all of them besides the Yellow Samurai Ranger. He then retreat from battle for a short time but later returns to the Human World to inflict more damage, fighting the Yellow Samurai Ranger and is nearly able to get through to her with his insults. That is until the Green Samurai Ranger comes to her assist, holding him down long enough for the Yellow Samurai Ranger to fill his mouth with rocks so they are able to destroy him with a blast from the Five Disc Beetle Cannon. He then grows giant after assuming his Mega Monster form, fighting the Samurai Megazord before being destroyed by the Beetle Blaster Megazord. He is later seen as a guest at the Halloween Party in Nighlok Heaven.
Voiced By: Peter Gentil
“A Fish Out Of Water” & “Party Monsters”
Yamiror is a poisonous tree-themed Nighlok that uses his poisonous breath on the Samurai Rangers, inflicting four of the Samurai Rangers with his poisonous toxins. An injured Red Samurai Ranger attempts to fight him when he returns to Panorama City, but is unsuccessful until the Blue Samurai Ranger arrives to the fight, who uses the Swordfish Zord Disc to cure his teammates. He then fights the Samurai Rangers and is attacked by the Blue Samurai Ranger’s Spin Sword’s Dragon Splash Attack before being destroyed with a blast from the Five Disc Swordfish Cannon. He then grows giant after assuming his Mega Monster form, fighting the Samurai Megazord before being destroyed by the Swordfish Fencer Megazord. He is later seen as a guest at the Halloween Party in Nighlok Heaven.
Voiced By: Robert Mignault
“I’ve Got A Spell On Blue” & “Party Monsters”
Madimot is a mind controlling Nighlok who offers to destroy the Samurai Rangers for Master Xandred after revealing he has gained control of the Tigerzord. He then uses his mind control powers on the Blue Samurai Ranger, forcing him to fight his teammates until the Samurai Rangers are forced to retreat from battle. He later uses the Blue Samurai Ranger to fight the Red Samurai Ranger solo until the Red Samurai Ranger is able to free him from his mind control. He then fights four of the Samurai Rangers while he sends the Tigerzord to fight the Lion Folding Zord, losing the Tigerzord before being destroyed by a combined Four Ally Slash. He then grows giant after assuming his Mega Monster form, fighting the Tigerzord before being destroyed by the Tiger Drill Megazord. He is later seen as a guest at the Halloween Party in Nighlok Heaven.
Kevin (Mind Controlled)
Voiced By: Najee De-Tiege
“I’ve Got A Spell On Blue”
Kevin is put under a mind control spell by the Nighlok, Madimot and is used to fight the Red Samurai Ranger.
He is cured however after the Red Samurai Ranger strikes him with a special Power Disc.
“I’ve Got A Spell On Blue”
The TigerZord falls under the control of the Nighlok, Madimot after the last team of Samurai Rangers traps Master Xandred in The Netherworld and falls in the cracks of The Netherworld. It fights the Lion Folding Zord until it is freed from Madimot’s control thanks to one of the Red Samurai Ranger’s Power Disc.
Voiced By: Peter Gentil
“Forest For The Trees” & “Party Monsters”
Desperaino is an umbrella-themed Nighlok that has the ability to summon a rain cloud to make people depressed. He uses this power on the citizens of Panorama City, with the Samurai Rangers attempting to stop them with their new Samurai Discs. He retreats from this fight however, recharging in the Sanzu River before returning to Panorama City to cause more misery. He is stopped by a newly invigorated Green Samurai Ranger, who destroys him with a Spin Sword Tree Symbol Strike. He then grows giant after assuming his Mega Monster form, fighting the Samurai Megazord before being destroyed by the newly formed Samurai Battlewing. He is later seen as a guest at the Halloween Party in Nighlok Heaven.
Voiced By: Peter Daube
“Test Of The Leader” “Jayden’s Challenge” & “Party Monsters”
Robtish is a warrior Nighlok that is summoned by Octoroo to destroy the Red Samurai Ranger before he could master the Sealing Symbol. He fights him one-on-one before Deker interferes, having a three-way battle until he is forced to retreat to the Netherworld when he starts to dry out. He later returns to attack a park in Harper Village, fighting all the Samurai Rangers before being destroyed by a blast from Five Disc Tiger Cannon. He then grows giant after assuming his Mega Monster form, fighting the Samurai Megazord before being destroyed by the newly formed Battlewing Megazord. He is later seen as a guest at the Halloween Party in Nighlok Heaven.
Voiced By: Ari Boyland
“Unexpected Arrival”
Vulpes is a fox-themed Nighlok that uses his Enchanted Eye to spy on the Red Samurai Ranger practicing the Sealing Symbol. However, the Red Samurai Ranger is able to figure this out, with Vulpes going to the Human World to check thing out, which gives the Red Samurai Ranger the opportunity to destroy his Enchanted Eye. He then fights the Samurai Rangers, being able to outperform them in battle and reflecting their attack right back at them. That is until Antonio Garcia arrives to the fight, morphing into the Gold Samurai Ranger and destroying him with multiples slash attacks from his Barracuda Blade. He then grows giant after assuming his Mega Monster form but is destroyed by combined efforts of the Octozord & Battlewing Megazord.
Voiced By: John Leigh
“Room For One More” & “Party Monsters”
Steeleto is a bladed Nighlok that desired to destroy the Samurai Rangers after they destroyed his friend, Vulpes. He attempts to do so with his sword skills and body blades, defeating four of the Samurai Rangers and nearly defeating the Red Samurai Ranger until he is forced to retreat to the Netherworld when he starts to dry out. He later returns after rehydrating and fights the Samurai Rangers, with them gaining the upper hand after the Gold Samurai Ranger joins the team and is destroyed by the Red Samurai Ranger’s Spin Sword’s Blazing Strike and the Gold Samurai Ranger’s Barracuda Blade’s Barracuda Bite. He then grows giant after assuming his Mega Monster form, fighting the Samurai Megazord before being destroyed after it combines with the Octozord to form the Octo Spear Megazord. He is later seen as a guest at the Halloween Party in Nighlok Heaven.
Voiced By: Barnie Duncan
“The Blue And The Gold” & “Party Monsters”
Antberry is an eel-like Nighlok with the ability to block any attack due to his body being covered in slime. He is recruited by Octoroo to assist him in filling up a well with Sanzu River Water by stealing and destroying toys from children around Panorama City. This scheme however is found out by the Blue Samurai Ranger & Gold Samurai Ranger, who fight him but are unable to land attacks on him due to his slippery slime. He then attempts to destroy the toys with an axe made from Netherworld Bedrock until the Blue Samurai Ranger & Gold Samurai Ranger are able to destroy this axe. He fights them again shortly after, with them being able to land attacks on him by gripping their weapons with a scarf and destroying him with the Blue Samurai Ranger’s Spin Sword’s Dragon Splash and the Gold Samurai Ranger’s Barracuda Blade’s Barracuda Bite. He then grows giant after assuming his Mega Monster form but is destroyed by the Octo Spear Megazord. He is later seen as a guest at the Halloween Party in Nighlok Heaven.
Voiced By: Simon McKinney
“Team Spirit” & “Party Monsters”
Splitface is a mouth-themed Nighlok with the ability to steal spirits from humans and successfully uses this power to steal the spirit of the Yellow Samurai Ranger. He then retreats to the Netherworld, where he intended to stay there for a full day, where the sprits he’s stolen are his permanently. However, the Samurai Rangers are able to lure him out of the Netherworld thanks to the Gold Samurai Ranger attaching a Symbol on his body during their first fight. He then fights the Samurai Rangers but is destroyed by a barrage of attacks from the Samurai Ranger’s personal weapons. He then grows giant after assuming his Mega Monster form but is destroyed by the Claw Battlezord. He is later seen as a guest at the Halloween Party in Nighlok Heaven.
Voiced By: Simon McKinney
“The Tengen Gate” & “Boxed In”
Arachnitor is a spider-like Nighlok that attempted to seize Master Xandred’s throne while he was incapacitated due to him absorbing energy. He forces Octoroo to assist him in capturing the Red Samurai Ranger in order to get him to use the Sealing Symbol on Master Xandred. After Octoroo poisons the Red Samurai Ranger’s tea, he attacks the Tengen Gate, fighting and nearly defeating four of the Samurai Rangers in battle before being captured and brought back to the Netherworld by Master Xandred. He is then mutated by Master Xandred, powering him up and turning him into a mindless slave to collect fear in Panorama City. He is stopped however by four of the Samurai Rangers, fighting and nearly defeating them without their Power Discs until the Red Samurai Ranger & Gold Samurai Ranger arrive to the fight, retreating after surviving a Quintuple Slash powered-up by the Gold Samurai Ranger.
Voiced By: Campbell Cooley
“Broken Dreams” “The Ultimate Duel” & “Party Monsters”
Rhinosnorus is a rhino-like Nighlok that has the ability to put anyone to sleep with his Mist Blower and is able to travel into their dream in order to eat their dreams so that they never wake up. He is summoned by Master Xandred to put Dayu to sleep after she leaves the Netherworld. He successfully puts the Gold Samurai Ranger to sleep, using this as a portal to get through to a civilian captured by Dayu in order to trap the Pink Samurai Ranger & Dayu in his Dream World. He fights the Blue Samurai Ranger & Green Samurai Ranger after they enter his Dream World, using the powers of the Dream World to fight them. That is until the Green Samurai Ranger uses this power against him, forcing him out of the Dream World and destroying his Mist Blower, forcing him to retreat back to the Netherworld. He is later sent back to Harwood County to collect fear from civilians but is stopped by the Samurai Rangers, fighting them until he is destroyed by an attack from the Blue Samurai Ranger’s Hydro Bow. He then grows giant after assuming his Mega Monster form but is destroyed by the Samurai Megazord. He is later seen as a guest at the Halloween Party in Nighlok Heaven.
Spitfangs I & II
“Broken Dreams”
The Spitfangs are two crocodile-like Nighlok that are summoned by Octoroo to fight the Red Samurai Ranger & Gold Samurai Ranger and are aided by an army of Giant Moogers. They are both destroyed by the Lion Folding Zord & Claw Zord.
Nighlok Heaven Party Monsters
(Tooya, Scorpionic, Rofer, Doubletone, Deadhead, Negatron, Yamiror, Madimot, Desperaino, Robtish, Steeleto, Antberry, Splitface & Rhinosnorus)
Voiced By: Wesley Dowdell, Phil Brown, Gerald Urquhart, Ross Girven, David Van Horn, Peter Gentil, Robert Mignault, Peter Daube, John Leigh, Barnie Duncan, Simon McKinney & Campbell Cooley
“Party Monsters”
These fallen Nighlok attended a Halloween Party in Nighlok Heaven.
Voiced By: Dean Young
“Clash Of The Red Rangers”
Sharkjaw is a shark-like Nighlok that is sent to attack Panorama City and successfully destroys three buildings. He fights the Samurai Rangers with his super fast spinning attack, drying out and retreating to the Netherworld after taking an attack from the Gold Samurai Ranger. He is last seen rehydrating in the Sanzu River.
Sergeant Tread
Voiced By: Geoff Dolan
“Clash Of The Red Rangers”
Sergeant Tread is a wheel-themed Nighlok that is summoned by Master Xandred to assist Professor Cog in destroying the Samurai Rangers. He later fights the Red Samurai Ranger & Ranger Operator Series Red when the two team up and is destroyed when the rest of the Samurai Rangers return from the RPM Dimension by a barrage of attacks from the Samurai Rangers & Ranger Operator Series Red in Shark Attack Mode.
General Gut
Voiced By: John Dybvig
“Clash Of The Red Rangers”
General Gut is a big bellied Nighlok General that is given a large army to attack Panorama City. He is sent to the Human World with this army after Professor Cog is defeated by the Samurai Rangers & Ranger Operator Series Red and later fights the Red Samurai Ranger one-on-one. He nearly defeats him in battle until he uses the Shark Mode Disc, destroying him with a slash from the Shark Sword. He then grows giant after assuming his Mega Monster form and powers up to an even more powerful form after getting hit with an attack from the Battlewing Megazord. He is destroyed however by the newly formed Samurai Shark Megazord.
Purple Moogers (General Gut)
“Clash Of The Red Rangers”
The Purple Moogers are lower level crab-like Nighlok that are used as foot soldiers by General Gut.