(Disclaimer: Please buy the comic before reading this review available at your local comic shop!)
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It’s been over a month since the previous issue of Godzilla vs Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers but we’re finally here at the finale! If you need to remember what happened in the last issue, here it is:
In this corner, we got a winged monkey, a golden scorpion, a slippery shark, a giant bee, and a Heisenberg lizard. In the other corner, we’ve got a really big, really old dragon!
Let’s Get Ready to Rumble!
The Cover
Although, there are elements in this cover that I can praise like how King Ghidorah takes up most of the comic and how it frames our heroes to the side. But, I stlll prefer Issue #4’s cover more. There’s just more interesting elements that it takes advantage of.
The Story
So…uh, turns out Rita’s army of monsters is still not enough to defeat King Ghidorah. Tommy finally gets back into the fight with the Dragonzord. While Godzilla fights King Ghidorah in the ocean, the 6 Rangers combine their Zords to make the Mega Dragonzord. The Rangers’ attack combined with Godzilla’s attack is enough to finally defeat King Ghidorah.
With that threat taken care of, Godzilla quickly eliminates the Xiliens’ ships, forcing Rita to travel to another dimension to escape. The King of Monsters also goes after the Rangers again since they’re the only thing that could challenge him. However, Zordon tells the Rangers about Rita’s departure and the team of heroes realizes that they also have no reason to stay and fight in this dimension.
As the Rangers safely return to their own dimension, Godzilla still reigns as supreme King of the Monsters. But, what about Rita…?
Ending Thoughts
Like the finale, Godzilla vs the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is exactly what you expect when you hear the title. A basic story that doesn’t expand much from its initial premise, cast, and characters with decent dialogue that does get a few jokes every now and then from our goofy cast of villains. You’re not going into this story for character development or plot twists. And, I really wasn’t expecting it in a story where the other half of the team-up is a character that can’t speak English or show any sign of intelligence.
Instead, what you’re going to get is some fantastic action sequences and artwork of giant monsters fighting giant robots. Like in the two-page spread of both Godzilla and the Mega Dragonzord firing their beams on both sides of King Ghidorah or when there’s an epic beam struggle between Godzilla’s Atomic Breath and the Mega Dragonzord’s gravity beams. All the artwork conveys the massive scale and scope of the battle between these massive giants and encapsulates just how cool this whole scenario is.
Godzilla vs the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers won’t be the most memorable of PR crossovers due to its basic premise, but it will be the most action-packed story of two giants coming together in an epic match with Earth on the line!
Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid
- I just realized Snizzard being included here when only a few weeks ago, he was revealed to be in the Lightning Collection is the closest thing we’ve got to the toyline tying into the comics.
- Like I said, this series is good for the people going into the trade paperbacks. This series couldn’t stick to a monthly release schedule for some reason so it did get to a point where the excitement of the releases did die down a bit.
- Also, it speaks volumes when the artist got confused by the coloring and in that final Command Center scene, we got two green Rangers now. (And why does Billy wearing green make him look like a nerdy Shaggy?)
- This ending might actually be my favorite PR crossover sequel bait. It’s the first one to explore the possibilities of a team-up that’s not MMPR. RPM, Dino Charge, Lord Drakkon vs. Showa, Heisei, and 2001 Godzilla? There are so many different things you could do with any of those scenarios… Like Showa Godzilla dropkicking the Dino Charge Megazord as it uses the Dino Gas Charger… or one of the Godzillas driving the Turbo Falcon Zord…
- By the way, shout out to @roboptera on Twitter for teaching me who those other Godzilla were! Thanks again!