While we wait to see what Playmates has in store for PR toys next year, we’re still getting plenty of other officially licensed figures! Especially for adult collectors with more additions to Threezero’s FigZero line! That’s right! The Turbo Rangers are here!
After being displayed at this year’s Power Morphicon, these figures are finally up for pre-order!
You can choose to buy each Ranger or buy the team pack with all five Rangers to get them all at once. Will we see a Blue Senturion or a Phantom Ranger? Who knows? But, it doesn’t matter because these figures are pretty amazing on their own.
Take a look at the gallery and links below and see if you want your collection to shift into high gear!
Shift Into Turbo!
“The Power is Back!”
Official Description:
“If you would like to collect all the core members of the Turbo Power Rangers at once, the FigZero 1/6 Turbo Power Rangers Pack is for you! The pack includes the Red Turbo Power Ranger, Blue Turbo Power Ranger, Green Turbo Power Ranger, Yellow Turbo Power Ranger, and Pink Turbo Power Ranger. Each Turbo Power Ranger includes their main sidearms and their signature weapons.
Unlike purchasing each individually, the Turbo Power Rangers Pack exclusively includes interchangeable team-spirit posed thumbs-up hands, showcasing their debut formation! Additionally, bonus parts are included to unite all of their signature weapons in order to create the Turbo R.A.M.! The Turbo R.A.M. includes connection parts to convert it into cannon mode!”
Price: $480
Release Date: Summer 2025
Preorder Here: Big Bad Toy Store
Mountain Blaster: Turbo Power!
This might be the tallest figure Justin ever gets.
“The Blue Turbo Power Ranger includes his signature weapon, the Turbo Hand Blasters. Each Turbo Power Ranger includes an Auto Blaster and a Turbo Blade. The Auto Blaster can convert into Turbo Mode! Additionally, his accessories also include five sets of interchangeable hands to provide a wide range of display options.”
Price: $100
Release Date: Summer 2025
Preorder Here: Big Bad Toy Store
Desert Thunder: Turbo Power!
You can choose this to be either Adam, the teenager that spotted Elvis, or Carlos, the soccer star.
“The Green Turbo Power Ranger includes his signature weapon, the Turbo Thunder Cannon. Each Turbo Power Ranger includes an Auto Blaster and Turbo Blade. The Auto Blaster can even convert into Turbo Mode! Additionally, his accessories also include five sets of interchangeable hands to provide a wide range of display options.”
Price: $100
Release Date: Summer 2025
Preorder Here: Big Bad Toy Store
Dune Star: Turbo Power!
You got either Ashley, the fashion designer / mechanic, or Tanya, the girl with a very confusing backstory…
“The Yellow Turbo Power Ranger includes her signature weapon, the Turbo Star Chargers. Each Turbo Power Ranger includes an Auto Blaster and Turbo Blade. The Auto Blaster can even convert into Turbo Mode! Additionally, her accessories also include five sets of interchangeable hands, providing a wide range of display options.”
Price: $100
Release Date: Summer 2025
Preorder Here: Big Bad Toy Store
Wind Chaser: Turbo Power!
You can choose this to be Kat from Dimensions in Danger or Cassie from the famous band “Crash and the Creeps”
“The Pink Turbo Power Ranger includes her signature weapon, the Turbo Wind Fire. Each Turbo Power Ranger includes an Auto Blaster and Turbo Blade. The Auto Blaster can even convert into Turbo Mode! Additionally, her accessories also include six sets of interchangeable hands, providing a wide range of display options.”
Price: $100
Release Date: Summer 2025
Preorder Here: Big Bad Toy Store
Red Lightning: Turbo Power!
You can choose to pair this as another Tommy for your collection or have a tribute to the first African American Red Ranger, Theodore Jay Johnson.
“The Red Turbo Power Ranger contains his signature weapon, the Turbo Lightning Sword. Each Turbo Power Ranger includes an Auto blaster and Turbo Blade. The Auto Blaster can even convert into Turbo Mode! Additionally, his accessories include six sets of interchangeable hands to provide various display options.”
Price: $100
Release Date: Summer 2025
Preorder Here: Big Bad Toy Store