While we’re all still waiting for the first wave of Ultimate figures, Super7 now has their next wave of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers ReAction figures available for pre-order. The ReAction line is a series of 3.75” figures with five points of articulation that represent the classic MMPR figures you may have gotten in the 90s.
Wave 3 is available for pre-order and each figure will be priced at $20 at retail. Check out all of the figures below and see if you want to buy any of them.
Guess Who’s Back?
From the White Light, MMPR White is joining the ReAction line! A classic for any Ranger fan!
Preorder Here: Entertainment Earth (November 2022) / Big Bad Toy Store (January 2023)
Ready For Oyster Stew?
Borrowing Tommy’s gear, the Armored Black Ranger is joining the ReAction line! (We do get a lot of merchandise for this form that was literally in show for less than 30 seconds, but hey. He looks good!)
Preorder Here: Entertainment Earth (November 2022) / Big Bad Toy Store (January 2023)
Aim for the Z!
Replacing the outdated Putties from before, the Z-Putty is joining the ReAction line! Doesn’t have any accessories, but at least it tied its shoes.
Preorder Here: Entertainment Earth (November 2022) / Big Bad Toy Store (January 2023)
Ready to assist Zordon at any time, Alpha 5 is joining the ReAction line! Alpha 5 really doesn’t get any love so something like this is always a plus in my book!
Preorder Here: Entertainment Earth (November 2022) / Big Bad Toy Store (January 2023)
Warrior Mode!
Powered up and ready for action, the Tigerzord Warrior Mode is joining the ReAction line! We recently got this figure revealed for the Retro Megazord line from Hasbro, but this figure still deserves a place on your team!
Preorder Here: Entertainment Earth (November 2022) / Big Bad Toy Store (January 2023)