Name: Koda
Ranger: Blue Dino Charge Ranger
Actor: Yoshi Sudarso
Episodes: 49
First Appearance: “Powers From The Past”
Last Appearance: “Grid Connection”
Sentai: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger
Producer: Saban & Nickelodeon
Character Bio
Koda is a caveman from prehistoric times that bonded with the Blue Energem after saving his brother, Taku from an attack from a Sabertooth Tiger. This event however causes him to be frozen for one hundred thousand years and is eventually found by Kendall Morgan, who unfreezes him and recruits Koda to become the Blue Dino Charge Ranger. Being from a different era, Koda is often confused with modern day language and technology. In battle, Koda prefers to use his brute strength over the weapons available to him. After Sledge is defeated, Koda returns to his own time.
Blue Energem
The Blue Energem is a powerful gem created by the Green Morphin’ Master and given to Keeper, who bonds it with a Stegosaurus to protect it from the bounty hunter, Sledge. The caveman, Koda finds it while excavating it in a cave, bonding with after rescuing his brother, Taku from a Sabertooth Tiger and before he is trapped in a block of ice. After Kendall Morgan & Chase Randall find and free him in present day, he uses its power to become the Blue Dino Charge Ranger.
Dino Comm
The Dino Comm is a smartphone-like device used by the Dino Charge Rangers as a communication device. It is also used as a storage system for the Dino Chargers.
Dino Charger
Stego Charger
The Stego Charger is a Dino Charger that gives Koda the ability to morph into the Blue Ranger and summon the Stego Zord.
Stego Zord
The Stego Zord is a stegosaurus-like zord that was created by Zenowing and piloted by the Blue Dino Charge Ranger.
Stego Shield
The Stego Shield is the personal stegosaurus-themed shield-like weapon of the Blue Dino Charge Ranger.
Dino Charge Morpher
The Dino Charge Morpher is a blaster-like weapon used by the Blue Dino Charge Ranger in battle and to morph into the Blue Dino Charge Ranger.
Dino Drive Blue
Dino Drive is a powerful piece of armor that is worn by the Blue Dino Charge Ranger while in the cockpit of various Megazord Formations.
Dino Super Drive Blue
Dino Super Drive is a powerful piece of armor that is an upgraded version of Dino Drive.
It is worn by the Blue Dino Charge Ranger while in the cockpit of various Megazord Formations.
Other Forms
Black Dino Charge Ranger
Played By: James Davies
Episode: “Freaky Fightday”
Koda assumes the role of the Black Dino Charge Ranger after switching bodies with Chase Randall for a short time.
Riley Griffin
Episode: “No Matter How You Slice It”
Koda dresses up as Riley Griffin to trick the monster, Shearfear.
Episode: “The Ghostest With The Mostest”
Koda dresses up as a ghost for the Halloween Party at the Amber Beach Dinosaur Museum.
Episode: “Trick Or Trial”
Koda dresses up as a Samurai for Halloween when standing trial in the Halloween Intergalactic Court.
Dino Cycle
The Dino Cycle are two robotic deinonychus-like creatures that combine to form a motorcycle-like vehicle driven by the Dino Charge Rangers.
Later Appearances
Super Ninja Steel
Episodes: “Outfoxed” “Dimensions In Danger” & “The Poisy Show”
Koda is the Blue Dino Charge Ranger that travels to the Main Dimension and appears to the Ninja Steel Rangers in a hooded robe, alongside Wes Collins, the Ranger Time Force Ranger and Gemma, the Ranger Operator Series Silver in order to assist them in unlocking the Ninja Blaze Zord Stars. He later appears to the Ninja Steel Rangers again to ask for their assistance in rescuing the Legendary Rangers captured by Lord Draven. He then teams up with the Ninja Steel Rangers & Legendary Rangers to fight Lord Draven and his Ranger Clone Army. Koda comes in contact with Preston Tien, the Blue Ninja Steel Ranger when he uses the Transportal Device to travel to the Dino Charge Dimension and teams up with him to save his teammates and destroys Sledge’s Crew with a bomb.
Beast Morphers
Episodes: “Finders Keepers” & “Grid Connection”
Koda is the Blue Dino Charge Ranger that travels to the Main Dimension to save Keeper and fights a resurrected Snide with his teammates. He also fights Snide by himself when Sledge and his crew is revived by Evox. Koda later teams up with the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers, Dino Rangers & Beast Morphers Rangers to fight Evox’s Army when they travel to his dimension to create the Chimerazord.