Zack Taylor, Mighty Morphin’ Black Ranger I

MMPR Black

Name: Zack Taylor
Ranger: Mighty Morphin’ Black
Actor: Walter Jones
Episodes: 89
First Appearance: “Day Of The Dumpster”
Last Appearance: “Once & Always”
Sentai: Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger
Producer: Hasbro & Netflix

Character Bio

Zack Taylor is one of the original Angel Grove five teens chosen by Zordon to become the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers, becoming the Black Ranger. After retiring as a Power Rangers, it is revealed that Zack became a congressman until he steps down to raise Trini Kwan’s daughter, Minh Kwan after she is killed by Robo Rita. After Robo Rita returns from the Dark Dimension, he teams up with a mixed team of Power Rangers to stop Robo Rita from using a time machine to destroy their younger selves in the past. He then returns to his normal life with Minh after defeating Robo Rita.


Power Morpher (Mastodon Power Coin)
The Power Morpher is the tool necessary, in conjunction with the Mastodon Power Coin to morph into the Black Ranger. The Mastodon Power Coin is presumably recreated by Billy Cranston after his original Power Coin is destroyed by Rita & Zedd.

Wrist Communicator
The Wrist Communicator is a watch-like device created by Billy Cranston that is used as a communication and teleportation device for the Black Ranger.


Mastodon Dinozord
The Mastodon Dinozord is a mastodon-like zord that is piloted by the Black Ranger.


Power Axe
The Power Axe is the personal axe-like weapon of the Black Ranger. The Power Axe has the ability to turn into a cannon-like weapon that is used to fire a blast of energy at Robo Rita.