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Previously on Power Rangers…
A big head talked to his corpse.
The Cover

It’s a good dynamic shot of our villains fighting… I still don’t care for that Zedd Ranger suit though.
The Story
So, Anti-Tommy opened the Master Arch and dragged Kiya back to his dimension, warning Trini and the other Omega Rangers that they need to close it.
On Earth, we’re having some lover spats with Zedd vs. Rita and Matt vs. Aisha (and all of the others).
The Vessel arrives, capturing Grace as she tried to escape. He manages to stop Zedd’s attack and protects Rita. Realizing the odds are not in his favor, Zedd makes a beeline for the nearest exit. Rita orders Vessel to kill Grace for trying to escape, but he says no.
Back with the Rangers, they catch Matt off guard by forcefully combining the Dragon Thunderzord together so that he is trapped in the cockpit. Billy and Tommy then take the Sword of Darkness and promptly smash it to bits. Even though Matt demorphs, something’s still wrong as he also teleports away.
Back on Safehaven, Alpha 1 tells Trini that it has zero idea as to what Drakkon was doing. Zack takes time to comfort Kevor since this was his first loss. He says that there’s no need to stress out about it since another fight is going to come eventually.
Eventually turns out to be the next issue…
Ending Thoughts
And, we’re back to the quality that’s ok for the most part, but nothing exceptional.
Not a ton of story developments nor are there really good character moments. It’s just a transition issue filled with action and it does its job.
Out of the gate, the best aspect of this whole issue is the action. The fight between the Rangers and Matt was well done. Not just because of seeing the Zords fight in the background, the fight itself is clever in its execution. It calls back to the beginning of this arc with the shot of Aisha and Matt and the original Green with Evil arc with the fight inside the Megazord cockpit, forcing the enemy into a closed space and turning the tables on them. It inverts it in a new and creative way, showing the strategies of the Rangers from their experience and being satisfying for long-term readers.
The Rita and Zedd fight is also amazing. While I still don’t like the Zedd Ranger in general, the fight between the two villains showed an epic display of power. Every attack, every move is so different now from the regular Ranger action. Both of their weapons are shown with such energy, their sparks and lighting literally fill entire panels. It puts both Rita and Zedd on an equal level, making the clash utterly memorable.
MMPR #109 delivers some pretty memorable Ranger action while setting up bit by bit what is coming next.
Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid
- The Drakkon and Kiya scenes are weird. Because it really does come off as “We’re going to a spinoff.”
- I said “beeline” for Zedd’s exit because well, there was actually no art showing how he left. For all we know, that could have been the case.