The Locations


Dinohenge is a group of six dinosaur statues in Pine Ridge that hold the Dino Fury Range r’s connection to the Morphin’ Grid. It is also the former location of their base until the six statues are destroyed by Lord Zedd.

Cosmic Cruiser
The Cosmic Cruiser is originally the underground fortress buried underneath Dinohenge that is converted into a spaceship the Cosmic Fury Rangers pilot to travel the universe.

Earth Rebellion Hideout
Earth Rebellion Hideout is an abandoned warehouse in Pine Ridge that is used by the Earth Rebellion to plan out their fight against Lord Zedd and Squid Ink Inc.

Aiyon’s Cafe
Aiyon’s Cafe is a cafe Aiyon opens in Pine Ridge after defeating the Nemesis Beast. He closes it temporarily during Lord Zedd’s invasion of Earth.

Villain Locations

Lord Zedd’s Mega Squid Drill
The Mega Squid Drill is Lord Zedd’s headquarters prior to him taking over Eltar.

Lord Zedd’s Fortress
Lord Zedd’s Fortress is a giant fortress he builds on Eltar and is used as his base of operations while he plans his conquest of the universe.

Squillia’s Mega Squid Drill
Squillia’s Mega Squid Drill is used as the base of operations for the invasion force that took over Earth.


Zordnia is the resting place many zords, which includes the Shogunzords and the Cosmic Fury Zords.
It is also the planet the Morphin’ Masters places the crystal containing Lord Zedd until he is released by Bajillia Naire.

Erridus is a desert planet that the Cosmic Fury Rangers escape to when Lord Zedd destroys Dinohenge. It has an atmosphere and gravity similar to Earth and is thirty million lightyears away from Earth. They are also home to worm-like aliens known as Scuttle Worms.

Levvina is a living planet whose entire plant life is connected through one mind. The Cosmic Fury Rangers travel here to find Zayto and fights Ollie and his group of of four monsters.

Eltar is the home of Zordon, the great wizard that sacrificed himself to destroy the United Alliance Of Evil. It becomes home base of Lord Zedd after he takes over the planet to lead his armies for an intergalactic invasion.

Akraal is a mining planet that was the resting place of the Cosmic Dragon Zord.