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Normally, we get the cover analysis in the next section, but there’s something on the cover we got to address: the “Charge to 100” sticker.
As of now, between this series and the Power Rangers series, this issue is technically the 90th issue of Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers. The 100th issue of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers will be released in September (presumably as Mighty Morphin Issue #23).
Now, what does this mean in terms of storylines we’re getting?
Beats me.
We’ve been having a lot of “events” when it comes to the main series, starting with Shattered Grid and then with this “countdown”. So, while this is a cool thing, a lot of comic book series rarely get to 100 issues, these next few issues from both series will have to do a lot to draw readers, both new and old, in.
The Cover
Cool shot. Love seeing the remains of the Command Center and the bright lighting it has.
The Story
Promethea delivers Zordon back to the ruins of the Command Center so as to not split security guarding both him and the Command Center. Zordon expresses his gratitude for helping them out, but Matt and Grace aren’t having it. Rocky calls Matt and thanks him again for helping him out. Although the Zords are being used to power a force field around the area, Rocky still wishes he could help out and Matt has an idea for that.
On Aegus V, the Rangers swim to the Command Center but as soon as they get near it, they are attacked by a squad of squid people. (We never get their actual names so that’s what all I can say.) A fight briefly breaks out with the squid people thinking the Rangers are from the Eltarian Empire, but Aisha quickly resolves the misunderstanding. The Rangers can’t take the Command Center as it is being used to protect the squid people’s eggs, but they are allowed to use the Command Center’s instruments to find another one. And that’s how the Rangers decide on where to go next: the Lion Galaxy.
Back on Earth, Rocky gives his siblings a big surprise from the “competition” Rocky “entered”: a day with the Green Ranger! And so all of them go to the ruins of the Command Center. And, before they can hang out, guess who just happens to show up, claiming they’re taking over Earth?
Ending Thoughts
Filler issue, but a good one.
Literally every scene with Rocky’s siblings is the main highlight for this issue. They’re cute, adorable dorks and every piece of dialogue they get is amazing.
It’s good that Zordon and Grace are slowly repairing their relationship. For Grace, it’s been years thinking that Zordon is this arrogant jerk. Protecting the Earth from Eltarians is a good first step, but we’ll see what else Zordon does in the future. (I say it’s good for Grace. Matt, however, is still not on my good side in this matter).
For Power Rangers in general, we don’t get a lot of underwater sequences so it’s cool that it was attempted here. On the action side, it doesn’t do anything new that takes advantage of the environment. But, on the art side, the environment does convey the wonder of the ocean with some great coloring and background details. For the story, it makes sense that the hunt for a new Command Center isn’t as straightforward as you think. And, from where we’re going next, I’m pretty excited to see more references to the world of PR.
Mighty Morphin #18 starts off our count to issue #100 with a day out with the Green Ranger and a casual swim fishing for a new Command Center.
Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid
- Points Added Against Matt: Not having a single ounce of respect for someone turning their back on their entire world to help protect others (This is the thing I’m most angered by. Grace has an excuse to still be mad at him. Matt doesn’t have a good one. He wasn’t even there when Zordon demanded the Power Coin back from Grace.) and not being aware of all of the children you’re supposed to help watch (Seriously, how does someone not take stock of twins? Did he believe they fused with the dance?)
- Wouldn’t it have been amazing if the Z Wave happened just because someone slipped on the controls of that crane and the tube cracked?
- Zordon brought up Terona. Where is he anyway? Why haven’t we seen him in so long?
- Though I like the detour, I still think it was a wasted opportunity not to make this planet Aquitar. A lot of the story here would be the same if it was Aquitians. Unless you didn’t want us to think about Delphine laying eggs and… Ok, never mind.
- Having a Sentai reference (“Captain Marvelous”) just for funsies is great and I want more of that.
- Apparently, Dragon Ball X is a thing. (Also, Fusion Dance reference.)
- I mean, I know we needed an excuse as to why the Green Ranger is taking all of Rocky’s siblings on this day trip, but I’m wondering if they know that Rocky was Matt’s friend before becoming a Ranger.
- …After reading the comments, I just realized that “Dr. Zaskin” is one of the scientists from Time Force at Bio Lab. He was here last issue too and I can’t believe I didn’t pay attention to it.