Evil Space Aliens
Rita Repulsa
Played By: Machiko Soga
Voiced By: Barbara Goodson
Rita Repulsa is an intergalactic space witch that fought an intergalactic war with Zordon for centuries until the two reach a stalemate, with Zordon trapping her and her co-horts in a Space Dumpster while she traps him in a time warp. There she stayed for ten thousand years until she is eventually set free when two astronauts accidentally open the Space Dumpster. Once freed, Rita Repulsa vows vengeance on her arch nemesis, Zordon and plans to do so by conquering the planet Earth for herself by sending down monsters and her army of Putty Patrollers to get the job done. When monsters and Putty Patrollers aren’t enough to destroy the Power Rangers, Rita Repulsa decides to use the Dragon Power Coin in her possession and uses it to transform Tommy Oliver into her Evil Green Ranger. However, this plan eventually backfires when Jason Lee Scott destroys the Sword Of Darkness, Tommy Oliver defecting to their side. She then attempts to steal the Green Ranger powers back with the Green Candle but this plan ultimately fails, with her continuing to attempt to conquer Earth.
Voiced By: Kerrigan Mahan
Goldar is a golden monkey-like alien and Rita Repulsa’s second-in-command, the strongest of her subordinates. Goldar also accompanies monsters in most fights and grows giant thanks to Rita Repulsa’s magic if necessary. He often teams up with Scorpina when she joins the Evil Space Aliens.
Voiced By: Robert Axelrod
Finster is a russell terrier-like alien and a skilled monster maker that is in charge of creating monster for Rita Repulsa. To accomplish this, Finster sculpts small monsters out of clay and bakes them in his Monster Matic. Finster also accomplishes a similar task by creating Putty Patrollers.
Voiced By: Michael Sorich
Squatt is a blue skin hobgoblin-like alien and a bumbling henchmen in Rita Repulsa’s Army. Squatt is often given tasks to accomplish to forward Rita Repulsa’s plans, like messing with wiring on one of Billy Cranston’s inventions, causing him to switch bodies with Kimberly Hart or planting evil seeds that eventually becomes the Octoplant.
Played By: Dave Mallow
Baboo is a monkey/vampire-like alien and a bumbling henchmen in Rita Repulsa’s Army. Baboo is a skilled alchemist, being able to create different potions for Rita Repulsa to utilize against the Power Rangers, like a Punk Potion that turned Billy Cranston & Kimberly Hart into punks.
Played By: Ami Kawai
Voiced By: Wendee Lee
Scorpina is a humanoid/scorpion female warrior Rita Repulsa summons to add some extra muscle to her army shortly after Tommy Oliver becomes the Evil Green Ranger. Scorpina mostly teams up with Goldar in her fight against the Power Rangers but also fight them herself, like the time she used her pet worm to trap them in a silk cocoon. When grown giant by Rita Repulsa’s magic, Scorpina assumes a monstrous scorpion-like form.
Lokar The Terrible
Played By: Masahiko Urano
Voiced By: Robert Axelrod
Lokar is a giant demonic floating head from the Talos Dimension summoned by Rita Repulsa to aid her in luring the Power Rangers to the Island Of Illusion and used his Breath Of Doom to power-up Mutitis. After this plan fails, he retreats for a short time until he is summoned again during Power Rangers Day to upgrade Goldar’s War Zord, Cyclopsis. After this plan fails, he retreats again and is never heard from again.
Tommy Oliver (Evil Green Ranger)
Played By: Jason David Frank
Tommy Oliver is a new student at Angel Grove High School that Rita Repulsa recruits to become her Evil Green Ranger after seeing him fight Jason Lee Scott in a Martial Arts Tournament. He is able to outmatch the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers for a while and is given the Sword Of Darkness in order to keep him under Rita Repulsa’s dark influence. That is until the Sword Of Darkness is destroyed by the Red Ranger, freeing him from her spell and turning him to the side of good.
Putty Patrollers
The Putty Patrollers are clay warriors sculpted from clay by Finster and are used as foot soldiers by the Evil Space Aliens.
The Repulsascope is a telescope used by Rita Repulsa to look in on events taking place on Earth.