(Disclaimer: Please buy the comic before reading this review available at your local comic shop!) They can also be found by visiting findacomicshop.com or comicshoplocator.com
Wha-what are you doing here?
Cosmic Fury is premiering on Netflix right now! Last season of Dino Fury, last traditional season of Power Rangers. Why are you wasting your time with this? I’m sure not!
I was so busy with watching that I’m literally phoning this review in now! I’m not even at my house. I’m at work right now getting this done!
The Cover

Good. Next.
The Story
Zack and Trini have found themselves in an unknown location, fighting the Thralls for days, until Kim and Tommy arrive and help them. However, they’re all confused as to what they’re doing here as well. Aisha and Matt are here, as well, but Matt is all down in the dirt, now free from Mistress Vile’s spell, but not from the guilt trip of killing Grace. Tommy convinces him to get back up and fight more Thralls coming their way. However, Tommy soon realizes that there are too many and gets everyone out of the way while he tries to deal with the foot soldiers on his own.
Meanwhile, throughout the whole issue, Billy finds himself talking to a digital AI of Grace that was activated immediately from her death and sent him to a small pocket in the Morphin’ Grid. “Grace” informs him of all the information he had. The Master Arch that Grace discovered was created by the Morphinaut from the Power Rangers Universe mini-series, who closed the arch to keep Dark Specter in his own dimension. But now that Mistress Vile activated the Master Arch with the Zeo Crystal, Dark Specter’s power is now infecting the grid and is toxic to any Ranger. She tells him that as Power Rangers, they don’t give up hope and that it’s up to him to solve this problem.
Soon, Billy finds himself somewhere else entirely, along with one final gift from Grace: breakfast.
A super-sized breakfast!
Ending Thoughts
Let me sum this up since you waited so long:
MMPR #112 is an excellent sendoff for Grace’s character, teaching Billy all she can in her final moments, both knowledge and inspiration, in preparation for this year-long event.
Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid
- I’m not so much questioning why Matt tied himself up as to how. For starters, they’re on a crater in the middle of nowhere. Where did Matt find rope on that? And also, Aisha is clearly not on board with Matt’s attitude so she’s not the one to tie him up. Yeah, it is possible to tie yourself up, but I don’t think it would be typical Ranger training to learn how to do that.
- Also, the Power Eggs are one of the most obscure things to bring back and I can’t believe that somehow, since it’s here, it’s going to be important for this event.