XX. Zords

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Dragon Mechazord
Pilot: Red Megaforce Ranger
The Dragon Mechazord is a red dragon-like zord that is piloted by the Red Megaforce Ranger.

Shark Mechazord
Pilot: Blue Megaforce Ranger
The Shark Mechazord is a blue shark-like zord that is piloted by the Blue Megaforce Ranger.

Snake Mechazord
Pilot: Black Megaforce Ranger
The Snake Mechazord is a black snake-like zord that is piloted by the Black Megaforce Ranger.

Tiger Mechazord
Pilot: Yellow Megaforce Ranger
The Tiger Mechazord is a yellow tiger-like zord that is piloted by the Yellow Megaforce Ranger.

Phoenix Mechazord
Pilot: Pink Megaforce Ranger
The Pheonix Mechazord is a white phoenix-like zord that is piloted by the Pink Megaforce Ranger.

Gosei Great Megazord

Gosei Great Megazord
(Dragon Mechazord, Shark Mechazord, Snake Mechazord, Tiger Mechazord & Phoenix Mechazord)
The Mechazords can combine with each other to form the Gosei Great Megazord.

Land Brothers

Land Brothers
(Beetle Zord, Dino Zord & Rhino Zord)
The Land Brothers are a trio of land-based zords that can be summoned by the Black Megaforce Ranger & Yellow Megaforce Ranger.

Land Gosei Great Megazord
(Dragon Mechazord, Shark Mechazord, Snake Mechazord, Tiger Mechazord, Phoenix Mechazord & Land Brothers)
The Land Brothers can combine with the Gosei Great Megazord to form the Land Gosei Great Megazord.

Sea Brothers

Sea Brothers
(Manta Zord, Hammerhead Zord & Sawshark Zord)
The Sea Brothers are a trio of sea-based zords that can be summoned by the Blue Megaforce Ranger.

Sea Gosei Great Megazord
(Dragon Mechazord, Shark Mechazord, Snake Mechazord, Tiger Mechazord, Phoenix Mechazord & Sea Brothers)
The Sea Brothers can combine with the Gosei Great Megazord to form the Sea Gosei Great Megazord.

Sky Brothers

Sky Brothers
(Hawk Zord, Ptera Zord & Crow Zord)
The Sky Brothers are a trio of sky-based zords that can be summoned by the Red Megaforce Ranger & Pink Megaforce Ranger.

Sky Gosei Great Megazord
(Dragon Mechazord, Shark Mechazord, Snake Mechazord, Tiger Mechazord, Phoenix Mechazord & Sky Brothers)
The Sky Brothers can combine with the Gosei Great Megazord to form the Sky Gosei Great Megazord.

Ultra Gosei Great Megazord

Ultra Gosei Great Megazord
(Dragon Mechazord, Shark Mechazord, Snake Mechazord, Tiger Mechazord, Phoenix Mechazord, Sea Brothers, Land Brothers & Sky Brothers)
The Land Brothers, Sea Brother & Sky Brothers can combine with the Gosei Great Megazord to form the Ultra Gosei Great Megazord.

Knight Brothers

Lion Mechazord
Pilot: Robo Knight
The Lion Mechazord is a lion-like zord that Robo Knight can become in battle.

Sky Lion Mechazord
Pilot: Robo Knight
The Sky Lion Mechazord is a sky lion-like zord that Robo Knight can summon into battle.

Sea Lion Mechazord
Pilot: Robo Knight
The Sea Lion Mechazord is a sea lion-like zord that Robo Knight can summon into battle.

Gosei Grand Megazord

Gosei Grand Megazord
(Lion Mechazord, Sky Lion Mechazord & Sea Lion Mechazord)
The Lion Mechazord can combine with the Knight Brothers to form the Gosei Grand Megazord.

Gosei Great Grand Megazord
(Dragon Mechazord, Shark Mechazord, Snake Mechazord, Tiger Mechazord, Phoenix Mechazord, Lion Mechazord, Sky Lion Mechazord & Sea Lion Mechazord)
The Gosei Great Megazord can combine with the Gosei Grand Megazord to form the Gosei Great Grand Megazord.

Gosei Ultimate

Gosei Ultimate/Gosei Ultimate Megazord
Pilots: Megaforce Rangers
Gosei Ultimate was originally the Command Center that Tensou upgraded to become a jet-like zord.
Gosei Ultimate can transform into a humanoid form known as the Gosei Ultimate Megazord.

Gosei Jet

Gosei Jet
(Bird Zord, Rhino Beetle Zord, Crocodile Zord, Elephant Zord & Dolphin Zord)
The Gosei Jet is a group of five zord that were used by the Megaforce Rangers to fight Metal Alice.

Gosei Jet Megazord
(Bird Zord, Rhino Beetle Zord, Crocodile Zord, Elephant Zord & Dolphin Zord)
The Gosei Jet can transform into a humanoid form known as the Gosei Jet Megazord.

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