Back a few weeks ago, Super 7 announced their translucent Super Cyborg Dragonzord figure along with their PMC exclusives. Recently, they announced the full color version of the Dragonzord so now there’s nothing holding you back from owning a Dragonzord! (Except if you want to wait for the Zord Ascension Project, or the Kurakiri version, or the Ultimates version, or if you already own one from all of the other variants throughout the years…)
Anyways, check out all of the official details below. Will this new installment be a part of your fleet of Zords?
Summon the Power of the Dragonzord!
Official Description:
“Whether combining with other Dinozords or just fighting on its own, the Dragonzord might be the most versatile tool the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers have to fight Rita Repulsa, Lord Zedd, and the rest of the villains who threaten Angel Grove! Standing 11” tall with seven points of articulation, the full color variant of the Super Cyborg Dragonzord features a removable chestplate that reveals its inner workings- including Mighty Morphin Green Ranger at its command! The full color Super Cyborg Dragonzord figure will be a stunning addition to your Mighty Morphin Power Rangers collection!“
Price: $85
Preorder Links: