Boom! Studios has released covers and a plot synopsis for their Power Rangers comics releasing in March, which includes Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers #106 & MMPR/TMNT II #4.
Covers & Plot Synopsis
Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers #106
Writer: Melissa Flores
Artist: Simona Di Gianfelice
The Power Rangers and Omega Rangers join forces in an epic struggle against a friend-turned-foe! Mistress Vile’s diabolical scheme also comes to a head as she possesses an object of immeasurable power–and a sidekick with darker origins than the Power Rangers thought possible.
Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II #4
Writer: Ryan Parrott
Artist: Dan Mora
The penultimate issue heats up as the Mutant Rangers are in dire straits, but a familiar mentor brings new allies to turn the tide! But the battle also rages in Dimension X, where the hero and villain roles continue to blur as they fight old foes and unfamiliar monsters. The Mutant Rangers shouldn’t celebrate too soon though, as their worst enemy arrives in a monstrous new form!