1 thought on “Boom! Studios January 2025 Covers Released! (Power Rangers Prime #3)

  1. I think that the ” ‘I Want To Believe’ Poster” comic book cover (which was clearly intended, or, at least implied, to be a reference to the “X-Files”) would have looked better if it had the Astro Megaship, Pyramidas, or some other spaceship themed zord, on it instead of the Turtle Folding Zord.

    Speaking of the “X-Files”, I would like to see Boom Studios and IDW Comics do a crossover comic book, or (preferably) a comic book series, between the “X-Files” and “Power Rangers”, preferably featuring references to the many different Power Ranger teams and zords of the “Power Rangers” franchise.

    I’m working on an unrelated “X-Files” fan fiction crossover story with the “Garfield” franchise that will have some references to “Power Rangers”, including a major, plot specific, cameo appearance by at least 2 (but possibly 3, or more) well known Power Ranger zords. So if an official “X-Files/Power Rangers” crossover story gets created by Boom Studios and IDW Comics, it would greatly help me, and fuel my imagination, to come up with background plot details for my fan fiction story.

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