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It’s the end of the Christmas season and oh yeah, this is out now. I honestly wasn’t paying attention.
The Cover
Looks fine, but it’s just the Rangers in the cockpit. Nothing too exciting.
The Story
Zordon and Zophram are at a raging battle, but it turns out to be Dream Land, where Zedd reveals what happened in the present. Apparently, Zedd was going to all Gru and steal the moon. But then, out of nowhere, Mistress Vile and her companion, the Vessel, ripped through the Moon Palace’s defenses and now have possession of the Zeo Crystal.
Meanwhile, the girls are very upset that they left Matt and want to take action as soon as possible. Aisha breaks down in front of Matt and admits that she may have feelings for Matt. Billy consoles Kim after failing to contact the Omega Rangers. And, Grace suddenly realizes that even though Zordon can be blamed for this, she is also responsible for giving Matt the Morpher in the first place.
At Angel Grove Park, Bulk is trying to help Skull find meaning in staying on Earth when they come across Jason. Wait, what?
Before I can question that any further, a crystal monster attacks the city and the Rangers show up to fight it. Unfortunately, Kim is not having this today and summons the Firebird Thunderzord to destroy it from the air, killing it instantly.
Back at the Command Center, after Tommy and Kim argue about her escalating the fight, Grace reveals that both Mistress Vile’s forces and Matt have seemingly vanished from the moon, presumably going into deep space. Before they can make any plans to find them, Billy receives a distress call from the Omega Rangers. Soon, Rocky, Adam, Aisha, and Kim arrive at the destroyed Red Omegazord and find…
Ending Thoughts
Yeah, this was pretty good.
The emotional moments are written well and show all of them processing the potential loss of a Ranger. Even if I’m not 100% invested in Matt, the characters react to it how they should. They feel heartbroken, burdened, and angry. The strong writing allows you to sympathize with the character’s struggles. Even though my favorite one was the one page of Zordon and Grace relating to each other, the battle sequence stands out so much. Not just with the fun action sequence and the creative monster, but as a perfect demonstration of Kim’s anger. She’s tired of going through the same routine of losing the people around her. Her parents’ divorce, Matt the first time, Tommy the first time, almost all of her original friends actually died before to the Death Ranger, and now Matt’s second time. Which is why she violated one of Zordon’s rules. It goes back to the discussion between Rita and Zordon before, continuing the fight over and over again.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #103 questions the game as old characters return, both good and bad.
Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid
- Sooo… why is Jason still here? Don’t get me wrong. I like the character, but I thought the whole big thing was that his dad was moving out of the city and Jason was going to stay with him. I guess, his dad was planning to move to make sure Jason didn’t need to stay, then when Jason was forced to stay (for reasons he couldn’t disclose), he changed his mind? I don’t know. It just seems weird that he’s still here.
- There’s been a common criticism of the Omega Rangers in that they’re not good at their jobs. Needing the MMPR team’s help for the Empowered, the Empyreals, the Death Ranger, and now seemingly one robot… It’s a good way for them to be included in the overall narrative, but at the same time, yeah, it makes it look like getting rid of Kiya was the wrong move overall.