II. Rangers

Turbo Rangers


Tommy Oliver, Red Turbo Ranger
Played By: Jason David Frank
Tommy Oliver, the Red Zeo Ranger is first seen practicing for a Martial Arts Tournament to benefit the children of the Little Angel’s Haven. He is tasked by Zordon to travel to Africa with Katherine Hillard to find Lerigot. After Lerigot is captured by Divatox, he upgrades his powers in order to travel to the Island Of Muiranthias, becoming the Red Turbo Ranger.


Justin Stewart, Blue Turbo Ranger
Played By: Blake Foster
Justin Stewart is a child from the Little Angel’s Haven that finds out the identity of the Power Rangers. After Rocky DeSantos is injured practicing for a Martial Arts Tournament, Justin is recruited by Zordon & Alpha 5 to become the Blue Turbo Ranger.


Adam Park, Green Turbo Ranger
Played By: Johnny Yong Bosch
Adam Park, the Green Zeo Ranger is first seen practicing for a Martial Arts Tournament to benefit the children of the Little Angel’s Haven. After Lerigot is captured by Divatox, he upgrades his powers in order to travel to the Island Of Muiranthias, becoming the Green Turbo Ranger.


Tanya Sloan, Yellow Turbo Ranger
Played By: Nakia Burrise
Tanya Sloan, the Yellow Zeo Ranger is first seen volunteering with Katherine Hillard at Little Angel’s Haven, a children’s shelter in Angel Grove. After Lerigot is captured by Divatox, she upgrades her powers in order to travel to the Island Of Muiranthias, becoming the Yellow Turbo Ranger.


Katherine Hillard, Pink Turbo Ranger
Played By: Catherine Sutherland
Katherine Hillard, the Pink Zeo Ranger is first seen volunteering with Tanya Sloan at Little Angel’s Haven, a children’s shelter in Angel Grove. She is tasked by Zordon to travel to Africa with Tommy Oliver to find Lerigot. After Lerigot is captured by Divatox, she upgrades her powers in order to travel to the Island Of Muiranthias, becoming the Pink Turbo Ranger.

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