Dino Chargers

Dino Chargers

T-Rex Charger
Dinosaur: Tyrannosaurus Rex
The T-Rex Charger gives Tyler Navarro the ability to morph into the Red Ranger and summon the T-Rex Zord.

Para Charger
Dinosaur: Parasaurolophus
The Para Charger gives Chase Randall the ability to morph into the Black Ranger and summon the Para Zord.

Stego Charger
Dinosaur: Stegosaurus
The Stego Charger gives Koda the ability to morph into the Blue Ranger and summon the Stego Zord.

Raptor Charger
Dinosaur: Velociraptor
The Raptor Charger gives Riley Griffin the ability to morph into the Green Ranger and summon the Raptor Zord.

Tricera Charger
Dinosaur: Triceratops
The Tricera Charger gives Shelby Watkins the ability to morph into the Pink Ranger and summon the Tricera Zord.

Ptera Charger
Dinosaur: Pterodactyl
The Ptera Charger gives Sir Ivan the ability to morph into the Gold Ranger and summon the Ptera Zord.

Ankylo Charger
Dinosaur: Ankylosaurus
The Ankylo Charger gives James Navarro the ability to morph into the Aqua Ranger and summon the Ankylo Zord.

Pachy Charger
The Pachy Charger gives Prince Phillip the ability to morph into the Graphite Ranger and summon the Pachy Zord.

Plesio Charger
Dinosaur: Plesiosaurus
The Plesio Charger gives Kendall Morgan the ability to morph into the Purple Ranger and summon the Plesio Zord.

Titano Charger
Dinosaur: Titanosaurus
The Titano Charger gives Zenowing the ability to morph into the Silver Ranger and summon the Titano Zord.

Spino Charger
Dinosaur: Spinosaurus
The Spino Charger is created by Shelby Watkins in order to summon the Spino Zord.

Arsenal Dino Chargers

Dino Cycle Charger
Dinosaur: Deinonychus
The Dino Cycle Charger is used to summon the Dino Cycle.

Dino Armor X Charger
Dinosaur: Deinosuchus
The Dino Armor X Charger is used to activate Dino Armor X.

Dino Spike Charger
Dinosaur: Kentrosaurus
The Dino Spike Charger is used to combine the Dino Charge Rangers weapons into the Dino Spike.

Dino Cupid Charger
Dinosaur: Styracosaurus
The Dino Cupid Charger gives its user the ability to make a person fall in love with the first person they see.

Dino Blaze Charger
: Allosaurus
The Dino Blaze Charger when activated emits fire from its users Dino Charge Morpher.

Dino Stretch Charger
Dinosaur: Diplodocus
The Dino Stretch Charger when activated can stretch its users neck.

Dino Gas Charger
Dinosaur: Oviraptor
The Dino Gas Charger when activated emits a toxic gas from either the T-Rex Zord or the Dino Charge Morpher.

Dino Hypnotize Charger
Dinosaur: Ammonite
The Dino Hypnotize Charger gives its user the ability to hypnotize anyone.

Dino Victory Charger
The Dino Victory Charger converts the energies of the Dino Charge Rangers Energems into a powerful blast.

Dino X Charger
The Dino X Charger converts the energies of the Auxiliary Rangers Energems into a powerful blast.

Unused Dino Chargers
(Dino Laugh Charger, Dino Squash Charger, Dino Gravity Charger, Dino Helio Charger & Dino Clone Charger)
Dinosaurs: Iguanodon, Tupandactylus, Archelon, Fukuiraptor & Futabasaurus)
These Dino Chargers go unused in battle but are used to activate the Titano Zord.

Power-Up Chargers

Dino Drive Charger
The Dino Drive Charger is used by the Dino Charge Rangers in order to activate Dino Drive.

Dino Super Drive Charger
The Dino Super Drive Charger is used by the Dino Charge Rangers in order to activate Dino Super Drive.

T-Rex Super Charger
The T-Rex Super Charger gives Tyler the ability to access T-Rex Super Charge Mode.



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