II. Villains

Space Pirates

Played By: Hilary Shepard
Divatox is an intergalactic Space Pirate that desires to marry the being Maligore so that she can use his power to conquer the universe. To accomplish this, she captures the Liarian Wizard, Lerigot and uses his magic to pass through the Nemesis Triangle. After Maligore is destroyed by the Turbo Rangers, Divatox swears vengeance on the Turbo Rangers for ruining her plans.

Voiced By: Lex Lang
Rygog is Divatox’s most trusted adviser and is in charge of navigation for the Subcraft.

Voiced By: Derek Stephen Prince
Elgar is the nephew of Divatox that was given the task of kidnapping Lerigot as well as finding two being of purity and strength to sacrifice to Maligore. After Jason & Kimberly are saved by the Turbo Rangers, Elgar is used as a sacrifice to release Maligore.

Divatox’s Pet Eel
This eel was a pet to Divatox that showed her much love and affection. He is be sacrificed however when Divatox required a sacrifice to release Maligore.

The Piranhatrons are fish-like warriors that Divatox uses as foot soldiers.

Putra Pods
The Putra Pods are reptile-like creatures that were sent to the Ghost Galleon by Divatox to take care of the Turbo Rangers.


(Great Flame Of Destruction)
Played By: Michael Deak
Maligore is a lava creature that was imprisoned on the Island Of Muiranthias by the ancestors of Lerigot. He is released by the Space Pirate, Divatox, who intended to marry him for his power and sacrifices her pet eel and nephew, Elgar to complete the ritual. After escaping the interior of the volcano, he grows giant to fight the Turbo Rangers but is destroyed by the Turbo Megazord.

Maligore’s Children
(Jason Lee Scott & Kimberly Hart)
Played By: Austin St John & Amy Jo Johnson
Jason Lee Scott & Kimberly Hart are possessed after Maligore feeds on their purity and strength and are used to fight the Turbo Rangers to prevent them from stopping the ceremony. They are both purified by the pure energy of Lerigot & Yara.

The Malachians are worshipers of Maligore that live on the Island Of Muranthias.

Rita & Zedd

Rita Repulsa
Played By: Carla Perez
Voiced By: Barbara Goodson
Rita Repulsa, the intergalactic space witch, is called by Divatox and requested advice on how to get rid of the Power Rangers, with her advice to her was to “RUN”.

Lord Zedd
Voiced By: Robert Axelrod
Lord Zedd, the Emperor Of Evil, is shown sleeping during Divatox’s call to his wife, Rita Repulsa.

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