Some Power Rangers seasons tend to have an episode where they have to either fight an ice themed monster that freezes them or dealing with freezing weather boarding on blizzard.
In this article, I will be listing every Power Rangers episode to feature a cold snap.
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Cold Episodes
Lions And Blizzards
Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 1
The Power Rangers win a trophy for their work in the annual Angel Grove Oddball Games, but Rita has it stolen and proceeds to turn it into Goatan.
Fourth Down And Long
Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 3
Rocky’s Uncle Joe arrives in Angel Grove to address the local football team before their game against Stone Canyon. Meanwhile, Rita & Zedd unleash Centiback, a creature with all the skills of a refined football player, with the ability to transform anything into legitimate footballs.
There’s No Business Like Snow Business: Part 1, 2 & 3
Season: Power Rangers Zeo
Reeling from a heartbreaking letter from Kimberly, the Zeo Rangers take a distraught Tommy to a ski lodge retreat.
When Time Freezes Over
Season: Power Rangers Turbo
Divatox’s attempts to launch a freeze key into the sun and cut the planet off from it’s heat but is hampered by the Turbo Rangers, so she enlists the aid of Clockster to turn back time so she can save the freeze key.
Five Of A Kind
Season: Power Rangers In Space
TJ convinces the Space Rangers to battle different Psycho Rangers than the ones that match their colors, hoping to confuse and weaken their enemies, but when this proves to be only a short-term solution, TJ elects to try a different and more confounding strategy.
Blue To The Test
Season: Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
Kai is forced to question his loyalties to Commander Stanton when he begins acting strangely. Following his gut instincts enables the Blue Galaxy Ranger to uncover the truth, and is soon pitted against Stanton himself in a mental and physical battle of wills.
In The Freeze Zone
Season: Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue
Carter is left on his own when the frigid Freezard captures his fellow Lightspeed Rangers.
Soul Bird Salvation
Season: Power Rangers Wild Force
As Princess Shayla cares for the Soul Bird, the Wild Force Rangers face the wrath of Retinax, one of Master Org’s Generals.
Return Of Thunder: Part 2
Season: Power Rangers. Ninja Storm
As the island begins to sink, the Wind Rangers learn the origins of the Thunder Rangers and continue in their valiant efforts to try to free Hunter of the spell he has been placed under.
Drawn Into Danger
Season: Power Rangers Dino Thunder
One of Trent’s idols, the renowned comic artist Carson Brady is given a new pen by Elsa, but when he uses it to illustrate a new comic, he traps the Dino Rangers in another dimension against an invincible monster.
The Snow Prince
Season: Power Rangers Mystic Force
Daggeron heeds advice from the wise Snow Prince and looks to Nick to teach him a few lessons on trusting his instincts.
Weather Or Not
Season: Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
When their zords are buried under tons of snow courtesy of a weather device unleashed by Moltor, the Overdrive Rangers seek to free them using the new Drill Driver tunneler, but Mack’s unwillingness to continue being a Power Ranger after jeopardizing an innocent life puts the whole endeavor at risk.
Past, Present And Fusion
Season: Power Rangers Dino Charge
A new teen finds his own Energem and joins Tyler & Shelby on their pilgrimage to the Dinosaur Museum, where they learn they are a part of the elite team called the Power Rangers. They are entrusted with protecting the Energems from a fierce bounty hunter named Sledge, who has returned and is more determined than ever to capture the Energems for himself.
Jam Session
Season: Power Rangers Dino Fury Season 2
Javi notices a powerful Dino Key on a band leader’s necklace. The Dino Fury Rangers power up to face off against Void Knight’s nasty new gizmo.