Marvin “Marv” Shih, Red Hyperforce Ranger

Name: Marvin “Marv” Shih
Ranger: Red Hyperforce Ranger
Actor: Peter Sudarso
Episodes: 24
First Appearance: Welcome To Time Force Academy”
Last Appearance: “Season Finale”
Producer: Saban & Hyper RPG

Character Bio

Marv Shih is a student at Time Force Academy from the planet, Kaien that becomes the Red Hyperforce Ranger after Time Force Academy is attacked by the Alliance Leader. Marv originally joined Time Force to find his missing brother, Joe Shih and hacks into Time Force to sneak his way into becoming a Time Force Officer, He is paired up with Jack D. Thomas, who rats him out to Time Force but is able to stay in Time Force as a cadet, enrolling at the Time Force Academy. At first, Marv is hesitant to lead the team but eventually steps up after Vesper dies in battle.


Hyperforce Morpher
The Hyperforce Morpher is the tool necessary for Marv Shih to morph into the Red Hyperforce Ranger.


Lion Hyper Zord
The Lion Hyper Zord is a lion-like zord piloted by the Red Hyperforce Ranger.


Iapetus Blaster/Iapetus Claws
The Iapetus Blaster is the personal blaster-like weapon of the Red Hyperforce Ranger.
The Iapetus Blaster can also transform into claw-like weapons called the Iapetus Claws.

Hyper Blade Blaster
The Hyper Blade Blaster is a sword/blaster-like weapon used by the Red Hyperforce Ranger.