Seems like every day we’re getting more and more San Diego Comic Con 2022 exclusives for Power Rangers. We’re still waiting to see if Hasbro has anything for Power Rangers for SDCC, but for now, we gotta give Icon Heroes some love for giving Power Rangers some love.
They have revealed two exclusives: a 24K Gold Plated Pin Set for the seven Power Coins from Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers and a metal 5-inch letter opener modeled after the Yellow Ranger’s Power Dagger!
The Power Coin set will sell for $105 while the Dagger Opener will sell for $40. Both items will be limited to 500 items and will be available at Booth #3245. A limited amount will also be available on July 8th on their official website: iconheroes.com. For those of you going to SDCC this year, will any of these be making your way into your collection?
Power Coin Set
Power Dagger Letter Opener