Name: Rocky DeSantos
Ranger: Mighty Morphin’ Red Ranger
Actor: Steve Cardenas
Introduction: “Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: The Movie”
Producer: Twentieth Century Fox
Character Bio
Rocky DeSantos was one of the six teens chosen by Zordon to defend the Earth from evil as the Red Ranger. After Ivan Ooze damages the Command Center, which inevitably causes his powers to be destroyed, he travels with his team to the planet Phaedos to acquire The Great Power. He is given the spirit of the Ape after receiving his portion of The Great Power.
Power Morpher
The Power Morpher is the tool necessary for Rocky DeSantos to morph into the Red Ranger.
Ninja Apezord
The Ninja Apezord is an ape-like zord that is given to the Red Ranger when he unlocked The Great Power.
Power Scope
The Power Scope is a scanning mode that can activate on the helmet of the Red Ranger.
Ninjetti Spirit: Ape
Ninjetti is a power-up given to Rocky by Dulcea to use while he searched for The Great Power on Phaedos.