Boom! Studios has released covers and a plot synopsis for their Power Rangers comics releasing in January, which includes Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers #104 & MMPR/TMNT II #2.
Covers & Plot Synopsis
Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers #104
Writer: Melissa Flores
Artist: Simona Di Gianfelice
Release Date: 01/18/23
Readers and longtime fans know Rita Repulsa as the Rangers’ first and most infamous adversary, but there’s more to her mysterious past!
Rita – now known as Mistress Vile – maintains Matt’s imprisonment and reveals new revelations about her history. She now seeks a prize for Dark Specter-one that he won’t be able to resist.
With new allies and an all-too-familiar minion, will the Morphin Grid be able to withstand Mistress Vile’s onslaught?
Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II #2
Writer: Ryan Parrott
Artist: Dan Mora
Casey Jones finds himself at odds with his former friends… and allied with Rita Repusla and General Krang!
But has his allegiance truly shifted, or is he under some kind of spell–one that the Turtles and the Rangers can break?
But our heroes have a lot on their plate: not only do Zordon and Alpha face certain doom, but an invasion threatens all of New York!