You may know him best as one half of the awesome “Never Give Up” duo Max Cooper & Danny from Power Rangers Wild Force!
Phillip Jeamarie actually straddles two fandoms for me, Power Rangers Wild Force (which features our mascot, the Deer Zord) but he also had a starring role in the cult classic Soap, I’ve loved since I was 13, “Passions”
Phillip sat down with us for an Exclusive Interview to discuss Max, Wild Force, the forgotten Team Up and NEVER GIVING UP!
Had you ever watched Power Rangers before auditioning?
A: I definitely remember the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers.
I was probably 14 at the time and never thought I’d actually become a Power Ranger myself.
What was the audition process for “Max” like?
A: The audition process was a long one but definitely well worth it. I remember traveling up to Valencia about six times before booking the part. And actually the last time I auditioned, my mom’s car, a 1987 Chevy Nova broke down on the way home. Apparently it couldn’t handle the hills. Thankfully I had triple A and thank God it didn’t break down BEFORE my audition.
Do you remember what was it like to hear you got the role?
A: Tons a people audition to become a Power Ranger every year and to become one of the few chosen is an honor. I remember calling my mom as soon as I found out and she was so excited for me. It was an unforgettable experience and I’m so thankful for the opportunity.
What was your first day on set like?
A: Actually we didn’t get right to shooting on the first day.
We actually had stunt training for two weeks with all the stuntmen. Who ever knew learning how to fall could be so fun! Haha
Who would you say was your closest friend on the set of Wild Force?
A: We were all close but I would easily say that Jack Guzman (Danny) was a close friend on and off set.
If you can remember, What was your favorite Wild Force episode to film?
A: I really enjoyed shooting the “Never Give Up” episode. It showed the history of Max and Danny’s relationship.
What did you think of Max and Danny’s friendship?
A: I felt that they’re personalities complemented each other, whenever Max was physically incapable of fighting off Orgs, Danny was the strong one who had his back. Whenever Danny needed a little boost of confidence, Max was there to remind him how great of a friend he was. Max and Danny had each other’s back. Danny was Max’s “ride or die”.Vice versa Friendship like that is hard to come by.
What was it like to film “Reinforcements From The Future” with the cast of Time Force?
A: Filming with the Time Force rangers was fun! We hung out near the beach, did some collaborative stunts and overall had a great time.
Many of the previous Power Ranger seasons, and subsequent seasons, had team ups the following season.
Would you have liked a team up with Ninja Storm?
A: I was hoping we would have been able to film in New Zealand and team up with Ninja storm.
Just being able to work in New Zealand would have been a worthwhile experience.
How did you go about playing Max? Were there pieces of your own personality in him?
A: I’m pretty laid back but I also like to have a good time and I feel that whatever Max is doing, he’s always making sure he’s having a good time. I hope the fans enjoyed watching him as much I enjoyed playing him.
Do you happen to own any Wild Force or Max merchandise?
A: For sure! I have my own talking doll. I thought it was such a trip to have a doll with my voice saying things like “Never Give Up!” or “You’re history master org!” It’s kind of surreal and I will be forever grateful cause not too many people can say they have an action figure of themselves. I gave the doll to my son and he plays with him along with his Spider-Man,Thor,Hulk,Iron man and Optimus Prime figures. That’s a premiere group to be apart of.
How has your interaction with fans been at Ranger Conventions? Do you have any interesting stories of fan interactions at conventions?

A: I love doing the Morphicon out in Pasadena. Its been over 10 years from when we filmed Wild Force and for the fans to still remember us and ask for our autographs or snap a photo with us warms my heart. They are so important to us and I always look forward to meeting new fans or reacquainting myself with past fans.
Would you ever return for a guest spot on a future season of Power Rangers?
A: Sure,why not!
I remember the first time I met you at PMC3, I had to mention my love for my favorite soap “Passions” and your character Vincent.
What was it like playing such an interesting character?
A: It’s always fun to play the “bad guy”. When I first auditioned for Passions, there was no mention of Vincent at all. I auditioned for the role of a peeping Tom which later was revealed to the audience as Vincent, the inter sexed villain who was blackmailing everyone in Harmony. I had a great time playing Vincent and every step of the way was always surprising and challenging for me as an actor. The show took risks and I commend James Reilly for being bold but at the same time having a tongue in cheek approach to his story telling.
Where can we Officially follow you on social networks?
A: Follow me on Instagram:@phillip_jeanmarie