(Source: comicbook.com)
Playmates has release a FIRST LOOK at their Power Rangers titled MMPR Re-Ignition.
The first two type of toys unveiled in this line are main six Auto Morphin’ Figures & Combinable Dinozords.
Each Auto Morphin’ Figure will retail for $9.99 while the Combinable Dinozords will retail for $17.99.
Product Descriptions
Combinable Dinozords
Retail Price: $17.99
As the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers summon the spirits of their mighty Dinozords, they can take on Rita’s giant alien monsters and come together to form the Megazord! This incredible combination comes to life when you collect each of the five Power Ranger Dinozords and combine them to build the Battle Ready Megazord in two modes: Tank Mode and Fighting Mode!
Auto Morphin’ Figures
Retail Price: $9.99
With a simple press of the lever, each Power Ranger morphs from its teenage self to its Mighty Power Ranger hero! Collect all of the Power Ranger characters!