Played By: Bryan Cranston
Zordon was the former Red Ranger that was betrayed and killed by Rita Repulsa, the former Green Ranger. Fortunately, Alpha 5 was able to upload his consciousness into his ship and is awoken when the five teen that found the Power Coins stumble upon the Command Center. Originally, Zordon wanted to use the five teen so that he could use their power to free himself from the Morphin’ Grid. However, when Billy dies and the rest of the team proves themselves to be a team, Zordon sacrifices his chance of becoming corporeal again and revives Billy Cranston.
Alpha 5
Played By: Bill Hader
Alpha 5 is the robotic assistant 0f Zordon that was in charge of training the five teens that found the Power Coins so they are able to morph into Power Rangers.
Yellow Ranger (Cenozoic Era)
Played By: Fiona Vroom
This unknown alien woman was the original Yellow Ranger on Zordon’s team of Power Rangers. After giving her Power Coin to Zordon, she is killed by Rita Repulsa.
Family Members
Sam Scott
Played By: David Denman
Sam Scott is the father of Jason Scott, the Red Ranger.
Candace Cranston
Played By: Lisa Berry
Candace Cranston is the mother of Billy Cranston, the Blue Ranger.
Played By: Fiona Fu
Mrs.Taylor is the mother of Zack Taylor, the Black Ranger.
Trini’s Dad
Played By: Patrick Sabongui
Trini’s Dad is the father of Trini, the Yellow Ranger.
Played By: Erica Cerra
June is the mother of Trini, the Yellow Ranger.
Trini’s Brothers
Played By: Enrique Lopez & Jackson Mitchell Croom
These two are the brothers of Trini, the Yellow Ranger.
Angel Grove Residents
Amanda Clark & Harper
Played By: Sarah Grey & Morgan Taylor Campbell
Amanda & Harper were members of Kimberly Hart’s Clique before Kim betrayed Amanda’s trust after she posted naked photos of her around the school. After Kimberly is caught, Amanda & Harper cut her out of their clique.
Colt Wallace
Played By: Wesley MacInnis
Colt Wallace is a student at Angel Grove High School that bullied Billy Cranston while they were in detention. Jason Scott stands up to him and later Billy does the same after gaining enhanced strength from the Blue Power Coin.
Fenix Saleswoman
Played By: Fiona Vroom
The Fenix Saleswoman is an employee of Fenix Jeweler that give Rita Repulsa gold when she threatens her life. She is killed when Rita Repulsa sets the store on fire.
Old Tommy & Old Kimberly
Played By: Jason David Frank & Amy Johnson
These two were seen in the crowd of Angel Grove Citizens that stared in awe at the Megazord.