The Monsters

Squid Ink Inc. Monsters

Squid Ink Monster #1
“Lightning Strikes”
This unnamed monster is apart of the giant army Bajillia Naire uses to invade Zordnia and is destroyed by Master Blue.

Squid Ink Monster #2
“Lightning Strikes”
This unnamed monster is apart of the giant army Bajillia Naire uses to invade Zordnia and is destroyed by Master Pink.   

Squid Ink Monster #3
“Lightning Strikes”
This unnamed monster is apart of the giant army Bajillia Naire uses to invade Zordnia that is pushed through a Cosmic Portal by the Pink Dino Fury Ranger.

Squid Ink Monster #4 & Squid Ink Monster #5
“Lightning Strikes”
This unnamed monster is apart of the giant army Bajillia Naire uses to invade Zordnia.

Squid Drill #1
“Lightning Strikes”
This Squid Drill is piloted by an evil Ollie Akana to prevent the Dino Fury Rangers from obtaining the Cosmic Fury Zord. It inevitably fails and is destroyed by the Cosmic Fury Megazord.

Mega Squid Drill #1
“Beyond Repair”
This Mega Squid Drill is piloted by Doodrip after Squillia gives it to him to prove himself to Lord Zedd after he gets fired by invading Earth. He fails however when the Mega Squid Drill is destroyed by a blast from the Cosmic Fury Megazord.

Scuttle Worm #1
“Off Grid”
Scuttle Worm is a worm-like creature native to Erridus that hatches from an egg while the Cosmic Fury Rangers attempt to install an antenna to boost their communication systems so they can receive and transmit messages to Earth. After eating a bunch of fruit collected by Aiyon, it grows into a bigger form, fighting Amelia & Aiyon, defeating them until Javi is able to beat it into submission by Javi’s powerful medal arm. The Scuttle Worm later returns, with Aiyon luring it away from the base with his stew containing fruit his species consumes.

Voiced By: Robert Mingnault
“Off Grid” & “Team Work”
Kryzmo is a scorpion-like alien and a member of Squillia’s Dance Crew that is recruited by Ollie Akana to form a team to capture Zayto on Levvina. He fights the Black Cosmic Fury Ranger and is destroyed by a slash from his Stego Spike Axe.

Voiced By: Riley Druce
“Off Grid” & “Team Work”
Kryzmo is a ring thrower-like alien and a member of Squillia’s Dance Crew that is recruited by Ollie Akana to form a team to capture Zayto on Levvina. He fights the Green Cosmic Fury Ranger before being destroyed by an attack from the Tiger Claw Daggers

Voiced By: Cristina Ionda
“Off Grid” & “Team Work”
Jadana is a green colored alien and a member of Squillia’s Dance Crew that is recruited by Ollie Akana to form a team to capture Zayto on Levvina. She fights the Gold Dino Fury Ranger before being destroyed by a blast from the Mosa Razor Blaster.

Voiced By: Lori Dungey
“Off Grid” & “Team Work”
Snoutia is a blue tapir-like alien and a member of Squillia’s Dance Crew that is recruited by Ollie Akana to form a team to capture Zayto on Levvina. She first backs up Ollie to fight the Red Cosmic Fury Ranger before retreating with him after the others are destroyed by the Cosmic Fury Rangers. After she dismisses Ollie’s plan for a sneak attack and starts attacking plants, the plants wrap around her, trapping her in vines.

Squid Drill #2
“Team Work”
This Squid Drill is piloted by Ollie Akana to fight the Cosmic Fury Rangers on Levvina but is destroyed by the Cosmic Fury Megazord.

Alien Interviewer
Played By: Steve McCleary
“Rock Out” & “Master Plan”
The Alien Interviewer interviews Bajillia Naire on her Squid Ink Livestream when she brags about finding the Cosmic Dragon Zord on Akraal and when she captures Master Zedd in the Master Captivator on Eltar.

Monster Guard #1
Voiced By: Callum Stembridge
“Rock Out”
Monster Guard #1 is a robotic alien hired by Squid Ink Inc. to guard the dig site on Akkral while they’re digging up the Cosmic Dragon Zord. He is duped into letting in the Cosmic Fury Rangers in while they’re disguised as Meat Chrome and is in the audience for their concert. He later fights the Black Cosmic Fury Ranger and retreat from battle after getting hit by an attack from the Gold Cosmic Fury Ranger.

Monster Guard #2
Voiced By: Adrian Smith
“Rock Out”
Monster Guard #1 is anaquatic alien hired by Squid Ink Inc. to guard the dig site on Akkral while they’re digging up the Cosmic Dragon Zord. He is duped into letting in the Cosmic Fury Rangers in while they’re disguised as Meat Chrome and is in the audience for their concert. He later fights the Red Cosmic Fury Ranger and retreat from battle after getting hit by an attack from the Gold Cosmic Fury Ranger.

Monster Miner #1
Voiced By: Tim Hamilton
“Rock Out”
Monster Miner #1 is an alien that is apart of the dig crew hired to dig up the Cosmic Dragon Zord on Akraal. He also informs Ollie & Scrozzle about the Meat Chrome Concert and fights the Black Cosmic Fury Ranger before retreating from battle after getting hit by an attack from the Gold Cosmic Fury Ranger.

Monster Miner #2
Voiced By: N/A
“Rock Out”
Monster Miner #2 is an alien that is apart of the dig crew hired to dig up the Cosmic Dragon Zord on Akraal. He is also an audience member for the Meat Chrome Concert before fighting the Gold Cosmic Fury Ranger. He retreats from battle after getting hit with an attack from the Gold Cosmic Fury Ranger.

Monster Miner #3
Voiced By: N/A
“Rock Out”
Monster Miner #3 is an alien that is apart of the dig crew hired to dig up the Cosmic Dragon Zord on Akraal. He is also an audience member for the Meat Chrome Concert. He retreats from battle after getting hit with an attack from the Gold Cosmic Fury Ranger.

Monster Miner #4
Voiced By: N/A
“Rock Out”
Monster Miner #2 is an alien that is apart of the dig crew hired to dig up the Cosmic Dragon Zord on Akraal. He is also an audience member for the Meat Chrome Concert before fighting the Green Cosmic Fury Ranger. He retreats from battle after getting hit with an attack from the Gold Cosmic Fury Ranger.

Monster Miner #5
Voiced By: N/A
“Rock Out”
Monster Miner #5 is an alien that is apart of the dig crew hired to dig up the Cosmic Dragon Zord on Akraal. He is also an audience member for the Meat Chrome Concert. He retreats from battle after getting hit with an attack from the Gold Cosmic Fury Ranger.

Monster Miner #6
Voiced By: N/A
“Rock Out”
Monster Miner #6 is an alien that is apart of the dig crew hired to dig up the Cosmic Dragon Zord on Akraal. He is also an audience member for the Meat Chrome Concert. He retreats from battle after getting hit with an attack from the Gold Cosmic Fury Ranger.

Copyguard #1
“Rock Out”
This Copyguard, alongside another are sent to fight the Cosmic Dragon Zord piloted by Zayto but end up being destroyed by an attack from the Cosmic Dragon Zord.

Squid Drill #3
“Rock Out”
This Squid Drill is piloted by Bajillia to fight the Cosmic Fury Rangers after they obtain the Cosmic Dragon Zord and is quickly destroyed by the combined efforts of the Cosmic Fury Megazord & Cosmic Dragon Megazord.

Retrona & Janet
“Rock Out”
Retrona & Janet are two alien criminal that are seen on Wanted Poster at Squid Ink’s Mine on Akraal.

Scuttle Worm #2
“Take Off”
This giant Scuttle Worm attack the Cosmic Fury Rangers while they’re patrolling Erridus in their Cosmic Fury Zord. After being sliced by the Cosmic Grizzly Zord, it is destroyed by the Cosmic Dragon Megazord.

Scuttle Worm #3
“Take Off”
This Scuttle Worm captures Solon while she’s fixing the engines of the Cosmic Carrier, with the intention to feed her to their babies until Fern comes to rescue, destroying it after transforming into the Orange Cosmic Fury Ranger.

Copyguard #2
“Take Off”
This Copyguard is sent to split up the Cosmic Fury Rangers by having a giant fight on Erridius’ Moon and is destroyed by the Cosmic Fury Megazord.

Scuttle Worm #4 & Scuttle Worm #5
“Take Off”
These Scuttle Worms are the ones responsible for eating Jozotic’s hunting bots and are also used as a distraction while the Cosmic Fury Rangers leave Erridus in their Cosmic Carrier. They are both destroyed by Ollie Akana using his Tricera Blade Blaster.

Scuttle Worm Babies
“Take Off”
These Scuttle Worm Babies hatched while Solon was captured and intended on feeding on her until they are destroyed by Fern as the Orange Cosmic Fury Ranger.

Copyguard #3
“Operation Seasoning”
This Copyguard is tasked by Squillia to stop the Cosmic Fury Rangers from destroying a Squid Drill that in Pine Ridge but is destroyed by a blast from the Cosmic Lion Zord.

Squid Drill #4
“Operation Seasoning”
This Squid Drill transforms into Battle Mode after constant attacks from the Cosmic Fury Zord but is destroyed by the Cosmic Fury Megazord.

Copyguard #4 & Copyguard #5
“Switching Sides”
These Copyguards are tasked with preventing the Cosmic Fury Rangers from destroying a Squid Drill in Pine Ridge but are destroyed by the Cosmic Dragon Megazord.

Copyguard #6
“Master Plan”
This Copyguard is tasked with guarding a captured Ollie Akana, Mucus & Slyther, being armed with the Tricera Blaster. He fails at this when the Cosmic Fury Rangers break in and is destroyed by Zayto’s Master Staff.

Rita Repulsa (Illusion)
Voiced By: Susan Brady
“The End”
The Rita Repulsa Illusion is an illusion created by the Nibyro Guardian to trap Lord Zedd on Nibyro by having him bicker with his wife for all eternity.