Cosmic Fury Rangers
Amelia Jones, Red Cosmic Fury Ranger
Played By: Hunter Deno
Amelia Jones, the Rafkonian and Pink Dino Fury Ranger is called to duty once again after Lord Zedd escape his crystal imprisonment on Zordnia. After Zayto goes missing and Ollie turns evil, Amelia assumes the role of leader of the Dino Fury Rangers, piloting the Lion Cosmic Zord in giant battles. After Lord Zedd destroys her connection to the Morphin’ Grid, the Ankylo Statue she is given new powers by Billy Cranston, becoming the Red Cosmic Fury Ranger and leader of the Cosmic Fury Rangers. At first she is hesitant in becoming the Red Ranger due to that being Zayto’s role but Billy assures her that that Morphin’ Grid made her the Red Ranger for a reason. She shows this reasoning in the way she puts her own feelings of losing her boyfriend aside for the feelings of her teammates. After defeating Lord Zedd, she resumes her relationship with Ollie Akana, the Blue Cosmic Fury and learns that she has a new baby sister named Poppy.
Javi Garcia, Black Cosmic Fury Ranger
Played By: Chance Perez
Javi Garcia, the Black Dino Fury Ranger is called to duty once again after Lord Zedd escape his crystal imprisonment on Zordnia. During the fight on Zordnia, he is given Master Red’s Staff, which leads him to an alter containing new zords. He ultimately decides to be the one to place the Master Staff inside the alter to unlock the zords, with the energy from it causing him to lose one of his arms. When the team returns to Earth however, he is given a Rafkonian Arm that takes him some time to get use to due its strength. After Lord Zedd destroy his connection to the Morphin Grid, the Stego Statue, he is given new powers by Billy Cranston, becoming the Black Cosmic Fury Ranger. Javi laments over the loss of his arm for a while due to its power not letting him play music the same way but eventually finds a new way of playing music. After Lord Zedd is defeated, he is seen performing at the Victory Concert on Earth.
Izzy Garcia, Green Cosmic Fury Ranger
Played By: Tessa Rao
Izzy Garcia, the Green Dino Fury Ranger is called to duty once again after Lord Zedd escape his crystal imprisonment on Zordnia. She planned to still attend Oakdale College with her girlfriend, Fern despite the threat of Lord Zedd but is forced to put these plans on hold after Lord Zedd destroys Dinohenge and forces them to retreat to Erridius. After her connection to the Morphin’ Grid, the Tiger Statue is destroyed, Izzy is given new powers by Billy Cranston, becoming the Green Cosmic Fury Ranger. Izzy becomes very concerned with Fern’s safety during their space adventures but eases up after Fern becomes with Orange Cosmic Fury Ranger. After Lord Zedd is defeated, she presumably attends Oakdale College with Fern.
Aiyon, Gold Cosmic Fury Ranger
Played By: Jordon Fite
Aiyon, the Rafkonian and Gold Dino Fury Ranger is called to duty once again after Lord Zedd escape his crystal imprisonment on Zordnia. Aiyon gets into a deep funk for a short time after losing Zayto for a second time buts bonds with Amelia Jones due to her losing Ollie to the forces of evil. After Lord Zedd destroys his connection to the Morphin’ Grid, the Mosa Statue, he is given new powers by Billy Cranston, becoming the Gold Cosmic Fury Ranger. During their space adventures, Aiyon becomes the cook of the Cosmic Cruiser, baking delicious snacks for his teammates. He is also the one to discover Mucus & Slyther when he is temporarily closing Aiyon’s Cafe. During the final battle against Lord Zedd, he loses Zayto once again and attempts to follow him into the Morphin’ Grid but ends in a white void, presumably meeting Zordon in form of Zayto. He does eventually meet Zayto one last time and finally gets to say goodbye to him prior to him going into the Morphin’ Grid to defend it with the other Morphin’ Masters. After defeating Lord Zedd, he relays information to Billy Cranston that Zordon might still be out there.
Fern, Orange Cosmic Fury Ranger
Played By: Jacqueline Joe
Fern is the girlfriend of Izzy Garcia, the Green Dino Fury Ranger that planned on going to Oakdale College with her the day Lord Zedd destroyed Dinohenge and the base is teleported to Erridius with her inside. Fern assist in any way she could while trapped on Erridius, aiding Billy Cranston in creating the Cosmic Morphers and becoming a drummer in the fake heavy metal band, Meat Chrome. When Solon is captured by Scuttle Worms while the Cosmic Cruiser is ready to leave Erridius, Fern uses the Cosmic Morpher to teleport to Solon’s location, with the Cosmic Orb in her possession absorbing Solon’s energy, making Fern the Orange Cosmic Fury Ranger. She then uses these powers to assist the rest of the Cosmic Fury Ranger in fighting Lord Zedd & Squid Ink. After defeating Lord Zedd, she presumably attends Oakdale College with Izzy Garcia.
Ollie Akana, Blue Cosmic Fury Ranger
Played By: Kai Moya
Ollie Akana, the Blue Dino Fury Ranger is called to duty once again after Lord Zedd escape his crystal imprisonment on Zordnia. After being exposed to the same goo that turned him evil last time, Ollie becomes one of Lord Zedd’s most loyal servants, gaining a new suit to fight his former teammates. He is cured of his evil influence after Slyther & Mucus destroys his Tricera Statue and rejoins his teammates as the Blue Cosmic Fury Ranger. He also assists in the final battle against Lord Zedd & Squid Ink by creating the Cosmic Blaster. After defeating Lord Zedd, he resumes his relationship with Amelia Jones, the Red Cosmic Fury Ranger.
Zayto, Zenith Cosmic Fury Ranger
Played By: Russell Curry
Zayto, the Rafkonian and former Red Dino Fury Ranger is brought back to life by the Morphin’ Masters to assist in the fight against Lord Zedd after he escapes his crystal imprisonment on Zordnia. He is thrown through a Cosmic Portal during this fight, landing on Lavinna and is slowly healed by the consciousness of the planet until he is found by his teammates. After reuniting with his team, he is given a Cosmic Morpher created by Billy Cranston, becoming the Zenith Cosmic Fury Ranger. Zayto is shown to have been given Master Morpher-like abilities after being brought back to life, being able to locate a missing Solon and turning Mucus back into a Sporix Beast. It is revealed however that using these powers drains his life force and will eventually kill him again, which it does after he uses his powers to form a force field to save his teammates from an explosion. His spirit then ascends to the Morphin’ Grid, with Zayto being reborn as a Morphin’ Master shortly after and assists the Cosmic Fury Rangers in defeating Lord Zedd by trapping him in an illusion on Nibyro. After defeating Lord Zedd, he says his final goodbye to his friends before returning to the Morphin’ Grid with the other Morphin’ Masters. He is last seen looking in on his friends at the Victory Concert on Earth.