Edward “Eddie” Banks, Blue Hyperforce Ranger

Name: Edward “Eddie” Banks
Ranger: Blue Hyperforce Ranger
Actor: Andre Meadows
Episodes: 24
First Appearance: Welcome To Time Force Academy”
Last Appearance: “Season Finale”
ProducerSaban & Hyper RPG

Character Bio

Eddie Banks is a student at Time Force Academy becomes the Blue Hyperforce Ranger after Time Force Academy is attacked by the Alliance Leader. Eddie is a history buff, knowing information about certain aspects in Power Rangers history. Eddie is also a member of the illustrious Banks Family, a powerful and rich family in Millennium City. As time progresses, Eddie develops feelings for Vesper, the Black Hyperforce Ranger.


Hyperforce Morpher
The Hyperforce Morpher is the tool necessary for Eddie Banks to morph into the Blue Hyperforce Ranger.


Serpent Hyper Zord
The Serpent Hyper Zord is a serpent-like zord piloted by the Blue Hyperforce Ranger.


Oceanus Trident/Oceanus Blades
The Oceanus Trident is the personal trident-like weapon of the Blue Hyperforce Ranger.
The Oceanus Trident can also transform into blade-like weapons called the Oceanus Blades.

Hyper Blade Blaster
The Hyper Blade Blaster is a sword/blaster-like weapon used by the Blue Hyperforce Ranger.