XXII-XXIII. Villains

Sledge’s Crew

Voiced By: Adam Gardiner
Sledge is an intergalactic bounty hunter that follows Keeper to earth to obtain the Energems. To accomplish this, Sledge has a ship filled with alien bounties, eager to do his bidding. Sledge eventually obtains the Purple Energem to power his laser blaster, which he uses to take on the Dino Charge Rangers himself in order to obtain the Red Energem. After the Red Dino Charge Ranger re-obtains his Energem, he fights him one-on-one and loses, inevitably causing his ship to crash into the Earth, presumably killing him. However, it is revealed that Sledge survived and faked his death in order to plant six Greenzilla Eggs around the world. He later returns to obtain the Dark Energem and marries Poisandra before enacting his final plan in capturing the Earth in a net and selling it to Kamen 5. The Dino Charge Rangers attempts to stop him by using the destroying the Dark Energem, which causes his ship and the Earth to go through a portal that transports him to the Main Dimension. The Dino Charge Rangers then uses the true powers of the Energems to travel to the past to destroy past Sledge and succeeds by tricking him to grow giant and capturing him in a net and hurling him into the Sun.

Voiced By: Jackie Clarke
Poisandra is the heart-shaped alien fiancée of Sledge that will do anything in her power to marry Sledge. Poisandra is a capable fighter, wielding a heart-shaped axe in battle and is a decent strategist, being able come up with plans to obtain the Energems. Poisandra also has a fierce rivalry with Fury and the two often throw insults at each other. Poisandra is eventually fed up with Sledge’s plans and threatens to leave, but stays after he promises he’d marry her after he obtains one more Energem. This wouldn’t come to fruition due to Sledge presumably being killed in the ship’s crash to Earth, with Poisandra working Heckyl and later Lord Aracanon to stay alive. After Sledge is revealed to be alive, Poisandra grills him for his trickery but forgives him after the two get married. Shortly after getting married, Poisandra gets sucked into a portal created by the Dark Energem to the Main Dimension. However, a past version of Poisandra is destroyed after the Dino Charge Rangers hurl Sledge’s Spaceship into the Sun.

Voiced By: Paul Harrop
Fury is a lion-like alien and a strong warrior in Sledge’s Crew. He is trapped on Earth for millions of years after a bomb blows Sledge’s Ship out of orbit and attempted to obtain a few Energems during this time. His first attempt to obtain the Gold Energem, which bonded with Sir Ivan Of Zandar, whom he captured inside his body after losing the Gold Energem. He then attempted to obtain the Aqua Energem but loses it after James Navarro bonds with it during a cave in, presumably losing it forever. He also attempts to obtain the Green Energem shortly before rejoining Sledge’s Crew and is at odds with Poisandra, who calls him out for not obtaining a single Energem. Fury attempts to gain control of the Ptera Zord after he obtains a Ptera Charger and succeeds in doing so but requires to charge it with Sir Ivan’s life force. He also obtains the Gold Energem but its power would end up separating him from Sir Ivan. After this failure, Fury is demoted to cleaning prison cells until he saves Poisandra from Heckyl’s tentacles, where Sledge gives him another chance and eventually succeeds in obtaining the Purple Energem. After Sledge is presumably destroyed in the ship’s crash to Earth, Fury begins to work for Heckyl and later Lord Arcanon to stay alive. He also develops a rivalry with Singe after he joins Heckyl’s Crew, stealing his blaster from him to use in battle. After Sledge returns from his globe traveling adventure, he gets sucked into a portal created by the Dark Energem to the Main Dimension. However, a past version of Fury is destroyed by a bomb hidden in the containment unit for the Energems.

Voiced By: Estevez Gillespie
Wrench is a blue robotic alien that works as a mechanical inventor in Sledge’s Crew. Wrench is responsible for creating many things, including a companion for Poisandra named Curio and a machine that has the ability to revive old monsters. Wrench is also a capable fighter, wielding a blue axe in battle. After Sledge is presumably destroyed in the ship’s crash to Earth, Wrench begins to work for Heckyl and later Lord Arcanon to stay alive. After Sledge returns from his globe traveling adventure, Wrench officiates Sledge & Poisandra Wedding before getting sucked into a portal created by the Dark Energem to the Main Dimension. However, a past version of Wrench is destroyed after the Dino Charge Rangers hurl Sledge’s Spaceship into the Sun.

Voiced By: Estevez Gillespie
Curio is a stitched scarecrow-like creature created by Wrench from spare monsters parts to give Poisandra a companion while Sledge was busy trying to obtain the Energems. Despite Curio’s child-like personality, he is a capable fighter, wielding a red toy hammer in battle. After Sledge is presumably destroyed in the ship’s crash to Earth, Curio begins to work for Heckyl and later Lord Arcanon to stay alive. After Sledge returns from his globe traveling adventure, Curio attends Sledge & Poisandra’s Wedding before getting sucked into a portal created by the Dark Energem to the Main Dimension.

Heckyl & Snide

Played By: Ryan Carter
Heckyl is a former inhabitant of Sentai 6 that attempted to keep the Dark Energem from Lord Arcanon. However, he bonds with it himself, losing all of memories and turning evil. He is eventually captured by Sledge, being a prisoner on his ship in Solitary Confinement. Heckyl is released from Solitary Confinement to use his human-like appearance to obtain the Purple Energem. He fails at this and is thrown back into Solitary Confinement until Sledge is presumably destroyed when his ship crashes on Earth. He then takes over Sledge’s Ship and plots to obtain the Energem by getting a job at the Dino Bite Cafe and getting close to the Dino Charge Rangers. Heckyl’s true identity is eventually revealed to the Dino Charge Rangers, with him sending monster going forward to obtain the Energems. When Lord Arcanon arrives on Earth, Heckyl is put back into Solitary Confinement, where he begins to remember his past life and is separated from Snide after Snide makes a deal with Lord Arcanon. Heckyl then teams up with Dino Charge Ranger to defeat Sledge and his crew and after accomplishing this, he becomes the Keeper of the Dark Energem.

Voiced By: Campbell Cooley
Snide is a dark warrior that is created from Heckyl after he bonds with the Dark Energem. Snide is far more aggressive and less calculating than Heckyl, preferring to take on the Dino Charge Rangers with extreme force. Snide is able to communicate with Heckyl when he is in control via his pocket watch. After Lord Arcanon takes control of Sledge’s Ship, Snide pledges his loyalty to Lord Arcanon in exchange for separating him from Heckyl. However, this is all revealed to be a ruse as Sledge comes back and destroys him and his followers. After feeling pushed out of Sledge’s plans, Snide decides to take the Dark Energem to destroy the Dino Charge Rangers himself by breaking into their base and fighting the Purple Dino Charge Ranger. He then fights all the Dino Charge Rangers and Heckyl but is destroyed by a combined blast attack from the Dino Ultrazord.

Lord Arcanon’s Crew

Lord Arcanon
Voiced By: Andy Grainger
Lord Arcanon is a powerful space warlord that hired Sledge to capture aliens to build him an army. He travels to Sentai 6 to obtain the Dark Energem, which he succeeds in doing and uses it to turn Zenowing, the Silver Dino Charge Ranger into Doomwing. He eventually travels to Earth after getting a progress report from Singe and takes over Sledge’s Ship to obtain the Energems. He attempts to gain them multiple times, even fighting the Dino Charge Rangers himself by powering himself with the Dark Energem. However, he fails at this and loses the Dark Energem to Sledge and is destroyed by a combined blast from Sledge’s Crew.

Voiced By: Mark Mitchinson
Singe is a candle-themed member of Lord Arcanon’s Crew that travels to Earth to join Heckyl’s Crew, becoming a spy for Lord Arcanon. He gains a fierce rivalry with Fury and attempts to destroy the Dino Charge Rangers a few times, including adding Zotak Rings to their Energems, making them powerless. He is eventually found out and leaves the Earth for a short time until he returns with Lord Arcanon. He then attempts to assist Lord Arcanon in forwarding his goals in any way he could but is destroyed when Sledge comes back and is destroyed by a combined attack from Sledge’s Crew.

Voiced By: Mark Wright
Doomwing is a dark bird-like alien and a member of Lord Arcanon’s Crew that is created after Zenowing is exposed to the Dark Energem. Using the Silver Energem, he tricks the Dino Charge Rangers into giving him information on their Dino Chargers and uses them to control their zords for a short time. Doomwing later travel to Earth with Lord Arcanon to aid him in obtaining the Energems. After unfusing with Zenowing and losing the Silver Energem, he is destroyed by the Silver Dino Charge Ranger.

Foot Soldiers


The Vivix are amoeba-like creatures that are used as foot soldiers by Sledge and other various villains hunting the Energems.

The Vivizords are giant creatures that form when multiple Vivix fuse together to attack Amber Beach.


Voiced By: Campbell Cooley
The Spikeballs are elite foot soldiers that also work as prison guards on Sledge’s Ship. They are also secondary foot soldiers used by  Sledge and other various villains hunting the Energems.


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